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Everything posted by candide

  1. I am not advocating, It's just my experience. Which strain was sold at 1200? When I bought weed there in August the max price was 900 (buds, 1g joints were cheaper). How do you know It's not that good? Did you try? I have the impression from your post that you did not buy anything from them. Anyway,thanks for the tip about bud tender, I will try next time. Is it the price for buds, or for pre-rolled joints?
  2. Not sure. There may be a significant share of conscious liars too.
  3. Court accidentally unsealed, then deleted, documents from the Mar-a-Lago case describing information the FBI seized from Trump "The logs, shared by Bloomberg, describe a trove of documents that include government records and communications from outside parties, including handwritten notes by Trump while on phone calls. Others describe medical records and legal documents Justice Department officials believe should be excluded from the investigation." https://www.businessinsider.com/log-mar-a-lago-docs-posted-online-court-filing-deleted-2022-10?r=US&IR=T I wonder which ones Trump wanted to hide?
  4. Some of them already published in SK, but there may be others.... https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-self-described-love-letters-223355294.html
  5. Raised "politically" surely doesn't mean raised as a kid, as you claim. Biden started his political career at Wilmington, which hasn't a tiny Latino polpulation. He has also been involved with Porto-rico during his career. Quote: "And so I — I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically. And so, we — and we came here for a long time, both for business and pleasure, since you’re part of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and Delaware is as well. And I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee. I spent a lot of time in the northern part of the state. A politician showing (and maybe overstating) his proximity with his audience, what a big deal! ????
  6. Distorting information, as usual. He said exactly that: "And so I — I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.”
  7. The JV has been officiqly created and registered. This is not secret. Joe is not a shareholder.
  8. I know it's expensive. Same as other shops. Best stuff at 800/900 per g. In Spain it's half this price. It's not very critical for me as it's strong stuff and I also don't smoke much.
  9. Because anti-vax propaganda was mainly diffused by particular political side and it may be interesting to know its impact?
  10. It's actually what may determine the final outcome: the ability of one camp to produce weapons faster than the other. Similar to WW2.
  11. I am surprised no conspiracy theorist has suggested that they have bribed Putin to start a war! ????
  12. Facts, no thanks!???? Known fact: Covid death rate is higher for unvaccinated people Known fact,: vaccination rate was significantly lower among Republicans. So there is absolutely no reason to doubt about a study confirming that the COVID death rate is higher in a group with a lower rate of vaccination.
  13. The data is provided by the States (ex Florida). Another lame conspiracy theory.
  14. Correlated by the rate of vaccination, an obvious explanation corroborated by many studies (death rate related to vaccination rate) . As to "who counts", GOP voters are more likely to live in GOP states or precincts. Do you mean that GOP politicians and officials are more likely to overcount the number of Covid deaths than Dems? ????
  15. Impotent against SCOTUS, as anyone. However, we don't know how the SC will rule. It already rejected Trump's claims several times in the past. Against FPOTUS, that's another story. There is unambiguous factual evidence and it doesn't look good for Trump.
  16. And here's why the NHS budget increased https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/positions/nhs-funding
  17. Yet, when people like the poster to whom I replied, or like you, are asking this question, it means they should have in mind a criteria, ex. an income bracket for "wealthy people", in order to assess the reply. Alternatively, they may just be trolling and waiting for any reply in order to claim It's wrong., whatever the reply made. So, according to you, what is the income bracket for "wealthy", smartass? How can someone ask another poster to define something he is not himself able to define? ????
  18. And for you? From which income bracket could people be considered as wealthy?
  19. A rationale which has little to do with reality. The current situation is rather good re people who are officially unemployed (and can get unemployment benefits), as there are less unemployed people than ob vacancies. The problem is older people not participating in the job market. These people may be excluded by age limits defined by recruiters, or may not be adapted to the job vacancies, I.e. not fit for hard physical job and difficult or for jobs requiring specific skills. "Over one in four (27 per cent) people aged 50 to 64 are neither in work nor looking for work – up from 25.4 per cent two years ago. Experts are urging employers to adopt more flexible working policies and remove age-bias from their recruitment processes to attract older workers to fill surging vacancies. “The UK workforce participation crisis is continuing – driven by older workers leaving the labour market,” "With 246,000 fewer people aged 50 to 64 participating in the workforce, “companies are missing out on the positive impact older workers can bring,” she continued." https://www.bigissue.com/news/employment/the-uk-has-more-job-vacancies-than-unemployed-people-for-the-first-time/
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