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Everything posted by candide

  1. It's the mediocre white males who are misogynistic and racist. 😀 Other white males don't care.
  2. A good list of Trump's lies, all debunked by the Republican Raffensberger! 😀 https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/16/politics/fact-check-trump-georgia-indictment-lies/index.html
  3. Choosing the most likely option, by far, is not "speculating wildly". Assuming that a slave women had sex with her master because she liked it, is indeed "speculating wildly".
  4. A theory in which slaves were not forced to be there and have sexual relationships with their all-poweful master, in order to survive! 😀
  5. You just did in your previous post! 😀 "I'm always amused that the same people that claim Trump has to run to stay out of jail, are the same ones that are outraged that the Supreme Court gave him immunity for everything. "
  6. Lol! Soon you will ask me for proof that African people were forced to be there, that they were treated badly and that raping slaves was not prosecuted.! 😀 "The biases in the gene pool toward enslaved African women and European men signals generations of rape and sexual exploitation against enslaved women at the hands of White owners," https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/26/us/dna-transatlantic-slave-trade-study-scn-trnd/index.html
  7. Talking about teleprompter... 😀 Trump blames 'airports' gaffe on teleprompter https://www.bbc.com/news/48885319
  8. Most female slaves who had sex with their masters were forced to do it, just as they were forced to be slave. Are you not aware of it? So statistically, this is the most likely case.
  9. A true Trumper! He scammed MAGA supporters. 😀
  10. You are making it up again. Show us a reliable source stating the SC gave him immunity for "everything".
  11. A descendant of a black woman raped by a slave owner would be more accurate.
  12. He's not stupid, after all. He prefers to give other people's money. 😀
  13. Obviously a true MAGA, as he has adopted the classical conspiracy theories! 😀
  14. Black Americans often have a white ancestor, as it was quite frequent for slave owners to have forced sex with their female slaves......
  15. Absolutely not. It's Trump who claimed the 2016 election was rigged by voter fraud. Before the election, as polls were predicting a Clinton win. He even claimed it after the election and created an investigation commission ,(which found nothing as each and every Republican committee). He started to claim it in 2020, as soon as polls were showing a Biden lead. He will claim it again if he thinks that Kamala may win. 😀
  16. I am not sure Trump won't attend the debate. However, I can already predict that Trump will soon claim that the election is rigged.
  17. As I predicted, MAGAs are now posting that age is not a problem,! 😀
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