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Everything posted by candide

  1. First description here: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/27/politics/paul-pelosi-attack-video-release/index.html It looks like Fox News was faster to show the video https://www.foxnews.com/video/6319364901112
  2. Well, continuous growth, job claims down, inflation down, energy independence up, oil and gas export up.....
  3. There's something fishy about this investigation! Durham should be investigated! "Mr. Durham used Russian intelligence memos — suspected by other U.S. officials of containing disinformation — to gain access to emails of an aide to George Soros, the financier and philanthropist who is a favorite target of the American right and Russian state media. Mr. Durham used grand jury powers to keep pursuing the emails even after a judge twice rejected his request for access to them. The emails yielded no evidence that Mr. Durham has cited in any case he pursued." https://electionlawblog.org/?p=134470
  4. That was long time ago. The cooperation started in 2010. Israel had not been considered as an enemy for years before the normalization agreement. "Israel–United Arab Emirates relations had been jagged and fueled by mutual distrust and hatred for several decades, but in the 2010s, the countries' informal relations improved considerably and they began engaging in extensive unofficial cooperation based on their joint opposition to Iran's nuclear program and regional influence.[1][2] In 2015, Israel opened an official diplomatic mission in Abu Dhabi to the International Renewable Energy Agency.[3][4][5]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel–United_Arab_Emirates_relations
  5. It was a cooperation or normalisation agreement, so nice for them. However They did not make peace because they were not in conflict. An agreement between Israel and parties in conflict, such as Syria, Iran or the Palestinians, could be called a peace agreement, but it Didn't happen.
  6. It's you who is diffusing baseless conspiracy theories.
  7. On top of not being neighbouring, these countries were not in conflict with Israel. No previous conflict => no peace agreement
  8. Lying now? Or did you reply without even reading the full article in the OP? Title of the article: "M&M's says its killing its 'spokescandies' after conservatives were outraged that the green one didn't wear go-go boots anymore"
  9. So now you change target, It's not any more the left, it's me. ???? If you had read my posts and those of other non right-wing posters (see the first page of this thread, for example), the content was that it was ridiculous from the right-wing to be outraged, and that there are more important issues. This thread would have died if right-wing posters had not continuously trying to derail it by pretending it was the left which was outraged, and also by pushing a ridiculous conspiracy theory. So It's a non issue and It's a ridiculous conservative outrage. Then why are right-wing members continuously posting in this thread In order to distract attention from the conservatives? Get a life!
  10. You and the other poster have been desperately trying to derail this topic with an imaginary claim. There is no mention of the left in the OP. The OP is only about conservatives being ridiculously outraged.
  11. I would think he is ridiculous, just as I think he was ridiculous to be outraged about MM figures changing shoes (and also the other right-wing nutters who made a fuss about it in the social media.
  12. Exactly! It shows how ridiculous Carlson and the other right-wing nutters are. No reason to get outraged about it!
  13. And we can expect that several truncated or edited bits will be diffused in tweets by the MAGA folks.
  14. Well, they cannot defend him, because he behaved in the same way as Biden, so it would mean to indirectly defend Biden. They also cannot attack him because he's a Republican, Trump did much worse than him, and they have been claiming it was only a political witch hunt. Actually, it will completely destroy the basis of their accusation of double-standards. When both Biden and Pence won't be charged, unlike Trump, they won't be able to claim double standard. It's actually a benediction for Garland! ????
  15. Well, they did not consider it as a case of "lol", and claimed conservatives were effectively outraged. You claimed It's not true that conservatives were outraged. I showed you a conservative media claiming they have been outraged.
  16. What game are you playing? Are you trolling? It's not about changing footwear. It's about your stupid claim that M&Ms would have Tucker denigrate their brand on Fox.
  17. I am not her to display my CV but I know how Denigrating the brand in front of 4 million viewers raises the signal "I can be fired for that" so if not kicked out from the start, it will be sent for approval to higher levels, and higher levels will never approve it. what you need to understand is that a company spending around $100 million every year in advertising to build a strong brand will never take any risk to damage the brand. It's not like Mr Pillow making buzz on Fox News.
  18. So the conservative NYPost is misleading his conservative readers by reporting a conservative outrage. Good luck with that one! ????
  19. It may have the effect you describe. However, it remains that there was a conservative outrage accusing Microsoft of being woke for trying to decrease energy consumption. Critics slam new ‘carbon aware’ Xbox console: ‘The woke brigade has come for video games’ https://nypost.com/2023/01/24/critics-slam-new-carbon-aware-xbox-console/
  20. Except that it wasn't an advert promoting a brand, it was exactly the opposite. It was about denigrating the brand on TV in front of around 4 million viewers, not promoting it. Any advertiser proposing it to a well established brand would be kicked out. You obviously have absolutely no idea of how advertising campaigns are assessed and decided in large consumer product groups with high brand equity, such as the Mars group. This is not like the usual SME trying to generate some buzz.
  21. Wow! The guy who may have sold it to the board of the company must have really exceptional rethorical skills! ????
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