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Everything posted by candide

  1. Deflection. You claimed Biden was trying to shake hands with a ghost. I've shown it was B.S.
  2. Deflection. It's not a thread about the other guy! ???? Anyway, I've shown your claim about politifact was not valid. I'm not going the check all the "media" now....
  3. U.S. arms manufacturers surely made a lot of money during WW2. Does it imply that the U.S. should not have supported UK and other countries, and that it shouldn't have fought against Germany and Japan? As you mentioned in another post, not all wars are justified. For example the Irak invasion was not. Some others are, such as Ukraine fighting against a facist invader. Whatever the war, just or not, arms manufacturers will make money. It is not an indicator wether a particular conflict is justified or not.
  4. Lol! That's why they caught Biden making false statements on several occasions! ???? https://www.politifact.com/personalities/joe-biden/
  5. And as usual, it's B.S.! "Biden was gesturing toward his audience, not shaking hands with “thin air” https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/apr/19/facebook-posts/biden-was-gesturing-towards-his-audience-not-shaki/
  6. Or more examples of his trolling technique: have other posters lose their time looking for references, while spending the strict minimum of time on writing comments.
  7. On top of it, your allegations about these "dealings" with Russia have not been proven and it's likely another GOP fake news. "Two Republicans on a Senate investigation committee in 2020 claimed that Russian businessperson Yelena Baturina, the wife of former Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov, wire-transferred $3.5 million in 2014 to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, of which Biden had previously been a partner. The Washington Post reported in April 2022 that the partners of Rosemont Seneca Thornton had agreed to dissolve the organization before the 2014 wire transfer, though it continued to be operated by Devin Archer to facilitate real estate transactions for eastern and central Asia investors, while Biden was uninvolved. Archer received the $3.5 million wire from Baturina to purchase property in Brooklyn, New York.[31] The Senate report cited unspecified confidential documents and gave no evidence that Biden personally accepted the funds.[99] Biden's attorney denied the report, saying Biden had no financial relationship with the woman and no stake in the partnership that received the money, nor did he co-found the partnership.[100][101] However, Trump's White House spokeswoman Alyssa Farah repeated the claim, and in a press conference Trump repeatedly asserted that Biden received millions of dollars from the former mayor's wife.[99]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden
  8. Trump told a lot of B.S. (I.e. inject bleach, covfefe, etc...). Anti-Trumpers were have not been clamouring for him to resign because of that, as they didn't need to. There were much more serious and relevant reasons to clamour for him to resign
  9. So it's hypothetic. Well, his behaviour doesn't support this hypothesis so far.
  10. Impeached for what? Not abusing his power to ask foreign governments to discredit his political opponent? Not trying to overturn elections and causing an assault on the Capitol? Not asking a Secretary of State to find him 11,000 votes? Not refusing to give back presidential documents to the NARA?
  11. UK not globalist after Brexit? ???? "The Government began using the phrase “Global Britain” shortly after the 2016 referendum to reflect, in the words of then Prime Minister Theresa May: “our ambitious vision for Britain after Brexit”. Boris Johnson, as Foreign Secretary, speaking in the same year, affirmed the Government’s intent to continue to run a “truly global foreign policy”. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cdp-2021-0002/ Global Britain in a competitive age: The Prime Minister’s vision for the UK in 2030 Boris Johnson, March 16, 2021 https://www.fenews.co.uk/fe-voices/global-britain-in-a-competitive-age-the-prime-minister-s-vision-for-the-uk-in-2030/
  12. Note: I made some searching on the Internet before, and it seems that for the same strain name, there are different % of THC indicated, and also different % of sativa/Indica, according to different websites. Here's my try from Ganjawitch in Pattaya. They grow their own stuff so not sure It's the same with other brands Sativa Super Silver Haze: sold as 27% THC. It was a very strong stuff, so it may be true. Similar effect as other strong Sativa dominant strain I smoked before. Very energizing, I could not stay seated during one or two hours. After the effect has gone away, leaves a clear mind Hybrid They do their own hybrids. From the Internet, different hybrid strains are supposed to have different proportions of Sativa/Indica, but they told me they are all 50%. Not if It's true, or if the guy in the shop was too lazy to care (well, It's Thailand). I enjoyed the hybrids more than the Sativa dominant strains, because I felt more well-being, while being enough stimulated. Blue dream: good stuff, well-balanced effect. Not easy to remain seated at the beginning, but ok after 40/60 mn. Good but not amazing. Sold as 20% THC Runtz: clearly higher quality effect than the others. Quite good well-being effect in all parts of the body, while being also energizing enough. The effect seems to come by successive waves, which are a bit different from each other. Sold as 20% THC. I will buy it again for sure.
  13. I bought 3 different premium weed in Ganjawitch, Soi 11. Good stuff and quite strong, as strong as what I bought before in a cannabis club in Barcelona. No idea if It's better or worse than the other shops.
  14. Russia knows that if it starts a nuclear war, it will be also fully destroyed. Even the "small" nuclear powers, UK and France, are able to destroy Russia.
  15. There is a rumour saying that the U.S. had warned Russia that it will destroy Russian tactical nuclear missile launchers if they are moved towards Ukraine. They have a max range of 300 km and are under satellite watch. It's been evoked by military experts. No idea if it is true or not, but it makes sense.
  16. I don't understand. Do you mean Biden is opposing Russia because of Hunter's dealings in Russia?
  17. If you want to make this argument properly, you need to deduce the number of new people on the job market from the number of retiring people
  18. As opposed to Brexiteers who only make their own decisions after having carefully checked facts and data! ????
  19. From a tactical point of view, it may make sense to refuse entry. If they can flee rather than being trapped in Russia, it somehow reduces the potential pressure on Putin,
  20. What a waste of time and money for nothing. (3 years and $4 million spent). A witch hunt launched to please Trump.
  21. The end of the question was "if they believe it was wrongly decided.". OK. However, do you have any doubt that MAGA candidates will declare that they believe it was wrongly decided.? You know, the ones who also declared the 2020 election was rigged and did not commit to accept the midterm elections result. The candidates have shown they may challenge the results if they lose, and the MAGA films have shown they are ready to believe them. Additionally, the comparison between replies from Republican respondents and Dem respondents is eloquent.
  22. Have you read the article? This was a question for the Republicans only, asking for whom they would vote if the Republican primaries were held today. So 1% more Republican would vote for Trump at primary elections, well below the margin of error of 2.9%. The title is misleading (which is not surprising, coming from a pro-conservative organisation.
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