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Everything posted by candide

  1. Actually it's owned by neither of them. It's 'owned' at a higher level. I may be wrong, but I guess it is 'strongly hold'.
  2. Complete B.S.! A coffee which doesn't wake you up in the morning? Then opt for Chamomile instead! 😀
  3. I guess the EC was keen to avoid that the public could find out that most 'elected' Senators may have some common "characteristics"! 😀
  4. Well, we'll see what comes out of the trial. I don't have any knowledge of protocols to follow in movie production, so I have no particular claim about it. I just find it strange that when an actor is handed an accessory, he should be responsible about this accessory. Like if he has to drive a car, he should be responsible if breaks eventually don't work. The example you give probably makes sense. However, in this case it was not 'his' gun.
  5. Exactly. It seems the main reason MAGA fans are claiming he's guilty is because he made a parody of Trump! 😀
  6. Based on what he said and did, e.g. he supported Putin on several occasions, starting with the invasion of Crimea. I don't know who said he'll start WW3.
  7. So Russia has nothing to do with the Russian interference evidenced in the Mueller report and the GOP led Senate report? 😀
  8. Following your line of reasoning....if the judge were a Republican, he should also recuse himself, for the same reason! 😀
  9. Nothing's better than a conspiracy theory for MAGA fans, when they don't like reality. Same as when Trump lost the 2020 election! 😀
  10. Trump said he believed Putin, who told him Russia had nothing to do with this "nothing burger"! 😀
  11. Yet she got more votes than Trump, so "lots of Americans" were ready for it. Her problem was the geographical distribution of votes.
  12. The Russian interference has been confirmed, even by a GOP-led Senate committee. They are certainly not perfect, but who would have believed Putin on this matter, apart from a sucker (if we exclude other conspiracy theories)?
  13. Funny how MAGA fans can barely argue without evoking a conspiracy... And It's not like the FBI would have been responsible in any way for her failure! 😁
  14. So when Trump declared he believed Putin rather than the U.S. intelligence services, he was not a sucker?
  15. Putin waited for three things: - the failure of 'independence' forces to conquer the rest of Donbass without an official involvement of Russian - the end of the Pandemic (Russia's population decreased by one million), - the rise of energy prices in order to be able to finance the war (and no, Trump was not responsible for global oil prices, neither is Biden). But in the MAGA alternate universe, it's Biden's fault! 🤣 January 6 probably also influenced him, as he could see that the U.S. was divided. He was partly right.
  16. I'll always remember Putin's "what a sucker" smile while Trump was making his statement! 😀
  17. Right! And it's not like MAGA posters would mention but but Hillary's email case, every time we discuss Trump's classified document case! Oh wait! 😀
  18. That's rich from a Trumper! Since how long has Trump been attacking Joe Biden, the rigged 2020 elections, plus all the B.S. claims, in the absence of any coherent program? 😀
  19. Sure! It's not the fault of Russia if Ukrainians are dying! 😀
  20. You already know the answer, starting with the NRA waiting one year to get the documents before informing the DOJ.....
  21. 1. Sure . Peace without involving Palestinians and Iran. How did it work eventually! 😀 2. World prices. Nothing to do with Trump. Actually, oil prices increased under Trump pre-Covid. Not his fault, to be honest, that was because of the OPEC. 3. 1.4% during Covid only, for obvious reasons which also have nothing to do with Trump. Pre-Covid inflation was higher in the U.S. than in other developped countries, e.g. the EU. Trump surfed on Obama's economic wave....
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