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Everything posted by candide

  1. Lol! Are you leaving in his head to know what he really meant? Anyway, in case of doubt, let's put a gag order on Schumer for his trial by the Supreme Court! 😀
  2. He has clarified what he said! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/schumer-denies-threatening-supreme-court-justices-says-i-shouldn-t-n1150446 Waiting for Trump to declare he should not have used the words he said... 😀
  3. Not any more, it seems.... https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls#google_vignette
  4. Says someone who considers Trump's complaints as proof! 😀 But don't hesitate to contact me for apologizes after an appeal court has validated this "proof". I will gladly oblige.
  5. It's not my habit to defend Trump, but we must be honest and admit he already passed a quite difficult test! The last questions are much more difficult,” he said. “Like a memory question. It’s, uh, like you’ll go, ‘Person, woman, man, camera, TV.’ So they say, ‘Could you repeat that?’ So I said, ‘Yeah.’ So it’s ‘person, woman, man, camera, TV.’ ‘Okay, that’s very good.’”The doctors said very few people can do that, very few people get that,” Trump elaborated, with evident pride. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/07/trump-repeated-5-words-person-woman-man-camera-tx-dementia-cognitive-test.html 😀
  6. Don't be impatient! Let's wait for an appeal court to decide if Trump's "proof" is valid or not.
  7. Why should I lose my time reading the numerous attempts by Trump to delay his trials? No proof until an appeal court decides so. Don't be impatient! 😀 I have provided plenty of examples in the links. If you don't like them, go search by yourself.
  8. It was a personal interpretation, not an assertion. About your links. Not proof, just Trump's defense claim!
  9. I don't know if it's caused by Brexit or not. It's just not a sign of "doing just well" I did not pick anything. These were the two examples given in the article to justify the comment that "we're not out of the woods yet"
  10. Not only that. Trump is trying the get emotional reactions from judges, which would result in unfair or unbalanced decisions he could then appeal. However, they are too smart to fall into this pathetic kind of traps. 😀
  11. 1. Providing only one example would be anedoctical, so it's better to provide several examples which can be compared and analysed. In particular as Frank83628 has not precisely specified which type of example. 2. If some posters are so keen about examples, they can do the search by themselves instead of trolling.
  12. What's your point? If it's at the weakest level since 2013, it cannot be a sign of "doing just fine", can it?
  13. You want examples of gag orders in other cases? Google is our friend.... https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/10/21/gag-order-violations-roger-stone-marilyn-mosby/ https://www.af-lawfirm.com/blog/2021/july/gag-orders-in-federal-criminal-matters-speech-an/ Edit. Note that most defendants don't insult, smear or threaten Judges, court staff, witnesses and their families, so there may not be a large number of cases.
  14. "but experts said 'we're not out of the woods yet' as measures of business optimism and employment rates both tumbled. BDO's business optimism index declined by 0.16 points to 99.33 – the first drop since November. And the employment index fell for the ninth consecutive month to 98.32 last month – its weakest point in nearly 11 years."
  15. Contact Comer and Jordan! They desperately need witnesses! 😀
  16. What about the pshychology of someone who stresses he's not a Trumper, and yet has written an immense number of posts supporting Trump? 😀
  17. That's not the topic discussed here. BTW, I have shown data to support it and provided an explanation (the law of supply and demand). You have shown nothing to contradict my claim! 😁
  18. You are assuming that what was shown on the website was the authentic and unaltered diary. There is no confirmation of it.
  19. Trump is becoming completely nuts! After comparing himself to Jesus Christ, It's now with Nelson Mandela! 🤣 Trump Says He’ll Become ‘Modern Day Nelson Mandela’ Over Right to Attack Judge’s Daughter https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-ll-become-modern-204752129.html
  20. Interesting question: Why has Illisdean stopped overflowing this thread with Biden vs Trump election polls' results? 🤣
  21. Back to topic. Comer claims an IRS whistleblower said the CIA prevented Morris from being interviewed by the IRS, while another IRS whistleblower already testified he actually interviewed Morris. Of course, Comer refuses to communicate the elements he's supposed to have to the Dem Committee members. Hmmm.....
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