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Everything posted by candide

  1. I can understand you don't like it, but my comment is quite relevant as the general topic is the comparative assessment of the UK and Eurozone economies. A single quarter is not a relevant indicator to assess an economy. The Q4 2023 at -0.3% was not relevant either.
  2. The pre-Covid economy was fab in all developped countries, nothing specific to being under Trump in the U.S.!
  3. Great comment! Except for the fact that the Eurozone was also included in all the tables and charts I linked. They show that cherry picking Q1 2024 to compare the UK with the Eurozone is meaningless, as UK trails behind the Euzone on a one year perspective (0.2% vs 0.4% for the Eurozone), as well as on a middle term perspective (1.7% compared to pre-Covid level vs 3.4% for the Eurozone).
  4. Sure! That's why economists find it relevant to compare between G7 countries and also with the Eurozone (including economists working for the British Parliament)! 😀
  5. You conveniently ignore the impact of the Covid crisis and other events on the global economy. Inflation has been high in all countries. It's not specific to the U.S. or Biden. Similarly inflation was low in all developed countries pre-Covid. Actually it was even lower in the EU than in the U.S. The big difference us that, while suffering from à similar inflation level the U.S has been leading by far in economic growth. Other developed countries would be happy with the same performance as the U.S. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  6. You are right. However the misinformation from 'Washington's had positive consequences as it induced people to get vaccinated. It's very different from the right-wing anti-vaccine misinformation which led to extra deaths. After the vaccine was available, Trump voters' s death rate increased, and they totalled around 2/3 of Covid deaths. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study
  7. On top of it, it was just a flu, a cabal by the left-wing media to weaken the stock values! 🤣
  8. +0.6% compared to the previous quarter which wascat -0.3%... Over one year, UK is at +0.2% and the Eurozone at +0.4%. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  9. No. There was no need to make up fake scandals under Trump. He was delivering enough real opportunities by himself.
  10. Biden will do it solo because Trump is a coward and will back out! 😀 He's already starting to whine about it!
  11. The current price is $1.5400 and is last updated on 15 May, 2024. https://procurementtactics.com/egg-prices/
  12. Over how many months? You're not go8ng to compare 9 months of Trumps mandate with 3 years of Biden's mandate, are you? Covid deaths barely started before April 2020 and when Biden was inaugurated, it was during the peak of a wave which started in December under Trump.
  13. Trump support of Putin is not imaginary and not new, starting with the approval of the invasion of Crimea. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/26/politics/trump-putin-ukraine/index.html And He's been very useful to Putin recently, by having his sycophants blocking military help to Ukraine for 6 months, thus allowing Russia to get an advantage.
  14. Trump.surfed on Obama's economic wave. The U.S. has been faring much better than other G7 countries post Covid. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  15. In order to assess his competence, have you compared the U.S. economic indicators with your country's indicators?
  16. Like when he claimed he won the 2020 election? 😃
  17. I guess It's where you usually get your information from...🤣
  18. Sure. Negotiating a peace plan without involving the Palestinian authority, and adopting Netanyahu's position was a big step towards peace in the ME! What could have gone wrong? 😆
  19. It seems the GOP is spending much resources to keep the ridiculous and debunked Big Lie alive! 😀
  20. Come on! You could at least troll in an original way! 😁
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