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Everything posted by candide

  1. Are you not also tempted by those elegant golden sneakers?
  2. Next comes "fight like hell for my ass!" 😀
  3. It's so funny to see MAGA fans claiming the Dem party would be communist, or even just left-wing! 😀
  4. So you don't need any chemical help to travel to alternate universes. Great!
  5. I don't need Google translate and, unlike you, I know how to write 'incompetent'. Without any a!
  6. Come on! You're not expecting MAGA fans to believe the left-wing, communist and woke Forbes, are you? 😀
  7. In summary you have nothing apart from lame deflections, as usual! How can anyone check Trump's wealth as he refused to publish his tax returns! Tell us! 😀
  8. B.S.! Biden has published all his tax returns for decades. There's absolutely no mystery about his sources of income. Should I add " unlike Trump"? 😀
  9. Trump did what he did. No need to make up anything. 😀
  10. B.S. it's not what the (Republican) special counsel Hur said. You are quoting Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz! 😀
  11. Trump was stupid (or maybe there was another reason, I don't know) not to give back the presidential records to the NARA when he asked to. If he had given them back, the NARA would probably not have notified the DOJ. He was even more stupid when he hid some documents and lied about it, as he provided a clear evidence of "intent", beyond reasonable doubt.
  12. For once, It's accurate. He used its notebooks (It's kind of useful for a biographical book) which apparently contained some classified information among other information), and he may have been negligent when reading the content of his notebooks. However, no classified I formation was published in the book, so Biden did not make money with classified information.
  13. It says what I wrote: "Hur’s report says Biden saved notebooks from his time as vice president that contained classified information and used them to help Zwonitzer put together his memoir — sometimes reading from them verbatim for more than hour at a time." Hur's report also states that there is no classified information in the book.
  14. His (paper) notebooks. There is no classified information in the book, which is about Beau Biden. So he did not make money with classified information.
  15. His (paper) notebooks. Note that there is no classified information in the book, which is about Beau Biden. So he did not make money with classified information.
  16. It's not what the Republican special counsel said. 😃 https://apnews.com/article/biden-hur-justice-department-classified-documents-trump-a74ec580757cfdf972fa9c0289a9eeb5
  17. Where did I write that? My point is that it is not equivalent to claiming election results have been rigged by massive fraud, claiming the loser is the winner, and trying to overturn election results by various mean. Trump did, Hillary did not. Oh, and the one who claimed the 2016 election had been rigged is Trump, not Hillary! 🤣
  18. No need for that. Trump already compares himself to Nelson Mandela! 😃
  19. The point is that you asked me to provide sources showing that Trump claimed the 2016 election was fraudulent, and I provided them. Trump made that claim, Hillary didn't make that claim. That's fact.
  20. Yet I am able to prove you wrong. That's not a compliment for you! Short of argument again? I have an international experience so I am not without any such knowledge. Anyway my life is not a thread topic.
  21. Fact. It's Trump who claimed the 2016 election was rigged, not Hillary. She never claimed the count was not right. Trump did! 😀 Think critically! Lol! Edit. The only thing Trump competent at was show business. He wasted his heritage on his other businesses.
  22. I told you it's the start of a new romance! 😀
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