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Everything posted by candide

  1. As usual, when you have nothing to reply, you are trolling... 😀
  2. It's a lame argument because he was just one of the students in the background, as his school teacher was the main character. It's no proof that he is particularly related to Blackrock https://nypost.com/2024/07/15/us-news/blackrock-pulls-ad-that-featured-trump-shooter-thomas-matthew-crooks/
  3. Lame argument. The video focused on a teacher at his high school, with Crooks sitting in class among other students. https://nypost.com/2024/07/15/us-news/blackrock-pulls-ad-that-featured-trump-shooter-thomas-matthew-crooks/ 😀
  4. I see you don't deny that Trump is an old incoherent crook! 😀 Smartness is certainly a relative concept. However compared to the dotard MAGA candidate, she's at least able to reason logically and argue with precision, without ranting about showers, sharks,and other B.S.
  5. So, to sum up: the choice is now between a relatively young and smart women, and an old incoherent crook! I like that! 😀
  6. There is no data about the rich getting richer in your source. Did you read it? It seems not. You do that a lot. 😀
  7. So you made a claim you are not able to back with data. Did you just repeat what you read in right-wing media? On top of it, if you don't define "the rich" and which indicator you were referring to, how can a comparison with the situation under Trump be made?
  8. I replied to your claim that the rich got richer under Biden. So what is this "rich" category you were mentioning and what has been their wealth increase under Biden?
  9. Ok, I correct my assertion. When this trend started, the billionaires ldid 3 times better under Trump than under Biden. I assume it is a relevant indicator for the "rich" category evoked by Yellowtail. Yellowtail (who never defined this category) disagrees with it, while providing no data, as usual.
  10. Absolutely not. Most Trump voters in that age range were already Republican at that time, and they were massively supporting the invasion of Irak.
  11. You wrote a deflection and then accuse someone else to deflect from your lame deflection. 🙂
  12. And, unlike Trump, relatively young and without any sign of dementia! 😀
  13. Actually, it's you who deflected when you replied to my post, which was about Trump's ridiculous show of ignorance. 😀
  14. Actually, I must admit the first link was not very clear. Here's more from the second source https://inequality.org/great-divide/updates-billionaire-pandemic/ "The combined fortune of the nation’s 660 billionaires as of Monday, January 18, 2021 was $4.1 trillion, up 38.6% from their collective net worth of just under $3 trillion on March 18, 2020" "On March 18, 2024, the country has 737 billionaires with a combined wealth of $5.529 trillion," That's + 35% compared to January 18, 2021. To sum up In less than one year under Trump, +38% In three years under Biden ÷35%
  15. I did not make up false economic claims. I have posted sources showing that the trend of rich people becoming significantly richer (for the billionaire population as tracked by Fortune), started under Trump in 2020 with the highest increase in both wealth and number of billionaires. The trend went on under Biden at a decreasing rate. You have posted zero data to contradict it and just repeated "you did not read them" like a trolling broken record.
  16. Well, we can start with this thread. How many links did you post? 0 I saw several links posted by what you call lefties, several posts from you, 0 links.
  17. Say people who nearly never post links to back their assertions.. This is laughable. 😀
  18. I know and corrected it in another post. My financial status has nothing to do with it, as I did not inherit a large amount of money and my father did not pay my debts. As to Musk, he's not a moron and is a real entrepreneur. He's a bit crazy but it often goes with being an entrepreneur. Having said that, managing a mature business requires other skills, so he may not be so good at it.
  19. It was a Republican government, so those who were Republican at that time were supporting it.
  20. Not weak. It shows he's a complete moron: In case you did not get it: “This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it.
  21. The people who believe the rigged election B.S.also believed the WMD B.S. (well, for those who are old enough). 😀
  22. They didn't need his suggestions either. The moron doesn't even know the difference between viruses and bacteria, and he thought he may be able make valuable suggestions! 😀 "Asked by a journalist about the level of testing for the coronavirus across the US, the president answered: “This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-antibiotics-coronavirus-white-house-briefing-brilliant-enemy-genius-idiot-a9460636.html
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