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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Perhaps this foresight is what inspired the Kaiser Chiefs lyrics… ????
  2. It is perfectly legal to drive (mechanical assistance) which on hands free and there are a host of more challenging activities then stepping off a walkway where using a phone is not considered perilous. In any case the worst that should happen if not paying attention is falling over after being ejected from the walkway. There is no scenario, given the design that in normal circumstances and correct functioning that you get ingested into the mechanism. The man is deflecting.
  3. So they don't have to look at the monstrosity!
  4. I bet there are far more doing the long walk beside the walkway now and those venturing on are practising their "long jump" technique at the end! ????
  5. This fanciful nonsense suggesting it has any relationship to this accident calls into question the rest of his assurances on the maintenance.
  6. But you still did though…didn’t you…? ????
  7. I'm very surprised that a UK publication has shown such a harrowing,gory picture.
  8. Be sure to leave a roller skate on the top tread....
  9. Don't be daunted,the registration process and subsequent reporting have been seem less, although site a little clunky. A vast improvement on old system and never had a glitch in almost 2 years
  10. As an aside,I never bother printing out my reports (always done on line) and I’m leaving next month on a reentry visa . From what I’ve read immigration (on departure ) aren’t interested in seeing 90 day reports (mine is of course current having recently done it). Just testing my assumption …
  11. But she's right. Kasikorn are not requiring it or doing it for foreigners yet. My standard Kasikorn ATM card lets me take out 30k then immediately reinsert the card and take out another 20k.
  12. Reminds me of my school report ' Christopher sets himself extremely low standards which he consistently fails to achieve " ????
  13. Yes,it's grossly unfair. Here I am at the pearly gates with Peter not letting me in until I'm absolved! It's like being at the night club entrance with the burly bouncer saying "you're name's not down you're not coming in , especially wearing trainers" ????
  14. It is a sin to do something that you don't believe in. Every day I pray to God thanking him for creating me as an atheist...
  15. It appears that if you can get a place on a dinghy arriving on the Kent coast you will be royally looked after. For the avoidance of doubt this is not an insensitive remark aimed at the dreadful predicament of the OP ,rather a satirical remark aimed at the convoluted priorities of the UK authorities who perhaps should be prioritising a citizen and ex serviceman who has fallen on hard times rather than economic migrants. Good luck sir!
  16. That's why ecstasy users drink water. No need of alcohol,so in summary the least harmful of all combinations and certainly way better than either cocaine or especially heroin
  17. You fail to understand that alcohol is a drug too and overall one that has caused much more damage than Ecstasy . Nicotine is far more addictive too. Just because something is illegal ( as alcohol has previously been) is not a definite indicator of toxicity.
  18. So,Did you get a pizza the action...?
  19. Indeed you should "die for" that abomination! ????
  20. Unless it's your thong wearing Russian dive buddy! ????
  21. Ah,the venemous blue ringed octopus. Still, prefer it to the "chocolate starfish"...
  22. Quite right. Have you seen the state of the bread here?! ????
  23. He was drinking Meths?!! Hope it was chilled at least!
  24. I did tell my doctor that I was forgetting things and maybe altzheimers? He said " how long has this been going on?" Puzzled,I replied " how long has WHAT been going on?" ????
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