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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Kreaeng-jai is the route cause of many issues here….. ….. no one tells the boss when his idea is galactically idiotic !!!
  2. Sat next to a very large guy last month… His stomach was 1” from the seat in front, no lie ( I wanted to take a photo but didn’t want to get caught being offensive ). He rejected food service, getting the tray down was an impossibility. I felt sorry for him…. I see some kids of some friends today, as kids they are already big… some just have a huge fight against genetics ahead of themselves.
  3. Are you 82 Kgs by any chance ??? ???? I’m 183cm & 95 kgs, fit n healthy…. I don’t like your idea to charge me an extra 13 kgs… how about giving you a smaller seat instead ???
  4. You think he was feeding the dogs and riding at the same time ? Don’t you think he was riding to areas where there are stray dogs, then stopping and feeding them ?
  5. But why is getting garroted by wires hanging over a road the motorcyclists own fault? it’s a simple question…. At first I thought someone who’s handle is SAFTEY FIRST was being sarcastic or ironic… but it seems he really believes that…. It’s actually interesting to learn how someone can think so differently… … but, he refuses to explain which makes me suspect he’s trolling, But I don’t think he is, he just really believes it’s the motorcyclists fault for failing to see hanging wires…
  6. I've had none of your comments removed. Like many other posters..... I am wholly intrigued as to how you could blame a motorcyclist for getting garrotted by hanging wires....
  7. Can you answer, professionally or otherwise, it doesn’t really matter.... Why you think its the fault of the motorcyclist if he gets garrotted by a wire dangling over the road ?????
  8. But sadly their comments then get deleted...... I personally believe it's important to know the extent of the stupidity of some around us. Until reading this forum I never knew that some people could be so outrageously dumb, its a learning curve, we should all be aware such utter fools exist so that IF we encounter them in real life we are not so shocked !!.... That some people believe such incidents are the fault of the motorcyclist themselves is an example of such dumbflookery.... perhaps those in positions responsible for the hanging wires also think the same. Its good that we know that and are reminded to take additional precautions when out on the roads and also when near other foreigners.... who knows, you could be stood next to an utterly irrational mind numbingly dumb tool.... careful out there, idiots can be dangerous !
  9. You can repeat it as many times as you like. He wasn’t wearing a helmet... and that is relevant because his injuries were worse as a result, his injuries ‘could’ have easily been fatal simply because he wasn’t wearing a helmet. Any ’tests’ he is having is due to both the initial cause (getting caught by the wire, the whiplash as you call it) and his head impacting the ground (worsened by not wearing a helmet)....
  10. BTW: I didn’t report you in another thread, thats just a bit pathetic... I prefer to let a thread run, have the debate, the disagreement, the objections, the offence the argument... and let it run naturally.... I am genuinely interested in the thought process of those who think so very very differently than I.... Its often what makes this forum interesting for me and it would be a boring place if we all agreed with the exact same things....
  11. And another one today [kind hearted ‘win’ rider...].... Age, may be, may not be a factor. But if someone has poor eyesight.... poor reactions etc... there is a greater probability of age being a factor in any accident. In this case, its likely any rider would have been garrotted, but who knows.... What photos did you look at ??? Not wearing a helmet definitely made a difference, look at the photo in the main article. The injured party was also only wearing flipflops and not wearing gloves... - The very minimum I ride in (when nipping to a 7-11) is solid footwear (trainers), gloves and helmet. - The injured party would have suffered far less injury with some very very basic precautions (trainers, gloves, and helmet).
  12. Pretty much any decent hospital in Bangkok will handle that with ease. Bumrungrad, Samitivej, Bangkok Hospital, BNH, MedPark....
  13. I still think there is a balance when mask wearing... Today: I visited hospital, I wore my mask, everyone else was wearing a mask. Except one English Lady, who walked in, asked the staff... “Oh, do I need to wear a Mask?”... Staff didn’t know how to respond, so the lady chose that as she didn’t need to wear a mask... Of course, she didn’t need to wear a mask, but as it was at a hospital and as everyone else was wearing a mask, as there may be ‘at risk people’ there, I had no issues with putting on a mask - Perfectly reasonable IMO. I also visited my Sons School, which was closed - No students, no staff, only a handful of security. (My son had left his trainers there on his last day of school last Friday, so we had to pick them up). Upon entering the school security told my I had to wear a mask to enter the school, it was policy !!!!... Remember, not one person is there other than security... I of course ignored the security advice which was just rather stupid IMO.
  14. Are you implying that it's the riders fault when they get garrotted by dangling wires while riding down the road ?
  15. Where do they do these tests for ‘sub-variants’.... Every PCR test I have taken simply responds negative, But for those whose test returned a positive, was the variant listed ?... Does every lab test that returns a positive test also test for a variant and sub-variant? does every lab have the equipment and expertise to test to that level of detail ????
  16. And it could also be argued that those who seldom complain do so because -- as my onetime boss used to put it -- it is like pushing the back end of a wet piece of spaghetti. It depends on the purpose of the complaint... IF its on this forum as part of a discussion... then its just a discussion, entertainment, perhaps even a process of understanding the point of view of others... Now.. what is more inane than a thread complaining about people complaining ???.... No, the irony isn’t lost !!!... So... complaining to a waitress that the prawns were cold ?... hardly worth it. complaining to the BiB that you saw one of their colleagues riding down the pavement with no helmet? utterly pointless..... Complaining on here about plenty of stuff.... entertainment and some of its funny... it also highlights how many of us encounter the same issues.... some of the complaints are entertaining others are just pathetic. Its also highly entertaining to see how some people make a thread to complain about something (i.e. deck chair vendors) and see the Op attacked by utter idiots who lack the ability to understand a basic annoyance... and then see the ‘if you can’t handle that you should go home’ type responses which are more moronic than the initial complaint !!!.... .... its mostly just funny stuff and quite often is just ‘venting’ which also alleviates a little stress for some...
  17. Where have I mocked Chinese cars, if you are referring to buying cheap cars, which happen to be Chinese, that is your problem, not mine. Now go back to my opening post, read it, then stop sulking. OK.. To be fair KhunLA.... I don’t think a strong distrust of Chinese products is bigotry, its experience. For years many Chinese products have been substandard - my First question when looking at or discussing a Chinese made vehicle is safety.... I’ve hurt myself using Chinese made spanners (snapped and I smashed my knuckles). Thus, with something as important as a car, its going to take a long time to install trust in overseas customers who are used to higher standards. For this very reason alone I will avoid MG cars (and also the Havel and Ora). In 10 years things may be different.... for now, I’m not yet there and would prefer to go Japanese or European. Now... If dealing specifically with EV’s... IF there were Japanese and European EV’s which were the same price as their ICE counterparts then I’d have likely made the switch to EV’s already. i.e. our current car is a Mazda CX-5.... It cost about 1.8MB... IF that came as an EV for the same price, I’d have got that. But I’m not buying an MG EV at 1.0MB (or whatever its costs) because its an MG. That said: I can understand why you may have no issues with an MG, specifically if basing your choice on cost alone and removing any ‘emotion’ and perhaps even irrational and incorrect concerns others such as myself may have.
  18. What is it with the Thai population who seem to lack any ability to accept responsibility ??? The media perpetuates this idea of ‘Thai’s cannot be at fault’... ‘its always the fault of something else’... This juvenile attitude and the inability to accept responsibility and face accountability that people deliberately ignore and avoid the concept of consequence and blame everything else but themselves. Clearly... the person driving was at fault... to blame the rain highlights the moronically juvenile mentalities of both those reporting and the driver. Do we ever hear or read..... "I screwed up, I was driving too fast for the conditions".... ???
  19. Well that's ok as long as you mean the 'occasional' posting on a forum. It a forum, people post as and when they like. If there is an article about a child getting mauled by a dog, quite rightly the thread will be full of people complaining about stray dogs and how many here don’t look after their pets. ... then there is the teacher cutting the kids hair, or a high-so killing someone while driving drunk, or the pickup driver skidding off the road, or the bus going down a ravine etc... .... There are so very many examples where observations can only be negative because there really isn’t anything positive about such scenarios to be discussed - they are major problems which need addressing and because we (many posters care) we have opinions.... If we didn’t care and didn’t have an opinion when negative things happen it could be argued we don’t care about our adopted home country.... which is clearly wrong for many of us, we do care, we care so much and want to see improvement. So... it could be argued that those who never complain don’t do so because they care so little they don’t have an opinion.
  20. Posting about something on a forum is different than moaning about it all day long in person… For many, the forum is a discussion. For example, I hate dual pricing and will post strong objections about it on this forum. But I do not let it negatively impact my daily life. If it’s a restaurant or business I simply chose and alternative if convenient, if not convenient I suck it up.
  21. This is the way I see this happening… Wrong gear (auto car - FWD not Rev)… Panic, then foot hard to the floor. underlying cause - an utter flookwit at the wheel… My wife & I (& many others) waited an excessively long time for someone to ‘pull out’ of a parking space yesterday. The tiny old lady really should not be driving anymore… quite worrisome to consider these folk also get up to speed…
  22. Aw gawd… another one. I feel a crack-down coming in the hub of garroted motorcyclists…. Its about time the companies whose wires / cables these are give serious fines - this is the only way to ensure they ensure their employees do their work properly & remove old cables before installing new ones. The route cause of all this - utter laziness.
  23. I don’t get this attitude… Some (such as the op) seem to believe that because people have made a choice to move here they have to agree with every single facet of life here & how things operate. It is as if the Op (and those who think like him) believe that when people move here they lose their right to an opinion. Whereas a heathy and balanced mind recognises both pros and cons, positives & negatives…. It’s ok to discuss those opinions in the right situation… a forum designed for discussion is the perfect place for such discussions.
  24. I think you are quite right when regarding risk to others. However, when regarding risk to oneself, riding too slowly or over cautiously places you at risk from the utter tools around you. It’s perhaps safer to be going with the flow of traffic. If a riders ability has diminished such that he feels the need to ride a lot more slowly than the surrounding vehicles, then it perhaps time to consider 4 wheels for his own safety.
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