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Everything posted by candide

  1. Right. The MAGA lot see through the media bias and get unbiased information from Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars and Internet memes! ????
  2. Having or not different queues for EU/non-EU (or UK/non-UK in UK) is only an organisational issue. It doesn't change the type of passport control. Even if there is a single queue, there will still be more (longer) checks for non-EU passports than for EU passports.
  3. He got a free international PR campaign, and won time to start new rocket R&D programs.
  4. He was socialist until 1920. Excluded from the Socialist party in 1914, he definitely broke with socialist ideology in 1920, From 1920, his fascist movement was allied with right-wing parties and has been consistently ant i-socialist, anti-communist and anti-trade union. NB. Trump was initially Democrat. Actually, Mussolini seems to be a good role model for Trump (I mean also the personality aspect)
  5. Interesting. He also said many other things to make sure they got very excited, before he sent them to the Capitol. Now back to topic. Trump sent them to the Capitol and then (remember he was POTUS and Comander in Chief) watched them on TV during 3 hours, doing nothing. He didn't call the DHS , etc... did not enquire whether assistance was needed or not. Nothing nada, waloo, rien. What do you think of it? Did he accomplish his duty as President by just watch and doing nothing?
  6. Trump omitted several lines that encouraged the federal government to take action. ???? “I am directing the Department of Justice to ensure all lawbreakers are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” the omitted portion of the speech reads https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-removed-line-calling-to-prosecute-jan-6-rioters
  7. There's one in Georgia about 2020 elections. Others may follow....
  8. So who benefits and who are the cheerleaders?
  9. I can imagine how furious the moron was! ????
  10. As discussed in another thread, it is not surprising due to the fact that such abuses (illegally employing people) are seldom or not enough punished.
  11. How many people are really concerned? After excluding the usual delay to find a job, I guess it weights peanuts.
  12. Exactly. Shrinking the population means shrinking the economy (=recession).
  13. Back to topic: Trump made incendiary statements before and during the rally, sent his followers to the Capitol, and then watched them on TV assaulting the Capitol for 3 hours, doing nothing to stop it.
  14. Again, nobody claimed most protesters planned a "takeover of the government and replacing it with something else." You are making it up in order to score a point. TheJan 6 committee does not claim it. The accusation during the trial did not claim it either. Only a few white supremacists have been accused of conspiracy. The others went to a rally and followed Trump's call.
  15. No one claimed that all the people who stormed the Capital had planned a coup. It's only a minority who did plan an insurrection (I.e. the white supremacists who have been accused of conspiracy). The others just went to a rally, and then got inflamed by Trump and followed his call to walk down to the Capitol. Had Trump not got them excited and not told them to march to the Capitol, they probably would not have assaulted it.
  16. So someone who tries to rob a bank and fails should not be convicted?
  17. The "bright future" of Brexit. It reminds me of something....
  18. Testimonies under oath (mainly by Republicans) were not fake. Phone records, electronic messages, etc.. were not fake. Only the fake electors were fake in the provided lists. The hearings have been very well scenarized, It's true. So what? The rest of your post is the usual lame false equivalency.
  19. Trump told them to head to the Capitol, he wanted to go there and watched TV during 3 hours doing nothing. Actually, That's one of the problem and the topic of this thread: the President and Commander in Chief watched his followers violently storm the Capitol and did nothing to stop it during 3 hours. Nothing, nada, walooo! The rest of your post is composed of loads of debunked B.S.
  20. Deflection..... BTW, if Biden candidates in 2024 and loses, I am sure he will not try to overturn elections and will not ask Kamala Harris to reject vote certifications.
  21. Come on, not this false equivalence again! They did not storm the Capitol in order to steal elections, they did not conspire to produce lists of fake electors, they were not acting according to lies served to them (black people have been really killed by the Police), etc... and no POTUS was involved.
  22. That's how compulsive liars behave. They end up believing their own lies. The hearings have confirmed he's been told many times that it was B.S., so it was a denial of reality.. In either case, being a liar and cheater, or living in an alternate reality, are fundamentally not what is expected from a President. ????
  23. The OBR doesn't invent the statistics it used, which are CPB, OECD and ONS. As for its assessment, other reports from other sources come to similar conclusions. Anyway, if you think the OBR analysis is biased why don't you show us an analysis from a reliable source, which contradicts the OBR. ????
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