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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. How about orange suits...? ????
  2. As long as your WiFi router is close to the TV you can simply connect the two directly with an Ethernet cable which probably came with the router. No hot spot signing in then required. (you have to set up a password on the phone for logging into its hot spot which TV will prompt you to enter) when it detects it. There should be a Netflix button on the TV remote which takes you directly to the app . Once you have your subscription in place you only have to sign into Netflix once on each device and it will thereafter be remembered. So just press the Netflix button on the remote and you're straight in.
  3. Not taking into account the roads here! ????
  4. Would a new appointee make any difference? Isn't the current incumbent simply a representative of the wider malaise in the country? What thanks would he get for trying? Probably just opprobrium from the vested interests for whom the status quo benefits
  5. "Expensive" ..? I bet it WAS in the end! ????
  6. Especially if he told them the 'T' stood for Mr. TRANSGENDER! ????
  7. Doesn't look the running type to me! And probably more a lover than a fighter ????
  8. It's more the drivers being "accident prone" than the road
  9. When I have the sh1ts???? I know where it's emanating from in no uncertain terms! ????
  10. Although I'm sure they're not doing it for altruistic reasons,more for their own self preservation,not that I blame them for that either.
  11. Not even in your own vehicle? I find that stops the scamming in its tracks! ????
  12. "It's a wise child who knows its own father"
  13. "Putin’s finger is hovering over the red button- what you do next determines whether he pushes it or not ! "???? ????
  14. "Methinks the gentleman protests too much his innocence.." ????
  15. That's the first step. Next is for her to join you in " enjoying" the soft silken touch of those pricey bed sheets! You're almost there ????
  16. I haven't mentioned bar scene, that's just your assumption, made with no knowledge of me. But you're not denying it right....? ????
  17. And a convenient snack if you've forgotten to go to the supermarket. ????
  18. Would you like to reread this article and remind us of the quantifiable success of this "good work". I believe the figure ”ONE ” was the result... Great return eh?....
  19. Of course, a (more reliable) Toyota doesn't have the sleuthing capabilities of a BMW!
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