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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Commiserations for your loss of business....
  2. For being an unrequited ”Chubby chaser "....?
  3. Indeed, I personally know 2 people who did this. Were you all trying to save water at the time by sharing?
  4. Don't be so naïve. People have died falling over in the shower. Bending down to pick up the phone they thought they'd lost..? ????
  5. They don't wanna be too conscientious, who's gonna pay for all those 40k baht wing mirrors?
  6. AND all subsequent lives including reincarnation!
  7. No mercy! They must ALL be fined and deported! ????
  8. Can I remind you this was a broken mirror,not bones. And some lucky so and so got 40k baht for a couple of thousands baht mirror. He should be invited back asap!
  9. Wasn't there perhaps a clue in the name.... ????
  10. Hope you're not writing that under a ladder. Is that a black cat coming your way...? ????
  11. The Ozzie said he couldn't see himself doing that....
  12. I trust the punishment gives him cause for 'reflection'...
  13. At 70 ish it's main function would be to help you remember her name...
  14. The "message" you're sending is not the one you think you are...
  15. this is actually real ? the monthly interest is 900k. hahahah o man i love being A few times someone has told me their loan amount and I've asked what interest rate they're paying, when I'm met with blank looks. I ask the monthly repayment and can mostly do the calculation in my head which reveals a ridiculous interest rate. They simply have no idea nor any simple arithmetic skills.
  16. You can watch anything via the internet, especially if you have a vpn
  17. " I think we're gonna need a bigger collection box!" ????
  18. ”Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz,my friends all drive pick ups,I must make amends " ???? ????
  19. I had a particular dinner lady who made a man outta me! ????
  20. If inequality vexes him so much what have been his pronouncements on the many other aspects which contribute to this problem? Or hasn’t he thought too deeply about all this….? ????
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