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Everything posted by candide

  1. Where is the tweet ordering his mob to stop assaulting the Capitol πŸ˜€ PS You forgot to link the source
  2. Pre-Covid life was better everywhere. It was not a specific to the U.S.
  3. We have our own very good indicator at AN. When Illisdean stops writing posts, it means that Biden is winning in polls! 🀣
  4. And people who think that Trump actually won the 2020 election? 🀣
  5. UK slang. Sorry, I cannot satisfy everyone! πŸ˜ƒ
  6. Well, they are whining too, even if it's to a lesser extent. I guess all incumbent governments are under pressure because of inflation and it will likely impact next elections in different countries.
  7. You are probably right about the way people are looking at it. However, high inflation, high oil prices, and high interest rates are a global phenomenon affecting all countries and don't particularly derive from Biden's policies. The main difference is that, with similar inflation level than other developped countries, the U.S. has enjoyed much higher GDP growth than other developped countries. But you are right, it's a hard sell for Biden.
  8. Only pathetic MAGA fans need an Alpha male, which Trump certainly isn't. Big gob and actually a coward, as most people with a big gob. MAGA cult: Beta males worshipping a fake Alpha male.
  9. Is that the landslide you are mentioning? πŸ˜† https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
  10. Trump did what he did. In any other democratic country, Trump would probably already be in jail.
  11. Sure. It's very suspect for someone to visit one's daughter in law! πŸ˜€
  12. Freeeeeee Nelson Mandela! πŸ˜€ Trump claims he’s a β€˜modern-day Mandela’ and prepared to go to jail over hush-money case https://www.aol.com/trump-claims-modern-day-mandela-181412545.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJnS0hQfuPtXWAiX112vCcb4yk_13CnyZV9KQFKRr_Ju3n4s2FtctuyrqG4jMxmUHAUVNZAIhkBlXZ8XoD2YKxvCokjMJuJfQSreIuoADIuqBJgw4_ljL-QFWLSeKPrs-Lw68CmDt9LBvDvm8bg4q9yO1g2js6Dg09CTFo_NgrMk
  13. So, according to you, plain offenses such as lying on a Federal Firearms form committed by a private citizen justify a House Committee investigation, while obvious conflicts of interest from WH officials don't?
  14. Not sure. Judging from the number of posts about the 'Biden familly' and 'crooked Joe Biden', they certainly had some impact on public opinion. In the end, they have made themselves so ridiculous that I tend to agree with you. They cannot get any more benefit from it.
  15. If course, you have ignored the part in which the plea deal was rejected because it was found out that Hunter was not actually protected from further charges. πŸ˜€
  16. Come on! The only reason why the Republicans have focused so much on Hunter, is because it allowed them to smear Biden. Hence the use of "the Biden familly" in nearly every sentence about Hunter Biden.
  17. Making up stuff again? πŸ˜€ Provide link showing the Dems think he's a heroes!
  18. Lol! Most events cited by the so-called whistleblowers occurred under Trump. So Trump's DOJ, headed by Barr would have covered up Hunter? πŸ˜€
  19. Obviously, they see it differently... πŸ˜€ 22% for Trump andv47% for Biden! Quote from your Fox News li k: "My goodness gracious," he said as he reacted to the polling average, which showed Trump's support among Black voters more than doubled to 22% compared to 2020. Biden, meanwhile, saw a 12% drop, though he still holds a 47-point lead.
  20. Another problem for her is that her movies will now be boycotted by what is likely the core market segment for this type of movies! πŸ˜†
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