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Everything posted by candide

  1. Trump told them to head to the Capitol, he wanted to go there and watched TV during 3 hours doing nothing. Actually, That's one of the problem and the topic of this thread: the President and Commander in Chief watched his followers violently storm the Capitol and did nothing to stop it during 3 hours. Nothing, nada, walooo! The rest of your post is composed of loads of debunked B.S.
  2. Deflection..... BTW, if Biden candidates in 2024 and loses, I am sure he will not try to overturn elections and will not ask Kamala Harris to reject vote certifications.
  3. Come on, not this false equivalence again! They did not storm the Capitol in order to steal elections, they did not conspire to produce lists of fake electors, they were not acting according to lies served to them (black people have been really killed by the Police), etc... and no POTUS was involved.
  4. That's how compulsive liars behave. They end up believing their own lies. The hearings have confirmed he's been told many times that it was B.S., so it was a denial of reality.. In either case, being a liar and cheater, or living in an alternate reality, are fundamentally not what is expected from a President. ????
  5. The OBR doesn't invent the statistics it used, which are CPB, OECD and ONS. As for its assessment, other reports from other sources come to similar conclusions. Anyway, if you think the OBR analysis is biased why don't you show us an analysis from a reliable source, which contradicts the OBR. ????
  6. They didn't line up. Most of them just continuated the agreements they signed with the EU. Actually, UK exports to non EU countries even decreased. "However, there is little sign to date of UK goods exports to non-EU countries making up for lower exports to the EU, with the former down 18 per cent on 2019 levels.b" "While additional trade with other counties could offset some of the decline in trade with the EU, none of the agreements concluded to date are of a sufficient scale to have a material impact on our forecast." https://obr.uk/box/the-latest-evidence-on-the-impact-of-brexit-on-uk-trade/
  7. Well, at least he lost elections by large. Not sure about his wealth. From the available information, he lost money with his undertakings and made money on TV. So only 50% loser on this dimension. ????
  8. He was the Commander in Chief. He could have ordered the National Guard to stop the mob. That was his duty.
  9. A bit if fun about one if the conspirers ???? https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2022/07/22/josh-hawley-video-january-6-running-dlt-vpx.cnn
  10. Political, really? He was found guilty by a jury, and the judge has been nominated by Trump.
  11. To pay the pensions of the British (ex) employees and members of European Institutions.
  12. The moron, who incidentally was the Commander in Chief, just watched the mob assaulting the Capitol and did nothing. ????
  13. These hearings just confirmed what we already knew: Trump is a loser, a liar and a cheat!
  14. You are assuming that the reason for the lower participation rate is low wages. It's not what I read in articles about it. Reasons often evoked are that people are bored with <deleted> jobs, extensive working hours, and other reasons such as childcare or early retirement. "The share of the population that is working or looking for work remains 1.2 percentage points below their February 2020 values, as Americans that left work during the pandemic are coming back slowly due in part due to childcare and early retirement. source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics" https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/labor-force-participation-rate#:~:text=Labor Force Participation Rate in the United States averaged 62.85,percent in December of 1954. You are also assuming that the non-participating population would be able to do such agricultural hard work. This is far from obvious. Young and energetic people don't can find work rather easily. I would rather assume that the non-participants are not very fit (I.e. in the oldest age range, over 50) and are not able to dig or harvest 8 hours a day under the Californian sun.
  15. Is it really the problem? The unemployment rate is low, businesses are often complaining they cannot hire enough employees, and wages have been rising.
  16. Not to mention Trump who was employing illegal immigrants...
  17. It's at least a case of dereliction of duty! Quote from Gen. Milley: "You know, you're the Commander in Chief. You've got an assault going on on the Capitol of the United States of America and there's nothing? No call? Nothing? Zero?" he said in the clip
  18. This is going to be good! ???? Quote from the article "All I know about that day was that he was in the dining room, gleefully watching on his TV as he often did, 'look at all of the people fighting for me,' hitting rewind, watching it again" ????
  19. Since UK has left the E.U., it also left the Dublin agreement. Therefore, it has lost the possibility to send refugee back to the first country of entry.
  20. The hearings never fail to deliver! "Trump spent most of the January 6 attack watching TV in the White House dining room, according to new video from House committee" ???? https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-watching-tv-during-jan6-white-house-dining-room-video-2022-7
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