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Everything posted by candide

  1. Hur commented about Biden being motivated by pride and money. Where did he say he sold classified documents? Nowhere. Espionage! Complete B.S. It was about his personal (written) notebooks (according to Hur's report) A lot of blah blah and obfuscation. Why can't you answer this simple question? Who gave money to Joe and received classified classified information in exchange? - not the ghost writer (he works for Biden and is paid by Biden), - not the publisher: according to Hur, there is no classified information in the book (a book about Beau Biden, BTW), - not the readers (no classified information in the book). No one gave money and received classified information in exchange. Biden did not sell it to anyone. You (Jim Jordan) are making things up again! 😀
  2. Lol! This ridiculous and incoherent claim from Jim Jordan! Of course, you believe this proven liar. 😀 Let's start with the basics. When you sell something, you give it to someone else, who give you money in exchange. So who gave him money and received classified information in exchange? You have nothing as usual! Edit: where is it written that Hur said that Biden sold classified information?
  3. Lol! Trump and the Republicans have been trying to get Joe or Hillary for years. Which evidence have they found? Zero, zilch, nada, waloo! BTW, you are just as uninformed as your pal who claimed they were 51 FBI officials (lol! You should at least agree together on lies before publishing them on AN). They were not CIA officials, and they stated it had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation!
  4. Ooops! Sorry, I did not get it. I read your post too quickly.
  5. Another B.S.! It's not what the Republican special counsel said!
  6. You don't seem to know what you are talking about. They were not FBI agents. The non-FBI agents said it has all the earmarks of Russian disinformation (which it actually had, BTW).
  7. What are you talking about? Which president did what I indicated in my post (with details)? You have nothing.
  8. Frankly, I doubt Biden will try to overturn election results, ask someone to find him 11,700 votes, plot fake electors list, organise a "stop the steal" (😅) protest and send a mob to assault the Capitol. I also doubt he will go with tons of presidential records, refuse to give them back, hide them and lie about it. I may be wrong but I don't think he will do that! 😁
  9. Lol! A post full of B.S. without any evidence to back it. To start with, Biden did not sell classified information.
  10. The statistics quoted by JFK may be accurate (I did not check), but soon comes the complete B.S. in his statement : "There's country countries that did the opposite of what we did, that provided ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, other early treatments to their populations, and had 1/200th of our death rate." 🤣 Horse purge anyone?
  11. It may be seen as a reward for Hamas. Ok. However, there may not be a better time for years because: - it's high time that Pelestinian people are offered another perspective, rather than following Hamas or the next terrorist organisation, out of desperation, - Netanyahu seems to be toast, which may relieve one of the main obstacle to a fair negotiation.
  12. It's funny how MAGA folks hate Fauci because he refused to follow Trumps advices and prescriptions... 😂
  13. Not even lazy or afraid. They simply just don't care whether It's true or not.
  14. Is that the same FBI you have accused of covering up Hunter's crimes in other posts. And also the same Biden's DOJ? 😀
  15. After golden sneakers, he may be able to sell MAGA golden diapers, who knows? 😀
  16. Which rambling of histerical opponents? Facts! As I expected, no reply.
  17. Let me ask again the question you will never reply. In your country ,what would have happened to a PM who: - right after losing elections, would have made baseless claims that elections have been rigged, - had called someone supervising elections to find him 11,700 votes, - had plotted something similar to fake elector lists (ok, there's probably nothing similar in the UK), - would have organised a "stop the steal" protest not far from Westminster Palace, then send the protesters to the Palace, - and after they assaulted the Palace, would have just watched it on TV for hours, without asking protesters to stop it at once and go out of it. And also without asking security forces to intervene at once in order to stop the assault. What would have happened to such an ex-PM. Please tell me!
  18. It's Trump who claimed the 2016 election has been rigged by massive fraud, not Clinton! He was so furious he had lost the popular vote that he claimed there had been 3 million illegal votes. He even created an official investigation panel, which came nowhere, as usual! https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-longstanding-history-calling-elections-rigged-doesnt-results/story?id=74126926 The Dems did not refuse to certify the 2016 election, around hundred Republicans refused to certify the 2020 election.
  19. That was during Obama's first mandate, during which he inherited the worst economic crisis since decades. Trumps deficit during pre-Covid was worse than the average of Obama's kast mandate. It increased every year under Trump pre-Covid. https://www.statista.com/statistics/200410/surplus-or-deficit-of-the-us-governments-budget-since-2000/
  20. BWAHAHA! FAKE! The time is fake! The second Tweet was sent at 8:38pm, not 2:38 pm, according to the official Trump account. I stopped checking after that! 😀
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