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Everything posted by candide

  1. You forgot again to cite the first paragraph of the article! It's so obvious why! πŸ˜€ Special counsel Jack Smith’s team acknowledged Friday that some evidence in the prosecution of former President Donald Trump for hoarding classified documents at his Florida home may not be in the same sequence FBI agents found it when they swept into the Mar-a-Lago compound with a search warrant in August 2022. So it's peanuts! It's just about the sequence of documents. πŸ˜€
  2. It certainly doesn't work as he was caught hiding documents and lying about it, corroborated by CCTV video, photos and testimonies.
  3. "Trump sure did open the door and exposed the Washington Establishment . And the way foreign business interests are conducted!" Sure! Trumps behaviour, as well as his family's behaviour, are a perfect example of the way foreign (business or non-business) interests are conducted! 🀣 And even after his presidency!
  4. Nice try, but FY 2021 is on Trump. https://www.usa.gov/federal-budget-process#:~:text=Every year%2C the U.S. Congress,September 30 of the next. There is alsono economic precept saying that fighting the effect of a major crisis must cease after one year. At least, unlike other countries which are also experiencing deficits, Biden is getting growth. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  5. Sound business logic. Sell when prices are high and buy when they are lower. It worked well before and was quite profitable.
  6. That was good! πŸ˜… So it seems he's telling the truth in this trial!
  7. This time, you forgot to take Covid into account? πŸ˜‰ In 2019 it was 851,000. So x3 compared to 2017.
  8. Which drug were these backpackers taking? Edited: Self reply: likely opioids such as opium or heroin (golden triangle), as Cocaine is not made in this region. Opioid contract pupils, they can also cause drooping eyelids. It's a completely different effect from stimulants which cause the pupils to get larger. In summary, you are making it up and talking B.S.
  9. Aaaah, finally you have checked the latest instructions. Glad you caught up!
  10. Right, it's quite common for sports. What about Presidential debates? Is it common or is it just a way for Trump to back out? πŸ˜€
  11. You forgot to cite the first paragraph of the article. πŸ˜‰ Special counsel Jack Smith’s team acknowledged Friday that some evidence in the prosecution of former President Donald Trump for hoarding classified documents at his Florida home may not be in the same sequence FBI agents found it when they swept into the Mar-a-Lago compound with a search warrant in August 2022.
  12. You have not checked the latest instructions. Biden will not be destroyed because Trump will not come.
  13. Don't forget that its political system was the reason why China was a poor country in the 70s. It started to develop when it became less autocratic, and in particular less dependent from a "leader". Had China been democratic from the start, it would likely be more developed than now (just have a look at what other Chinese people have achived in Taiwan, HK or Singapore). Also don't forget that, while the Chinese have been quite smart in catching-up, they have done so by tapping into the knowledge base created by democratic countries. About Putin, there is no rule which says that a country with plenty of natural resources and well qualified human resources must need 40 years to develop its economy. There is also no rule which says it is not a very bad performance when the current GDP is at the same level as in 2013. Which other country has fared so bad since 2013? Putin is incompetent, he failed to develop the Russian economy, he failed to develop the well-being of its citizen, he even failed to preserve the size of the Russian population. That's why he needs a war.
  14. Oooh. The bad Trump's DOJ (headed by Republicans), which covered-up Hunter's crimes! πŸ˜†
  15. To you! Instructions also received! πŸ˜ƒ
  16. That was an official debate, and the one who backed out was Trump. There is no rule that says it must be organised only according to Trump's preferences. As usual, he was whining about this and that. Just like Trump and Fox News are currently starting to whine in order to justify his next decision to back out.
  17. GDP is not a perfect indicator, but it is the main one. The 'quality' of GDP is also relevant. In this respect, it's also a fail for Russia, as natural resources represent around 60% of its GDP. A bit like some African countries.... Of course the population number must also be factored in, as your remark about China indicates. With 144 million inhabitants, Russia is at the same GDP level as Italy with 59 million. And Italy has few natural resources. Considering its natural resources, as well as the quality of its human resources (in particular in S&T), Russia should be like California. Putin is a complete failure. The comparison with China is eloquent, not because of the raw GDP number but because of its growth (quantitatively and qualitatively). Russia used to more developed than China, and now it's a laggard compared to it. Yes, unlike Putin, the successive Chinese governments have been quite competent in this respect.
  18. Sure! πŸ˜ƒ October 15 U.S. presidential debate officially canceled after Trump balked https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN26U2M5/
  19. If you say it, then it mustn't be true! 😁
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