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Everything posted by candide

  1. The MAGA folks scandalized about a POTUS possibly lying! ????
  2. Ask Mike Pence! ????
  3. Oooops! You are right. Well they don't seem to anticipate a recession either.
  4. It was an obvious case of national emergency so he could have called the national guard which the VP did.. So it's the VP's duty but not the President's duty?
  5. This is not true but let's assume you are right and that businessmen are more reliable than economists. What are businessmen doing? They are onsistently recruiting new employees. Businessmen don't create jobs when they expect a recession.
  6. Frankly, you are not serious. It wasn't the average civil disorder, it was an assault on fundamental federal institutions established by the U.S. Constitution. Obviously a matter of national concern for a POTUS.
  7. Better believe MAGA posters on ASEANNOW.....????
  8. For the time being, economists are still forecasting positive growth for 2022.
  9. A lot of them have been charged, and a significant number already convicted according to "USA law".
  10. To call it a recession or not at this stage is much like splitting hairs. What matters is how it will evolve during next semester. If growth starts again nobody will care whether the first semester could be called a technical recession or not. If it's negative there will be no doubt about the U.S. experiencing a recession. Obviously, economists are observing mixed signals and are considering that a further recession trend is not certain.
  11. Faux news! Lol! You can check Biden's speech, he never talked about China. This was all made up by Trump. The rieason Biden and Pelosi called Trump xenophobic was about the so-called "Muslim ban" announced a few days before, just like they did for the previous Muslim bans, I.e. Pelosi speech on 27 January 2020 https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/12720
  12. It's a lie. He wasn't accused of being racist for (partially) stopping flights from China!
  13. Well, I guess one doesn't care about being assimilated when dead....
  14. 2 major parties. One sore loser lost elections by a landslide. The other won and painfully tries to fix the mess left by the sore (+liar, cheat and traitor) loser.
  15. Why did they stop (not suddenly as you claim, it was during the Covid 19 pandemic) job searching?
  16. Not legal? The national guard has been deployed at the Capitol during nearly 5 month! https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2021/05/23/national-guard-mission-to-provide-security-ending-at-capitol/
  17. That's the essence of Brexitism: wanting to have it both ways. When it's not possible (which is always the case), blame the EU, the French (in particular Macron), or nazi Germany.
  18. I am thinking of someone else who has lost all credibility......
  19. Aren't you tired of posting the same debunked B.S. over and over? This is ridiculous!
  20. You made a claim, It's your job to back it with numbers, but I doubt you will.
  21. Ahem...don't you know that he has been asked to do it?
  22. I have always wondered why some people are still blaming Thaksin for the poor level of education as he was ousted 15 years ago. Haven't you noticed which political colour has been mainly governing the country since 2006?
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