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Everything posted by candide

  1. It was a Republican government, so those who were Republican at that time were supporting it.
  2. Not weak. It shows he's a complete moron: In case you did not get it: “This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it.
  3. The people who believe the rigged election B.S.also believed the WMD B.S. (well, for those who are old enough). 😀
  4. They didn't need his suggestions either. The moron doesn't even know the difference between viruses and bacteria, and he thought he may be able make valuable suggestions! 😀 "Asked by a journalist about the level of testing for the coronavirus across the US, the president answered: “This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-antibiotics-coronavirus-white-house-briefing-brilliant-enemy-genius-idiot-a9460636.html
  5. He tried to be interesting and what he said was ridiculous. As if scientists would have needed his advices... 😀
  6. This, and other things he said during the pandemic, is showing that Trump is unable to face a major crisis, without reacting in a childish and selfish way.
  7. I tend to disagree. He perfectly knows he's lying. As to his MAGA base, a share of it also know he's lying but don't care.
  8. And Crowdstrike is Ukrainian, according to Trump! 😀
  9. Blah blah! I have linked sources showing that the wealth of the richest people increased more under Trump/ year than under Biden. Meanwhile you haven't shown any data. Just trolling, as usual.
  10. I read it. I was comparing with what I already knew from the next years. I thought you also knew it as you made claims about the rich becoming richer under Biden 😁 It seems you did not really know what you were talking about, as usual... Here's a link, proudly posted by your pal Impulse. https://inequality.org/great-divide/billionaire-wealth-up-88-percent-over-four-years/
  11. I read it and you did not provide any contradicting data. So I rephrase In any event, the 400 richest people got even richer/year under Trump than under Biden.
  12. So the 400 richest people in the U.S. became even richer per year under Trump than under Biden. Do you have data showing it was not the case for the other rich people? 🤔
  13. If you want to use this argument, the rate at which rich were becoming richer was higher under Trump. 😀 "The 400 richest Americans are now 40% richer than they were last year—worth a collective $4.5 trillion—and those ranks have been bolstered by the addition of 44 new entrants, the highest number of newcomers since 2007. " https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2021/10/05/meet-the-44-newcomers-joining-the-forbes-400-list-of-americas-richest-people/?sh=4d708d0f297d
  14. Compared to the other developed countries, which ate subject to the same global inflation and also increased their debt because of the Covid and post-Covid crisis, Biden has led the most impressive recovery. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  15. He just led what is, by far, the best post-Covid economic recovery among developped countries. 😀
  16. It's certainly better than believing RT propaganda....
  17. According to the OP the population of the neighbourhood is primarily composed of British Asian.
  18. Ooops! I was mislead by the use of the word "moron". I wouldn't call Musk a moron, as he has been a true entrepreneur. A bit crazy, certainly (I Guess daily micro-doses of LSD didn't help.
  19. Talking about idiotic explanation! 😀 If Trump had not refused to give documents back, not hid them and not lied about it, there would be no Trump documents trial. By doing so, he proved intent beyond reasonable doubt.
  20. If Trump is elected, crooked politicians (starting with Trump) will lead the country. 😀
  21. Good decisions. It can be now extensively tested on pets.
  22. "One unexplored reason why Russia felt safe in invading Ukraine was that the European members of NATO were too weak to offer any effective deterrence." So we can agree that NATO was not a threat to Russia! 😀
  23. He has founded an anti-corruption NGO. I guess the NACC doesn't like competition from real anti-corruption organisations.
  24. The moron inherited his wealth. His only really profitable business was TV shows
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