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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Yes,I think this is the defining issue. Even if they can massage an exclusion of Pita everyone knows the grounds are effectively manufactured and aren't in any way material. Coupled with an overwhelming vote of no confidence in the current incumbents they are going to have to calculate what the lash back might be. The signs are it would be considerable so can only hope they conclude it would be too volatile to suppress. Then there'd be the international opprobrium from such a transparent manipulation. You've had your time,get out before the country erupts.
  2. It’s relatively low level criminal damage for which the penalties in most parts of the world are an appropriate fine ,full victim compensation and a criminal conviction,often even a caution. Jailing is just a silly overreaction.
  3. Apparently at formal functions in Benidorm a black tracksuit is required! JD sports Liverpool is their only branch with an "evening wear" section! ????
  4. Masks over your shoes now as well? Is that effective….?
  5. Just so long as you don’t compound the sin of not wearing a mask by wearing a good quality helmet on your motorcycle- it’s supposed to be the other way round…! ????
  6. "Your call is important to us but all our operatives are busy right now - you are 30,000th in the queue,in the meantime here is some "musak " . "I love the sound of breaking glass" ????
  7. Was he wearing a tracksuit- the Benidorm uniform…?
  8. More like 1,000. You’re forgetting the now legally established " broken wing mirror " precedent allowing for 30x punitive damages uplift..
  9. Don’t forget the Hanged,drawn and quartered . You don’t wanna let him think he’s got away with it,do you? ????
  10. Well,I think they're just going to burn her some more if you think that's a "better place"...?
  11. I wonder what the perp will be charged with- a series of assaults?
  12. Even if he strongly disagreed with the Putin regime? What about all those that have fled the war so as not to be conscripted?
  13. Define 'far left' . You seem to be classing progressive with that label. The vested interests and shameful inequality,coupled with a poor education system being addressed along with observing democracy is hardly'far left'. Thailand needs much better than the current dinosaurs
  14. It's a subliminal message that it's all going t1ts up? ????
  15. I mentioned him as he was just on the same episode of the Art Sutter show. My father had a watch that hadn't worked for many years, and started miraculously after Uri was on TV. He is good at what he does. Perhaps Prawit's dead friend effected a repair via a ouija board? ???? ????
  16. Quoting a communist. Do you by default think that by definition EVERYTHING a communist says must be incorrect?
  17. There is never an excuse for forcefully taking over government especially by a totally unelected junta (who then cynically changes the constitution for its own benefit) . It's even less valid by orders of magnitude than an overstaying one. You talk about ”peaceful’ collating that with ”suppressed”. A favourite tool of any dictatorship... The current incumbents have been bad for the country by any metric and will only increase that disadvantage by more suppression... sorry... peacefulness....
  18. As an unrequited junta shill I won't convince you,but for others there's the small matter of overthrowing by force a democraticly elected government,the poor economic performance Vs ASEAN peers ,poor procurement of vaccines (given you mentioned COVID) plus lack of FDI that a junta causes
  19. He went to Harvard so have to presume he's not naive,so have to consider what his strategy is. Perhaps he knows that he's gonna be stitched up by the current powers (a reasonable assumption) so he's drawing up his battle lines early?
  20. Thailand the women are easy and a dime a dozen, Mexico much harder and not as petite. Depends what you want. Mexican women are verrrry passionate compared to Thai women. What do you think of that Nchuckie I think the humour (like coitus interruptus) went right over your head...
  21. I suggest that should be the minimum expectation in either venue. ????
  22. My point has clearly gone over your head. Your final point is moot. There IS no doubt about whom the electorate voted for...but you want to ban him? Major flaw in your basic argument there. Oh, and how did the military junta not contravene on a far more fundamental level any form of electoral probity? The only damage to democracy is not recognising without delay whom the people chose. Which part of that are you struggling with?
  23. How can it be a motor vehicle without a motor? Exactly. Thanks for reinforcing my point....
  24. You are sitting in the drivers seat of a car with the engine removed and a wheel missing. You’ve had a few beers but a policeman charges you with the offence of "being in charge of a motor vehicle while under the influence ". Who are YOU blaming for your ‘inability to follow the law"….?
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