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Everything posted by candide

  1. When MAGA fans start to implicate George Soros, you know they are hopeless! 😀
  2. And as usual, you will accept the appeal verdict only if it's in favor of Trump. How many times have we read that " you will see" from you, and you never accepted the outcome. You will see the Kraken and other B.S., you will see the IG investigation, you will see the Durham investigation. You never accept the outcome when you don't like the outcome! 😀
  3. As far as I understand (I have no law degree), it's not a crime as long as the related expense is declared as campaign expense.
  4. He did! His staff also compared him to Luther King when he was president! 😀
  5. He did! 😀 It just highlights the ridiculous character of the fantasy that Black voters are identifying with Trump because he's been convicted!
  6. Didn't Trump compare himself to Nelson Mandela? 😀
  7. Which lies? Trump lost the 2020 elections. It's fact. He called a person supervising he election to find him 11,700 votes, that's fact too. The fake electors plot is also fact. He refused to give back presidential records, hid them and lied about it. Fact. He has just been convicted by a court of law. Fact. Etc....
  8. It's Trump who lies like crazy about Trump! 😀
  9. Nice try! Most of those so-called Dem talking points have been made up by you. 😀 All what I lusted can be found in MAGA posts in this thread. The Dem/Liberal talking point is simply: Trump has been convicted. Just as three years ago it was: Biden won the election! 😀
  10. As a courtesy, a summary of talking points for MAGA posters. Choose one or more of the following: 😀 - Witch hunt - Dem judge - Dem jury, - Weaponized DOJ, - Hunter Biden, - Banana Republic, - Nothing Burger - Everybody's doing the same as Trump - It's's to ban Trump from the election, - More people will vote for Trump, - Testimony from a hooker, - Global oil prices were cheaper under Trump - ... Surprinsingly enough, these Instructions have not yet been received: - but, but crooked Joe Biden - Trump is innocent
  11. Because they are just parotting MAGA talking points.
  12. 1. If I remember well, there was a kind of infrastructure bill voted with the support of Democrats under Trump.. Republicans tended to oppose it. 3. Real estate and hotel value decreased because of Covid. What would be his wealth at today's prices?
  13. I was not particularly targeting Farage (I am not overly familiar with UK politics), that was just an example. It may be a different case from other parties in Europe. I would tend to quailfy the Tories, LR in France or CDU in Germany as conservative. So how to call the more conservative or more right parties? My other comment is that while the far-right parties have often mutated into far-right 'light' ( ex. Marine Le Pen), they still include the more extreme components.
  14. Impossible to decrypt this case if you don't really know what it's about The interview in Seoul was targeting someone whose name started with P (not Prayut or Prawit). Those who know about the state of relationship, in the past, of this person with another person I will not mention would tend to think that Thaksin is not really worried.
  15. Practically, if Frarage is just 'conservative', how would you call mainstream Tories?
  16. Cynical comment: Al Quaida trying to remain relevant on the infamous terrorism market. They've been 'outmoded' by ISIS long time ago, lost their supports in SA and the emirates (except maybe in Yemen), etc...
  17. Nobody knows which impact it had and that was not the subject of my post. Facts are: - Russia tried to interfere - Trump officially stated he believed Putin when he said it wasn't Russia. You can try to deflect as much as you want with your nothing burger claim, but those are the facts.
  18. She got more votes than Trump in 2016. Not bad for a person no one would want! 😃
  19. You may be right. But it's a poor choice of examples Airplane pilots responsible for tires? 😀
  20. Likely right after elections. Actually, if they don't get 50% of seats, there's even no need to dissolve it. It should be noted that general percentages mean nothing as geographical distribution matters a lot.
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