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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. And a convenient snack if you've forgotten to go to the supermarket. ????
  2. Would you like to reread this article and remind us of the quantifiable success of this "good work". I believe the figure ”ONE ” was the result... Great return eh?....
  3. Of course, a (more reliable) Toyota doesn't have the sleuthing capabilities of a BMW!
  4. What you’d learn is just how vacuous the audience is for these types of shows. The irony of reality TV shows are they are the polar opposite of reality. ????‍♂️
  5. He's so happy he can hardly count! ????
  6. A spokesman said they're taking seriously the country's child obesity rates , unlike farang countries! ????
  7. The Indians claimed they were between a rock and a hard place...
  8. Not some sort of Oedipus issues going on there I hope ?! ????
  9. They may have British passports though as many others unfortunately have Even our UK prime minister has one ..and an Indian one. Then there's the Scottish prime minister of Pakistani origin. What a first meeting that would have been! ???? ????
  10. He's as credible as he is ” hansum"..
  11. And he can't even strike a ball as sweetly as Bobby Charlton...
  12. His critics were less kind...
  13. NOT According to the TAT !!! I rest my case!! ????
  14. Yes,there's only so much a country can put up with Big Nok being there...
  15. I don't think too many tourists has been Thailand's problem the last few years. Quite the contrary
  16. It'll be negotiated down to a deposit on a second hand Honda Wave...but not the top of the range 125i of course...that'd be excessive!
  17. Perhaps the dog had had a previous encounter with Ferrari Joe and was traumatized by the approach with the plastic bag, going into flight or "bite” mode...or something..? ????
  18. Not my experience. The couple I met here (not young) had impeccable English and Dutch too.
  19. Belgium, Holland and the Scandinavian countries all speak very good English.
  20. I've noticed a fundamental intellectual laziness here, perhaps even beyond what you could blame on the obvious culprit of the insidious education system. I mean that despite the shortcomings of that, and too the social conditioning, Thais must know that the West is much more advanced and wealthier,so why aren't they curious to find out why, especially in the digital age where information is at their fingertips? Is it because they are kept, although suppressed, just comfortable enough not to become a nuisance to those that are reaping the benefits of a reasonably developing country? Why do they chose to remain blind to the obvious corruption that robs them of so much more? Apathy seems to be the default setting which I hope the younger generation can throw off,but significant political change will be required to enable that.
  21. That's a function of English being the default second language globally of nearly all countries. When they need to communicate with each other English is required . So with English as your native tongue what second language would be your obvious choice? There isn't one really. I learned French to A level and have mastered some very basic Thai just by being here,but in terms of the former it's never been of much use.
  22. That, although perhaps you didn't realise it is an indictment,and a justified one, of the average Thai's failure to grasp anything outside their tiny bubble of experience,and more damningly a curiosity to look beyond it. The West is far more advanced and obviously so yet it doesn't intrigue them...?
  23. Everyone keeps mentioning the 400 or 800k baht in the bank,but if not wanting to tie up that sort of capital at poor rates there is the income option. A letter from your embassy here in Thailand confirming you have an income (pension?) of 40k baht per month marriage,or 65k for the administratively easier retirement visa
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