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Everything posted by candide

  1. It's actually a good tactic. Offer an very high amount of money and if the person doesn't come up with a proof, you are sure he has no proof!
  2. It's a bit more complex. Being Thaksin's party is likely one of the main reason PT was regularly elected as one of the top parties. As concerns Thavisin, I don't know his career, but when someone gets rich in Thailand (in particular in real estate business)......
  3. Paradoxally, under international laws, Gazprom needs to pay penalties if it doesn't fulfill its contract obligations. That's why it never did officially cut supply. Previous cuts have been justified by the refusal of some countries to pay in Rubles (ex Finland), or technical problems (force majeure). This sabotage creates another convenient case of "force majeure".
  4. Logic minded posters will have realized that Putin was waiting for the Covid pandemic to fade (1 million pop decrease in 2021), and for the price of energy to go up! Instead of buying lame MAGA propaganda. "Analysis finds natural population fell by 997,000 between October 2020 and September 2021 – with Covid cited as principal cause" https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/13/russias-population-undergoes-largest-ever-peacetime-decline Oil prices climb back to pre-pandemic levels https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55975700
  5. FSB, Transnitria, Chechenia, Bosnia, Crimea, Donbass.... The guy has a stainless CV!????
  6. Lol! Trump is whining about the media supposedly downplaying the size of the crowd attending his rally! He's completely out of touch with reality! ????
  7. Only to some extent as there are few alternative pipelines which can be used by Russia to export its gas. It is necessary to liquefy gas, store it, and send it by special tankers. Russia has only a limited capacity to do so.
  8. B.S.! It's often the same people who were against the Bush scam war in Irak, against the bombing of Yemen with U.S. made weapons, etc... who are now against Putin. Your assumption that the orange guy would have prevented the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is not even worth commenting.
  9. Well, let's see who voted against it: Russia, Belarus, Nicaragua, Syria and NK. 55555! ????
  10. Even if he'd be convicted for the other charges, it would be very far from the initial ambition of the investigation. 3 years and 3 millions wasted for small fry.
  11. As usual a misleading headline by Fox News. You failed to mention that respondents could agree with several statements at the same time. 63% also thought it was an attempt to overturn elections and 55% an insurrection. From your linked article: "For starters, "a protest that went too far" was the overwhelming favorite of the 2,046 Americans who were polled with 76% agreeing with that characterization of Jan. 6. The second most popular result was "trying to overturn the election and keep Donald Trump in power" with 63%. Both of those options were omitted in the graphic bolstered by CBS. Meanwhile, "an insurrection," which came at a distant third with 55% of Americans was kept in the graphic among the others which polled even less popular. "
  12. We must admit he has a special talent to milk his fans! ????
  13. Me stupid! I thought Trump had been beaten in 2020! ????
  14. An attempt to steal elections is not a minor issue.
  15. It is not a trial and committee members are not selected as "defense". Jim Jordan has never hidden he wanted to disrupt the work of the committee. On top of it, he was a potential witness or suspect, so could not investigate himself. Other reps could have replaced him but the GOP refused it. Just like they refused an independent investigation before that.
  16. He won't go (or will take the five) because he won't accept to testify under oath and be caught lying.
  17. A "one sided show" in which most witnesses are Republicans, and a large number of them have been appointed by Trump. BTW, as already mentioned many times, it is not a trial.
  18. Lol! Hunter is currently investigated by a Prosecutor appointed by Trump. What can the house find that the current investigation cannot find. In brief, the Republucans have nothing, they just want to make a show.
  19. In particular if he is confronted with this testimony: The President was fired up about the Supreme Court decision,” Hutchinson said. “The President said … something to the effect of, ‘I don’t want people to know we lost, Mark. This is embarrassing. Figure it out. We need to figure it out. I don’t want people to know that we lost.’” https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/jan-6-hearing-livestream-10-13-2022/index.html
  20. It looks like Republicans have been eager to provide arguments to the Dems for a few months.
  21. "No dissents noted" means there may have been disagreements, but they have not been noted? I didn't know that.
  22. The wsj is usually rather reliable, but the link is only an "opinion" article.
  23. Not to mention those pardoned by Trump in a mafia-like way.
  24. Why wait? Nothing prevents Durham to further investigate it.
  25. And the expected reply from Trump ???? "The Unselect Committee knowingly failed to examine the massive voter fraud which took place during the 2020 Presidential Election — The reason for what took place on January 6th," Trump posted on Truth Social. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/jan-6-committee-subpoena-trump-defiance
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