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Everything posted by candide

  1. For a bit of context, the Assyrian Church originates from Iraq and Syria. Assyrians and ISIS were enemies.
  2. "Hence the reason so many posters who were so vocal on the Bondi beach mall attack have mysteriously gone missing on this one." Because, this time, there were no fallacious posts about the identity of the killer to correct? 😊
  3. They've seen what happened to the previous bunch of rioters. They have a big gob, but most of them are cowards.
  4. Do you also believe the 2020 election has been stolen because of massive fraud?
  5. 1. A Grand Jury decided not to indict him. 2. This was a personal matter, not a business matter. Who else than Trump would have asked his company to pay for it? Of course, the prosecution will need to prove it. They will or won't. We need to wait to see what comes up from testimonies. 3. I have not consulted a lawyer about it. Let's see what the court decides about it.
  6. My point was that there was nothing suspect about the fact that McCabe was not indicted, and that he lied about a leak which was unfavourable to the left (Clinton). So no left-wing bias. Another attempt at making a false equivalence. As far as I know, Clinton and Obama were not in charge of accountancy details. + another lame attempt at trolling: in this case, Stormy was not paid by Trump's campaign. She was paid by Cohen (convicted for that), who was paid by Trump who falsified business records about this payment
  7. The same distorted facts again 1. A grand jury refused to indict McCabe. It should be also noted that he lied about a leak which was unfavourable to Hillary Clinton. 2. and 3. The same lie again. It wasn't Clinton and Obama, it was the DNC and their campaign. It should be noted that the RNC and GOP campaigns have also been "only" fined for campaign violations.
  8. What a dumbass! 🀣 β€œGettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. The Battle of Gettysburg,” the former president said at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. β€œWhat an unbelievable, I mean it was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways.” Trump continued: β€œGettysburg. Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee ― who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor ― β€˜Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill. He said, β€˜Wow, that was a big mistake.’ He lost his great general, and they were fighting. β€˜Never fight uphill, me boys!’ But it was too late.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/dimbulb-trump-torched-rambling-attempt-042438659.html
  9. I don't think she cares about Trump having affairs. However, It's a good argument in order to extort more money from her husban!d πŸ˜ƒ
  10. It could also be added that the comparison is not really relevant, as heart attacks are not contagious.
  11. It depends in which country. In the U.S. it's mainly by white guys. In Europe it's mainly by Islamic terrorists (with some notable exceptions).
  12. He was partly right. There was a MotherJones article mentioning the existence of the reports (among other information) and a few indications of the content. However, there wasn't much about it in the media before January 2017.
  13. It has already been established in Cohen's trial that it was considered as a campaign expense (for the part of its conviction which was about it). So it can easily be argued that it has to do with the election.
  14. Why? Opposition research is legal. PS if you are not trying to make a false equivalence (or a false 'worse' equivalence) then why introduce this subject in a thread which is not about Clinton's campaign?
  15. I just wrote how it was disclosed in MotherJones. How does it support the false equivalence you are trying to make between Clinton's campaign and Trump's case?
  16. Thank you for this useful timeline. So MotherJones disclosed that Steele sent the reports to the FBI, reports being the result of an opposition research project. And also discloses some elements of it. How does that support the false equivalence you are trying to make between the Clinton campaign and Trump's case?
  17. And as usual, you have evidence of these media leaks..... 😁
  18. So not leaked to the public, right? So no influence on elections.....
  19. Posting over and over what your Internet friends have sent you, won't make it true! 😁
  20. After the election, so it couldn't have influenced the election. It's my position that you are trolling.
  21. No. Hillary did not conspire with Christopher Steele to influence the election. When you make such an accusation, you need first to back it with relevant quotes from reliable sources, instead of trolling. BTW, when was the Steele dossier published?
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