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Everything posted by candide

  1. Have you ever looked at China trade statistics? And BRICS is neither an alliance nor a trade zone. The main trade partners of any BRICS country (apart from Russia) are NATO countries and allies. Here are the China trade statistics by country. http://english.customs.gov.cn/Statics/e1351568-5e17-4534-affd-c369e3506613.html
  2. Oh, and I forgot to stress that the title of the OP (Schoolchildren are converting to Islam 'out of fear' in German schools: Study warns) is misleading. In the BZ original article, the title is that a member of security forces sayd that, not that the study stated it.
  3. B.S. That's not the issue. The issue is about removing the Chinese shareholder, not about censoring Riot on.
  4. Complete B.S.! And Blinken would be antisemitic? Are you really that ignorant? 😅
  5. China's trade is dominantly with NATO countries and allies such as Japan, SK, OZ, etc.... and the U.S. is the first trade partner.
  6. The phone call was recorded. 😆 https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/25/trump-ukraine-phone-call-transcript-text-pdf-1510770
  7. As I expected, it originates from the BildZeitung! 🤣 https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/staatsschuetzer-schlaegt-alarm-deutsche-kinder-konvertieren-aus-angst-zum-islam-66264176841ad84a3ea833d8?ticket=ST-A-34005-aWLqrudJ1ATAG5bZwXue-sso-signin-server The Daily Mail (which is the source of the OP) added an extra level of distortion and confusion, as it tends to presents statements by an anonymous "Staatschutzer" in a way they can be confused with findings of the study. the Daily Mail also doesn't highlights that it was a survey among Muslim students. Gosh, the Daily Mail has even less professional ethics that the Bildzeitung. 😆 Oh and It's also written in the BZ that the sample is not representative.
  8. It's not a real election of Senators, rather a selection, and the government is not involved in it. It will likely be controlled by the old elite.
  9. Come on! You don't remember the name of a poster to whom you replied two months ago!
  10. Anyone noticed that right-wingers and conspiracy theorists are supporting the ownership of TikTok by a Chinese company? 😀
  11. If you don't know the charges, look by yourself instead of asking other posters to waste time doing it. It's a lame trolling tactic.
  12. B.S. This is not about censoring TikTok, it's about removing the Chinese shareholder!
  13. I forgot about it! What a bunch of morons! 😆 Here's the video. They called it "the signing" 🤣
  14. Maga fans calling others "brainwashed", that's rich! 😃 2020 'stolen' elections anyone?
  15. Not for Trump. He was so upset he lost the popular vote that he claimed the 2016 elections had been rigged! 😆
  16. Not the same country and not at all the sane type of controll.
  17. So, for you, it's OK that TikTok has a shareholder controlled by the CCP?
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