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Everything posted by candide

  1. I just had a look at Fox News website. It doesn't report about the hearings, so they may not have any idea about what has been said during hearings.
  2. Anyway, no cognitive test was needed to find out that Trumb was dumb. There was so much other evidence at hand! ????
  3. Trump got the coverage he deserved. Biden is not eructing B.S. and lies every day, as Trump did (and still does).
  4. No. He said that the EU was dictating the shape of bananas ( “absolutely crazy that the EU is telling us.....what shape our bananas have got to be”. The EU did not prohibit bent bananas , it just established a classification according to some quality standards, at the request of the industry. Mind you, it's not stupid at all. It's actually quite business oriented. Bent bananas are likely to be less attractive for consumers and will not be bought at a premium price. When supermarkets pay the price for "extra class" bananas, they wants to know what they will be getting. They want to make sure the bananas will appeal consumers and can be sold without discount.
  5. Exactly. For "A great deal of responsibility", it's Russia 82%, U.S. 26% and NATO 24%. In the mind of respondents, there's no doubt about who bears most responsibilities.
  6. I know. The issue is why didn't he choose a true example of a rule which was significantly and negatively affecting UK, rather than lying about banana regulations. I have some ideas about it.....
  7. The origin was a request by the European Association of Banana Trade Association (ECBTA) (no joke) and several member States which asked for clearly defined quality standards. As a result, bent bananas have been classified as class 2, but have not been prohibited.
  8. There is an extradition treaty and the concept of pimping is very extensive in the French law.
  9. Ahem... he was a threat to himself and he was saved by being killed....????
  10. Just one quote from the article I linked: "While additional trade with other counties could offset some of the decline in trade with the EU, none of the agreements concluded to date are of a sufficient scale to have a material impact on our forecast," the OBR stated. Loiner, where are you? ????
  11. There's no way the Chinese will accept it. So what will they do? Grant the discounted tariff to Asian customers and have a farangs only surcharge, as in soapy massage establishments? ????
  12. Strong but already handcuffed, so not really a threat. On top of it, as you mentioned, they were 4 cops against an handcuffed guy.
  13. So apart from ranting, what do you suggest? That Chauvin should have been forgiven?
  14. Just one quote from the article I linked: "While additional trade with other counties could offset some of the decline in trade with the EU, none of the agreements concluded to date are of a sufficient scale to have a material impact on our forecast," the OBR stated. Loiner, where are you? ????
  15. It's an outmoded view. Nowadays, whoever is concerned (right wing, left wing, BLM), it all goes through social media when there is a protest. It's only (relatively) old folks like us who are paying so much attention to traditional media.
  16. I got mainly 2019 (the video), and 2022 (the killer promoted, and SCOTUS decision). It's a pity it did not raise more interest. Anyway, who is to blame for the lack of justice in this case? The City Police who covered it up? The AG and the justice system? Or mainstream media and BLM?
  17. I typed Tony Timpa pinned on Google and found several articles, not only local news but also the nytimes, the guardian, usatoday, etc... So It's not true the media don't tell us I also found out It's not over as the Timpa family has been allowed by the SCOTUS to sue Dallas cop's again. Anyway, we don't disagree on the fact that It's shocking that It's difficult to get fair justice without social media outrage or protests. Actually, we fully agree on it. Expressing outrage should not ne necessary in order to obtain justice. We just disagree on the fact that people who are showing outrage or are protesting to get justice (I.e. BLM) should be blamed because they allegedly do it selectively, while others do nothing. Blame it on those who don't move their ass, not on people who do move their ass.
  18. There is absolutely not the same pattern in UK (the excess deaths number has been recently in the +/- 1000 range which is not significant).
  19. You did not read well. My reply was general, I mentioned "such crimes", not this crime, as the poster was complaining that: "White Lives clearly do not matter and it is actually considered racist to say otherwise." Quote "So what are you complaining about? Black people deciding to take this matter into their own hands while others were doing nothing against such crimes? There was nothing done about such crimes before BLM (be the victims black or white). BLM was focused on helping black people but at least, they did something!" Moreover, I did not address the issue of arrest in the post you commented (nor did the poster I was replying to). I did address it in some way in my first post, stressing that in Floyd's case, videos have been diffused at once, and not three years later. If you want to comment what I really wrote, you are welcome!
  20. And your post was a distraction. The subject brought up by another poster was why another case involving a white victim did not cause as much "outrage" as Floyd's case. Isn't protesting a way to express outrage?
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