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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. They're out to get you..... how do you protect yourself when walking around, they must also be after you then, right ????
  2. Someone nicking the pot-plants.... defo need an AR-15 if you are in the drug business !!
  3. Its not you.... This ‘second-amendment-esque’ I have the right to defend myself at all costs mentality is somewhat nuts.... and very ‘merican.... This idea that we may be thinking of protecting ourselves against a ‘home invasion’ is nuts... really, is anyone going to invade our home and if they do, if they are armed, are you really going to have time to get to your gun safe, unlock it, load ammo, they take on the aggressors ??? Or, if your ‘weapon’ is so readily accessible then why can’t it be used against you ??? All this.... ‘protect myself’ bo!!ox is just bravado wrapped up in an obese ego.... And the ‘guard dog issue’... IF I had a guard dog I’d be far more worried about it mauling the mail man or a child.... Lets face it... If dogs are trained to guard a property and react with aggression against strangers entering the property then that stranger could be an un-knowing child or something approaching for the right reasons.... --------- So... to answer the question: I feel no need to ‘protect’ my home... door locks are enough. But, I live in a Moo-ban, so perhaps I’d feel differently if I lived in a property outside of a moo-ban without security etc. That said: I am about to put up a couple of motion sensor security cameras.... (Blink) and lighting that comes on when movement is sensed. But, that its because we have a couple of expensive bicycles and a motorcycle kept out front (just inside the gate). But really, the camera is to find out which cat keep pi$$ing up my motorbike.... thats the biggest threat we face !!!
  4. Not really.... ‘seems’... because thats what you read on forums such as this where the news is more ‘wester-centric’ and involves stories of westerners meeting their demise. The reality is there are a lot of Thai’s riding around on large motorcycles... If you were to read the Thai news and follow forums such as ‘Pantip’ you would read of a lot more accidents involving Thai riders of large machines, a lot of that coverage also makes it to these pages. There is... and the Law states that people cannot ride or rent motorcycles without a motorcycle licence. So what happens ??.... the shops that rent out motorcycles don’t pay any attention to the law. I’ve just stepped down to a scooter (300cc Vespa), its noticeably less stable than a motorcycle and the brakes are poorer. Not only that, there is the ‘visibility factor’... on a larger ‘real motorcycle’ other vehicles seem to notice you more, whereas on a scooter you are just another Somchai who can be cut off, cut up, blocked, not seen etc etc.... I’m wondering if riding a larger bike is not actually safer, even in central Bangkok - the issue is of course size and storage, scooters are just a lot more convenient.
  5. A lot of the comments on here suggesting ‘Thai’s don’t know the rules, don’t know what a pedestrian crossing is, don’t know what to do etc’... is all rubbish.... Thai’s know exactly what to... They know exactly what do do when filtering into traffic (i.e. like a zip, let one go then you go)... the issue is they simply drive selfishly. Thai’s know exactly what to do at pedestrian crossings. The issue has been publicised enough for decades... So... the issue is not that Thai’s do not know what to do at a pedestrian crossing, Thai's know very well that they ‘should’ stop.... The simple issue is that ‘many / most Thai’s do not WANT to stop at a pedestrian crossing’...... or anywhere else... .... Look at the majority of accidents that occur in Thailand... a common underlying cause is drivers doing anything other than applying the brakes... they’ll do anything, flash-lights, speed up, drive more assertively or aggressively to impose their road presence... but they won’t slow down or apply their brakes until they absolutely have to. The same applies for pedestrian crossings... many (not all) Thai’s simply do not want to apply their brakes for a pedestrian... this underlying ’selfishness’ is at the route of nearly all pedestrian accidents on crossings and is a horrible blight on the mentality of Thai road users. Is this a Thai Bash.... YES.... one which is deserved and not to be taken out of context - it's heartbreaking to see a country we care about drag itself down with such carelessness on the roads.
  6. Trip-trap, trip-trap...... “Who's that trip-trapping over my bridge?" roared Aseannows’s latest 'member’ with an unimaginative pathetic attempt to troll.....
  7. Easy Peasy ???..... Where does the Sky Train depart Suvarnabumi Airport ??? 1) Airport Rail link Airport to Makassan... 2) then walk to Petchaburi 3) MRT from Petachauri MRT station to Sukhumvit 4) Walk from Sukumvit MRT to Asoke BTS 5) BTS Asoke Station to Ekkamai How easy peasy is that (with or without baggage)... its also about 1 hour of messing around in the wrong direction.... (by the time you’ve taken 3 trains). Or take a Taxi to Ekkami BTS / Bus Station (which will cost about 400 baht)... is it worth it if guys are booking private taxi’s for 1000 Baht ?
  8. Yes... they will start a new service after next monsoon season... And when that doesn’t happen, they will start a new service after next monsoon season... And... ... I think you may see the cycle there... Lots of announcements of this Pattaya to Hua Hin service which never seems to take off...
  9. Do you trust she will ?? You could turn to an Extension of stay based on Marriage (400k in account for 2 months before hand).... IF its not possible to switch from extension of stay based on retirement to extension of stay based on marriage when you apply for your extensions.. then you could simply apply for a Non-Imm-O Visa based on marriage, and then apply for the extensions of stay 2 months after arriving (and season 400k for 2 months).
  10. (a possible option) If you have Thai children in Thailand you may get away with the Non-Imm O based having being a parent of a Thai Child - then 400k baht does not need to be seasoned for 2 months.
  11. I’ve long said that Thailands traffic is an example of how the 'consequence’ is not a concept thought of or widely understood.... immediate actions, response and reaction are the every day modus-operandi of the vast majority, not only in road use but in general life... this manifests itself as a general lock of respect and consideration for and concept of safety.
  12. As a motorcyclist the centre of the lane is where not to ride as that is where oil and other ‘debris’ lies... ideally we ride in the where the car tyres roll, but that also depends on the road etc. Riding position is of course dynamic, never on the shoulder which, in countries such as Thailand with its disregard for smaller vehicles’ riding to the side encourages the idiots in larger vehicles to ‘push you further’ out of what they perceive to be their lane. Its a little easier on a larger bike as the ‘idiots’ tend to respond to a ‘look’ over the shoulder if they are trying to bully you out of their way (when riding with the traffic), but on a scooter they seem to believe you shouldn’t be on the road, but on the side and seem more inclined to want to bully out off the road and out of their way. In this case.. (the article), I can’t see the vid so I’m not sure of the motorcyclist was under-taking the truck or if the truck over-took the motorcyclist then cut across him... But the root cause from the motorcyclists perspective was not being on the main part of the road.
  13. I wonder if the irony is lost on anyone.... That photo... ????
  14. Rubbish... The only routes which are longer due to avoiding Russia are to the Northern European hubs such as Helsinki - Finn Air. The conventional routes - such as direct with Thai Air, Eva and BA never did fly over Russian or Ukrainian Airspace. Neither do the Middle Eastern Airlines; Emirates, Etihad, Qatar etc... Flights have long been avoiding Ukraine & Russian Airspace since Malaysia Airlines was shot down - avoiding this airspace is nothing new. Thus: There is no excuse for ‘additional costs’ due to additional mileage flow. That said, fuel is more expensive, however most of that was purchased on futures markets a while ago when the price of fuel was significantly less. The only valid excuse for increased prices is a simple business model of capitalist response to excess demand with the profits being masked with Covid costs and elevated fuel... many businesses are doing the same as if they consider its ‘their time to win back lost profits’... sadly this costs everyone elevated levels of inflation becomes the end result.
  15. Same... but were told to put our masks back on after the meal service.... As soon as we arrived in the UK and got off the flight, masks off... IMO - its no hardship to wear a mask. I don’t like it, but those who are boycotting their travels because they don’t want to wear a mask are being rather childish, its just a mask... I’ve caught horrible colds on flights in the past that have nearly ruined holidays etc... thus anyone who is slightly sick or has the snivels should be wearing a mask anyway - but people are selfish idiots, so won’t be upset if we have to wear a mask on any flights in future if it means selfish ayholes have less chance to spread their colds.
  16. Your advice is to fly to the US with a broken shoulder ???? ..... that kind of nullifies any other advice you may have on the subject....
  17. I agree... This is good feedback. I’ve read so many comments in threads where people ask ‘do I need an onward ticket’... and some cocksure genius present with ‘I’ve never been asked’... or ‘I’ve been coming here for 20 years visa exempt and on one way tickets’.... ... taking advice from chancers is never smart.... As you wrote [searat7], its better to be safe than sorry. At least ensure you have a plan b with wifi cover IF at check-in (or Immigration) you are asked to provide evidence of compliance with requirements.
  18. While they are at it they perhaps should do something to deal with all the drunk aggressive foreigners…. ????
  19. The Yellow vax books are a waste of time if he already has the Vaccination certification from Mor Prom.
  20. Emirates - still mask wearing.
  21. Agreed…. While Thailand has its negatives (I’ve been accused to many times by hapless fools of being a Thai brasher), it has so many positives that make it an ideal from where to base ourselves… (even for non grumpy old men & sex pests)…. Ask any digital nomad and someone who can work remotely & most of them will suggest Bkk is ideal…. Internet price, reliability & speed, cost of living, great food etc, cheap accommodation, cheap transport…. That’s pretty much what the article states but most critical readers failed to comprehend.
  22. If only time travel was real….. you could go back in time and improve your reading comprehension! ???????? “for digital nomads”……
  23. This is some next level genius s#it ????????????
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