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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Looks to me as though the concrete posts were sticking out the back of the truck and the diver simply drove into the truck at a fair lick of speed while the truck was going fairly slowly.... I’m surprised the now fashionable ‘lap-nai’ was not mentioned....
  2. Would it have made any difference to someone not looking where they are going and driving straight into the back of a loaded truck ????
  3. You don’t have OCD, you are just organized. If you have to kick the wall 3x and tap your toes 6x before leaving your house… you have OCD.,
  4. If not vaccinated You need a negative PCR test cert. If you don’t have that you will (or may) be asked to take a test on arrival. It’s not quite clear if it’s all people without a PCR test cert or just random. Its not clear if you have to pay for that or not. Also, Airlines may have their own requirements.
  5. You are supposed to watch a video. Because of Covid you have to watch the vid online.
  6. The Thai Motorcycle & Car Licenses cannot be combined. Regarding motorcycle license. The staff at the DLT do not understand the Class & endorsements… Thus, if they see the ‘outline’ of a scooter on your endorsements (reverse side on Uk license) they give you a full motorcycle license !!!
  7. Why would you need to.....most include accident and travel insurance in the same policy anyhow. You do use travel insurance.....???? Is it a ‘Covid only’ policy ? Or, now that it’s not going to be a requirement is he planning to visit without any medical insurance at all ? The latter being the source of many issues people enforceably face.
  8. Nothing happens... I’ve had numerous replete cars, driven at night (in BKK) and outside the province (again at night to restaurants etc)... Only once (about 20 years ago) a GF got stopped in her car at the toll-booth (in Bangkok), she simply said she’d been working and was going home (it was about 9pm). .... the red plate thing... I wouldn’t give it a second thought. As far as getting your white plate - you can do it yourself at the DLT. The online DLT registration like all official Thai apps seems not to work (been trying to get a bike registered recently).
  9. A thread highlighting the latest updates which was running before the news story was published in Aseannow was closed down based on not wanting to have duplicate threads running yet there seems to be no issue with duplicate news stories running !!!
  10. Always baby steps.... but there really aren’t that many steps left to take. This could have happened back in April.... At least Thailand is moving in the right direction which sends out the message to tourists who were sitting on the fence that they can go ahead. Combined with 45 day Visa on entry (should really be 90) and temporarily no need for *TM6 at Immigration (reducing Immigration queues), things are looking better for tourists. Now Thailand only has to deal with its ‘insurance’ issues... i.e. insist all arrivals have insurance, or included an insurance in the price of the ticket, or just stop complaining about it and agree to treat emergency cases on Thailands national health system with the understanding that the additional medical costs incurred by tourists are a tiny **percentage (0.03%) of the income tourists bring to the country... *It seems immigration have shunted the TM6 responsibility to the airlines who submit in bulk (if I’m not mistaken), this seems like it could be the first ‘baby-step’ towards getting rid of those unnecessary pieces of paper. ** In 2019 it was reported that there was THB700 Million in unpaid medical bills from tourists. In the same year it was reported that revenue from Tourism was US$62 Billion (THB 2.165 Trillion) Which begs the question: Does Thailand really need to be getting upset about 0.03% cost of its tourism revenue to the medical industry ????
  11. Fair enough - I live in BKK and never really noticed the ‘seasons’... But everyone I know travels here in the Summer holidays (longer School break) etc... This lifting of the Thailand pass is definitely a positive for those planning ’their break’ later on in the year as well as regional weekend breaks etc...
  12. ?? You would cancel a holiday just because of an online (Thailand Pass) application which takes 10 mins to submit.... (if it comes back)... erm... bit of an over-reaction don’t you think ???..... while the Thailand Pass is now redundant, its hardly a major effort, unless of course it is the insurance cover which you are unable to secure (but even that is easy to get hold of and costs 650 baht).
  13. No more mask wearing outdoors from 1st July.... Which means still have to wear masks indoors at airport etc... but at least the new regs are approaching something like common sense. No more Thailand Pass from 1st July...
  14. Your link doesn't say that, talks about 1 June old news The news is real and up to date... ... the link was miss posted (I edited and put in the correct link already).
  15. Indeed.... Sadly for Thailand most of potential European sumo holiday makers have already booked up their Summer Holiday breaks and perhaps made nay-decision based on the Thailand Pass requirements. I hope Thailand can now put this to bed and keep from the negative publicity of arresting tourists for smoking dope after so much fan-fare and announcements of legalising it.... Its time the tourism industry in Thailand had a good break and all those small businesses can recover...
  16. While ‘Sandboxing’ last year I enquired and was quoted prices from 500 to 800 baht per day for a little thing.... I didn’t look too deeply into it (hired a scooter instead)... I’m not sure of the level of insurance cover etc. There are plenty of websites which offer Car Hire in Phuket.. Also take a look on FaceBook market place.
  17. IT seems the CCSA have just agreed to cancel the Thailand Pass for international arrivals from 1st July. Arrivals simply need to show proof of vaccination. I’m not sure what that means for those who are not vaccinated. Outdoor mask requirements also lifted (with the exception of busy areas). I’m guessing more ‘official’ announcements will be made soon.... So far its just Khaosod who are reporting this. https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish
  18. Mask wearing outdoors has been lifted from 1st July (except in busy areas). Whatever ‘busy areas’ means is perhaps down to discretion... Thailand Pass also no longer a requirement from 1st July. IF Khaosod report is correct: https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish
  19. Interesting how this is Thai scammers / hackers.... but they still managed to deflect blame on non-Thai's... as if the Thai scammers would never have otherwise had their minds corrupted !!... Straight out of the ’Thai’s can do no wrong’ book of excuses...
  20. Agreed.... I’m seeing a ridiculous amount of news and media about negative impacts of Marijuana... I’m surprised we haven’t had masses of car accidents blamed on it... (i.e. must have been Marijuana in my soup at lunch etc).....
  21. I get what you are saying... but a car has 4 wheels, is more stable under breaking etc... so its more than reaction times that come into it... ... additionally, fewer people pullout and swerve in front of you in a car than a bike so you are less exposed to needing to emergency brake and have lightning reaction times. I think there is probably a transition period where riding a motorcycle is not advisable due to age, while driving a car is still fine, but at some point, driving a car also becomes dangerous for others - that age may be different for different people based on health and mental fitness etc... My father in law is kind of at that age now... their car always has new scratches on it.... luckily he’s stopped drinking after too many bumps and scrapes combined with age, poor eyesight... but we just can’t stop the guy from driving.. I imagine there are many who refuse to accept the realities of age (not just in Thailand, UK too, my own father is another example at 84 years old, still driving, still passes medicals etc but still needs to be told to take it easy belting round the country lanes in a large 4x4).
  22. There is also no thought beyond now... immediately now, fastest and easiest fix without any regard of consideration to the immediate or long term future. This is not at all limited to Thai’s, labourers everywhere have exactly the same attitude ‘<deleted> given’ range in the negative to zero... Its difficult to change that without effective supervision.
  23. Fair enough.... But, it does seem to occur at a disproportionately elevated level compared to many of our home countries.... It occurs such that it is one of the things I’m on high alert for whenever riding my motorcycle. Power cuts are also not exactly uncommon when a ‘large lorry’ snags one of those hanging wires and brings down the poles in a domino effect. So.. ‘all over, ducking and weaving’..... not all the time, but I have found myself with a wire snagged on my bike (luckily going very slowly down the side of traffic) and I have found myself ducking out of the way and dodging the odd hanging cable while walking down the pavement (sidewalk). I’m not so sure the comments are over the top... the issue certainly is over the top considering this is something that would be considered extreme with severe consequences for those responsible and accountable in many of the countries we come from.
  24. What’s the point of your comment ?? Are you implying that contrary to multiple news reports each month that hanging wires are not a problem because you haven't had an issue with them ? All those reports of motorcyclists getting garrotted and killed by hanging wires made up ???... https://aseannow.com/topic/1258295-surin-motorcyclist-killed-after-neck-becomes-entangled-in-hanging-wires/ https://thethaiger.com/news/bangkok/dangling-wires-cause-injury-in-samut-prakan-motorbike-crash https://thethaiger.com/news/national/electricity-cable-snatched-a-man-off-his-motorbike https://www.samuitimes.com/hanging-wires-another-motorcyclist-strangled-to-death/ https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/female-motorcyclists-throat-slit-by-low-hanging-cable-in-thailand https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2020/01/20/2-tourists-swept-off-road-by-loose-cable/
  25. This is the issue.... ... wants those responsible to get their act together.... ‘get there act together’... thats all ? How about some charges, some penalties, some accountability and responsibility for those who allow such lazy work and dangerous results >???? The ineffectiveness and apathy of Thai Policing continues to enable the continued slack safety standards throughout the nation....
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