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Everything posted by candide

  1. Interesting report. The U.S. Electoral systems adds even more complexity as it may vary in each State.
  2. Currently, polls show that 40/45% of his electorate come from Trump's electorate. He's still taking more potential votes from Biden voters, but his communication seems to target Trump voters. We'll see how this evolves.
  3. This coming from your dark side? 😃
  4. Lol! The Dems..... Communist (or even Socialist)! 😀
  5. The title is misleading. It should be "top butterflies"! 😃
  6. Not all before the Supreme court but: "It is 63 losses by Trump and his allies," Elias told PolitiFact the morning of Jan. 8. "We treat each case separately — so if there is a federal case and a state case, we treat them as two cases. We only ever count a case one time — so if there is an appeal or remand, we do not treat that as a separate loss." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jan/08/joe-biden/joe-biden-right-more-60-trumps-election-lawsuits-l/
  7. Nice try! You conveniently ignore there isn't only the removal vote, which requires a 2/3 majority. The first impeachment vote requires only a simple House majority (ex. Trump's impeachment). They found out they could not even win it because not all GOP Reps. were ready to vote the articles, as they did not have valid evidence.
  8. However, it's only after they failed to provide any valid evidence that they changed their tune and decided (well, it seems they decided it) not to hold an impeachment vote. In particular as several GOP congressmen have stated there was no valid evidence. Their master would be the most happy man if they were 'only' able to adopt the impeachment articles with a simple House majority, in order to confirm his false equivalence theory ( which was the cause of the investigation)
  9. The IRS WB testified that Joe Biden was corrupt? That's new! Can you quote the part of their testimony in which they state that Joe Biden was corrupt?
  10. You can guess that MAGA folks are short of any valid argument when they start to post that you are earning less than Trump! 😀
  11. Sure! There's no impeachment because they are afraid of Harris becoming President, not because they don't have any evidence. Typical MAGA reasoning. (well, should I call it "reasoning"?) FD-1023 anyone?
  12. You're not expecting any coherence in the MAGA parallel universe, are you?
  13. Actually, even after winning the 2016 election, he claimed the 2016 election had been rigged because he was pissed off that Hillary won the popular vote. He even created an investigation commission, which went nowhere, as all other GOP committees! 😀
  14. B.S. conspiracy theories again. Trump did what he did. The Dems did not make it up. Give me 11,800 votes, the fake elector plot, Trump hiding documents and lying about it, etc... it's not made up.
  15. You're "not a MAGA" but you write your posts with MAGA conspiracy theories! 😀
  16. No. It's even if he's not elected, "he won the election because the election has been rigged". It's the line of thinking which is collapsing the country.
  17. Right. Trump went up until recently. Since January, both were actually going up, and Biden recently went up faster than Trump. There has been no Trump decline so far.
  18. I have no expertise about it. The article mentions the opinion from experts, that's all I know.
  19. The website takes time before showing all tables and graphs. There's a table with all polls by date, and also an historical graph before ( attached below). Having said that, I have no idea whether the recent short-term trend will go on or not. Actually the trend change is due to the decrease of the "unsure" category In replies. It seems that the "unsure" are progressively making a choice, and more of them choose Biden rather than Trump.
  20. A part of the article worth quoting: "The little-known insurance company that rescued Donald Trump by providing a last-minute $175 million bank fraud bond isn’t just unlicensed in New York; it hasn’t even been vetted by a voluntary state entity that would verify it meets minimum “eligibility standards” to prove financial stability. Perhaps even more troubling, the legal document from Knight Specialty Insurance Company doesn’t actually promise it will pay the money if the former president loses his $464 million bank fraud case on appeal. Instead, it says Trump will pay, negating the whole point of an insurance company guarantee, according to three legal and bond experts who reviewed the contract for The Daily Beast."
  21. So it's not Trump who called them to a protest called "Stop the steal" and asked them to march to the Capitol? Was the protest called "Stop the BLM"? Another example of MAGA claim's complete incoherence! 😀
  22. They should be severly punished for having assaulted the Capitol in an attempt to steal elections! 😀
  23. Baseless claim. It's Trump who sent them to march to the Capitol, not the BLM.
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