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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Exactly this.... ... and avoid all the 'ground level traffic' wherever possible - there are loads of roadworks going on now with the MRT lines being built, bridges being knocked down etc and knock-on impact of excessive traffic... Khun LA's route is the quickest way to the elevated expressway to head east although the traffic will still be very heavy on that heading out of town.
  2. No worries mate... I remember the photo now... It was the the on-board lounge photo... .... presumably drinking away a 28 day rotation of telling roughnecks to put their earplugs in... definitely a good way to wash away the all the rig-BS.
  3. Did the Thai rider stop and give you 4000 baht in damages ??? ...... careful with your answer.... it could be Thai bashing when Malcy reads it.
  4. It always is with you Richard. You must be the unluckiest man in Thailand Yawn - you really are particularly dim aren't you... A couple of incidents over 30 years and you think thats unlucky because I've mentioned them a few times on this forum tou therefore assume they are cumulative experiences.... Malcy - just for you: Its possible to mention the same incident more than once without it being multiple incidents... now I can't explain that any more clearly for you and I'm sorry for all those around you if you really are so dim you can't work that out.
  5. Why all the Thai bashing? The OP is about …. Nope... The Op is about an accident where they Foreign rider paid 4000 baht in damages. A sum far greater than similar other circumstances when a Thai crashes into a foreigner.... The foreigner did a runner ???.... he just left and didn't pay anything ? Or, did he pay a reasonable sum for damages ? 4000 baht. He paid a lot more than a Thai would pay should the circumstances be different.... You see my comments as 'Thai bashing'... but thats because you are unable to recognise balance and ONLY EVER side with a Thai whatever the circumstances and thus anyone not 100% in alignment with your delusion is Thai bashing !! In short - no one should be leaving the scene of an accident.... whether Thai or foreigner and there should be charges for that and treatment and fines should be equal. But... thats not what happens here.... Thai's hit others and speed off.... thats very common, I've wintessed it numerous times in person. Here we have a foreigner doing the same thing, except he didn't just speed off, he left 4000 baht in damages. You will argue this of course, but do you think a Thai would have left 4000 baht damages for the other Thai ??? This is why YOU are bias Malcy - you are simply blinded to any reality here.
  6. More like some kind of slave trader....."Rachel Stallard. Private Household & Estate Management Recruitment" Yep... seems like that... Seems she places 'service staff' at the homes of the wealthy - likely meaning they are highly trained etc.. they the wealthy guy has decided he's not going to pay...... Quote: 'All because a client who has millions didn't want to pay his staff wages or my fees,' she sa https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-stallard-272aa516b/?originalSubdomain=uk Sadly - this stuff happens all over the world - not just Thailand... but its seems this guy is powerful enough to be protected by the Thai justice system. - I've been owed 10's $$ for Promise of Quarantine payment (day rates) when going to work, only for the company to 'refuse' after the job was complete. - The company I work for is owed $$ Millions by 'a government body' (not in Thailand) - the government simply are not paying it. .... the big fish simply do not like to pay debt and refuse to pay upfront - its a sad facet of having to do business - they get away with it...
  7. I never realised you'd be able to afford one Malcy.... But, if it makes you feel better, I've seen fools in Suzuki Swifts and blobs on Honda Scoopi's behaving in the same manner... and even guys pretending they are hi-so while drunk in a CRV, so there's still plenty of scope for to embed yourself in the culture endear yourself to the locals !!!!
  8. Yeah.... I saw that one.... Its always embarassing when you go to the back on one of the Buiness Class bars and the Alco's are there there getting their photo taken with the Emirates hat on behind the bar - as if its the first time anyone ever had that original thought !!.... Still, not to be taken too seriously, its a bit of a laugh and he was probably on high spirits after returning from 4 weeks of being abused as a lowly HSE rep.
  9. Is this one of those situations where the 'real estate agent' (term used very loosely) claims 3% of the sale value for helping sell someones property ??? And... in this case when the sale went through she realised she was owed her 3% for her 'connections' in making the sale. The owner... knowing that all she'd done was post some photos and put them up on a WebPage decided that 3% (which could have been 3% of 32 million Baht property) decided he wasn't going to part with 1.28 million baht) We've sold properties before and the agents use 'our own photos' to post on their page and then want the 3% if we get a sale - we tell the get get flooked too !!! Thus: It could be, she had a property listed on some overseas sites etc.... but when she came here to claim her 'cut' was told to take a hike...... and when she made more of a nuisance of herself the business man pulled some strings.
  10. Was that the guy washing in the fountain at Nana ???.... or the one on the floor of the prison cell posted recently ?
  11. It's MalcomB.... living in the same delusion, they are handsome guys to whom the bars girls flock... they are the only ones who see the reality of Thailand that its only ever foreigners who do anything wrong and Thai's are always perfect... ... Sometimes they'll invite Gottfrid along for their 'farang bashing' Ménage à trois 3 up spooning on their honda scoopy !!!
  12. Sounds like perfect Bar-stool banter (rumours), but also sounds perfectly believable... I'll wait to see IF something like this ever happens to me.... "I'll show you mine if they show you theirs" !!!!! --------- I was involved in an accident decades ago, other guys fault, he had no license, van not insured or taxed either. At first the BiB tried to pin the incident on me, but I had photo's too many of which we proving the lies the other guy was telling... I was polite but stubborn, in the end they sided with me as there was no way they could legally pin the incident on me - BiB were fair, but only because they were forced to be..... and I've found that out in other situations too, the BiB will side with the foreigner and will be fair when there 'easier' other options (path of least resistance) are / is exhausted.
  13. Come on... don't make stuff up... MalcomB will be here to tell you that ALL our experiences that differ from his delusional made up stories that all farangs are bad and all Thai's are wonderful will be along soon to tell you what a 'Thai Basher' - 'Farang Apologist' you are....
  14. No... ask MalcomB - he knows all about it.... Thai's will happily pay for all the damages and compensation - those who suggest otherwise are Thai bashers !!!
  15. What you mean the Thai's didn't stop and offer you 4000 baht ??.... You Thai Basher... MalcomB will be along to tell you that you are telling outright lies...
  16. MalcomB thinks otherwise... its always the farangs fault... those who think otherwise are Thai-bashers, such are completely unrealistic delusions....
  17. Thanks for your farang apologist stance as always. Makes me feel better about the farang doing a runner on the poor kid who will just have to suck it up. I like how you didn’t make any mention of the poor kid but were outraged instead of a few translated FB comments. Wake up... If you think Thai was going to pay more, or anything at all to the young lad then you are as sorely mistaken as you are lacking lacking in nouse.
  18. Who was held down ???.... who was forcefully jabbed against their will ???? Funnily enough, the same people who post this fabricated hyperbolae are the ones who throw around words like fascist and dictator about.... Its not herd behavior thats concerning, its stupidity. You were free to sit it all out... Fortunately you for you, your parents chose not to sit out Polio and Tetanus etc...
  19. Wearing a helmet while cycling or sledding is important for safety1. Here are some facts about helmet safety: Wearing a bike helmet reduces the risk of serious head and brain injury by 85%1. Many states have laws that require helmet use1. Children younger than 12 years should also wear helmets when sledding1. Using bicycle helmets reduces serious head injuries by 60%, traumatic brain injury by 53%, and the number of cyclists killed or seriously injured by 34%2. 100%.... Now we should do an experiment... Get 100x 'Harsh Jones' ... get them to run into a wall as fast as they can... (which would probably be about 10kmh)... see how many of them return to to post on this forum... Then consider that most kids ride a bike faster than 10 kmh... every motorcycle journey taken will reach speeds far exceeding 10km - most likely 50 kmh on average... Kids sledding will reach decent speeds of up to 30 kmh... Not wearing a helmet - utter twit... and there are then those who will say its his own choice and it will only impact him... Well it wont... it will impact his family when hes a vegetable... It will impact the innocent person in a car who he hits who will then have to live with the gilt that they were involved in an accident where another party was killed or brain damaged... ... Responses from those such as 'Harsh Jones' are a perfect example of why helmet wear has to be legal and enforced... for surely such enforcement would have protected him from such head injury and he'd be better placed to formulate more intelligent comments.
  20. There is substantial evidence of objects left on the Moon by astronauts during the Apollo missions and robotic landers. Here are key examples: Apollo Equipment: The Apollo missions (1969–1972) left behind a range of equipment, including: Lunar Module Descent Stages: These served as landing platforms for the ascent modules. Scientific Instruments: Seismometers, retroreflectors, and other experiments (e.g., the Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflectors) that still reflect lasers sent from Earth. Astronaut Tools and Personal Items: Cameras, tools, and even a family photo left by astronaut Charles Duke. Lunar Rover Tracks: The Lunar Roving Vehicles (used in Apollo 15, 16, and 17) left tire tracks across the Moon’s surface, visible in high-resolution satellite imagery. Robotic Landers: Various countries' space programmes (e.g., the Soviet Luna missions, China's Chang'e landers) have left rovers and instruments on the Moon. Images from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): NASA's LRO has captured high-resolution images of Apollo landing sites, showing leftover hardware like the descent stages, rover tracks, and astronaut footprints. (The quality doesn't really matter because you'll refute it anyway)... SO... on to the real point of my response: Are there any photos of your intelligence - as given this discussion, the greatest doubt that exists in this thread is the ability for your brain to function in any meaningful manner beyond basic life support and questionable communication....
  21. I wanted to deal with your comments... gave up thinking an single word response surfaces.... I then I realised you have gone into a lot of effort to write your post, so I I'll responding, highlighting why the comments are not very intelligent rather than using a single word to describe the comments in aggregate. Simply answered - the flag appeared to flutter as if in the wind due to the movement and vibrations caused by the astronauts handling it, along with the flexible metal rod holding it upright. The lack of atmospheric resistance on the Moon allowed these motions to continue longer than they would on Earth. Focal length - something anyone with the most basic knowledge of photography understands. I can make a moon look larger or smaller in any photo depending upon how I shoot it. When accounting for zoom, the apparent size of Earth in photos taken from the Moon, and the Moon in photos taken from Earth, depends on the focal length of the camera lens used. A camera with a higher zoom (longer focal length) can make either object appear larger than it would to the naked eye. However, if similar zoom levels are used, the Earth and Moon appear roughly the same size in their respective photos because the larger size of Earth is offset by its greater distance from the Moon. The balance between actual size and distance creates a comparable apparent size in both cases. Focal length is defined as the distance from the principal plane of the lens system to the focal point on the sensor, where collimated light rays converge after refraction. It directly affects the field of view and angular magnification, with longer focal lengths yielding narrower fields of view and higher spatial resolution, thereby amplifying the apparent size of distant celestial bodies like the Moon or Earth in photographic imaging. If thats too much... here, in simpler terms: Imagine you have a magical telescope that can zoom in or out. If you zoom in a lot, faraway things like the Moon or Earth look bigger in pictures. If you don’t zoom, they look smaller, just like toys do when you see them from far away! No... because of that 'magical telescope' (focal length) - images of the moon from the earth and of the earth from the moon are not taken with the same cameras.... Image (#2) - too far away from the moon - its synthesised. So it should - you were reading a load of rubbish, you should have remained laying down so you could have a better nights sleep and assimilate information more accurately. Artemis 1 mission completed in late 2022, was an un-crewed test flight, which orbited and flew beyond the Moon, its purpose to test rockets, heat shields and was a test bed for engineering. Artemis 2 will be a crewed flight beyond the Moon which will take humans the farthest they’ve ever been in space. Artemis 3 will be the first crewed Moon landing mission since Apollo 17 in 1972. NASA aims to land the first female astronaut and first astronaut of colour on the lunar surface. They will spend a week on the Moon performing scientific studies, before returning to Earth. Artemis 4 will deliver a core part of a new lunar space station (named 'Gateway') into orbit around the Moon, and land another two astronauts on the Moon's surface. Artemis 5 will add another important module to Gateway and involve a third crewed lunar landing to undertake further surface science. There is nothing odd about any of that. They didn't loose any information - the Artemis missions are laying the ground work for missions to Mars. No information lost, more information needed - basis processes of science and engineering. True - but whats your point ? you expected to be on Marx on 1975 ??... tech has to develop. There also needs to be economic viability - do we need to go back to the moon at all, or Mars ??? Scientific advancement by all means - will we find a cure for cancer on Mars ??? Perhaps at the very least a cure for stupidity, but I doubt that. Ah... they used the Bond set, brilliant - I think I already 'go out ahead of this level of stupidity' in my earlier comment (abou the "fly me to the moon" 'documentary' !!!) I know right... How did George Lucas know about Light Sabres and Star Destroyers ??? No, its not funny - a 5 year old can understand why that is... Try it on your next Grindr photo... take a nutsac photo and from the ground up and your plumbs in all their glory will look larger than your head !!!... No... you don't understand the laws of Physics an are mistaking them for simple perspective in photography - back to the Grindr example !! I saw that series of documentary about men who handle this stuff... they have a stick thingy... its easy to make people forget.... lets face it, half the people on this thread forgot their education if they had one, and they certainly forgot they are halfwits !!!. Valid points... On the first: Economic viability - Whats the point in going back to the moon unless we are going to use it as an more economically viable option to 'step' elsewhere - such as Mars. Nope.. they were one stop drops.... the 'energy' needed for return of such mass made the outward journey impossible without greater technological advancement and efficiencies... Escaping the earths gravity is a collossal exercises... Launching an energy source in to Orbit, transiting it en-masse to the moon (very slowly), then slowing it to a stable lunar orbit... Using the moon as a 'starting point' has potentail.... at least for a black man or a woman... or preferably a paraplegic black, lesbian with dyslexia who identifies as a cucumber.... No... completely separate missions - one the sole aim of a human to the moon... the second, the sole aim of payload delivery (i.e. building the ISS)... in the Apollo missions, the 'human' was the payload... 1/6th Gravity, is still a lot of gravity.... use the moon as storage, a stepping stone... But really (*IMO) an orbital 'storage' system is far more mathematical - the issue is space debris. Even if they did - place value means its worthless... kind of like finding two tonnes of gold on the top of Everest. Yes... like a 'dog pisshing up a tree'.... just to say we've been there.... Maybe LBJ thought it was a huge waste too !!!! Already explained.... that stuff is just noise in a more interesting debate which you touched on.... Travelling further faster... Yes.. interesting. Gravity experiments - massively important IMO... one of the most important things to come out of the cold war is the ISS and the developments they have made there..... But back to the original discussion - Moon landings ???... the who discussion is a waste... We were there, there is so much evidence the conspiracy not go to is so much larger than just going !!!!! ... But the crux for me... Any time I speak to someone who suspects 'humankind' never stepped foot on the moon I'm never surprised by their sheer absense of true intelligence.... just like flat earthes.
  22. Have you used this for travelling alone with a minor Thai child? For Thai-immigration you might need the official Thai-document for travelling alone with a minor Thai citizen; se my above reply. Yes & No… I’ve had the letter with me, signed by my Wife…. But I never needed it, was never questioned etc so the reality it ‘No, I didn’t use the letter’…. Friends have been stopped without a letter, the just called up ‘mum’ who spoke with the immigration office who had no issues with letting them pass. IF someone wants to be ‘perfect’ & remove any probability of doubt, then your recommendation is best & use the letter you posted…. In reality there is some flexibility- but….. in this case it’s not clear what the relationship is like with the opps Wife.
  23. I’ve seen it a few times… Usually one driver pi$$es of another & they start driving erratically - brake testing, stop start, swerving etc… almost as if they want to cause an accident. With the uptake of dash cams it’s something we see fairly often in the media these days. I had it happen to me once years ago… Two lane road towards Bkk from Hua Hin…. Flowing but very busy traffic… I’m following the car in front in the 2nd (right) lane & am about to pass the slower lorry (which is in the left lane). A BMW screams up the inside, swerves in front of me, into the impossible gap - impressive that he neither hit the truck or me, I had to slam my brakes on, I blasted my horn…. …. and that was that…. For the next 20mins the BMW driver slowed to about 30kmh, stopped, started, swerved, blocked all traffic… caused a massive hold up… Lots of scenarios went through my mind…. Including him getting out of the car with a gun & me ruining him over !!! Some mentally unhinged lunatics out there…. (I’m sure some pr!cks on this forum will now now use that to question my driving which is to be expected from to$$ers trying to point score)….
  24. … fippin ek…. This has the be the biggest load of bovine-muck I’ve read…. “Thai laws seem only to apply to Thai people”….. I’d argue a polar opposite - just look at any check-point in Phuket & Pattaya !!!…. & isn’t there a common conception that when a Thai breaks a law it’s a 500 baht fine & a Wai whereas a foreigner gets the book thrown at him or it costs him dearly - equal treatment is certainly a distant reality. The people who have made the comments quoted seem to suffer from overwhelming hypocrisy masked by a severe case of pulling the wool over their own eyes…..
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