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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Who would pay for this? The overall costs to the country of corruption far exceeds that of paying a realistic wage.
  2. I think you need to look up what constitutes a Ponzi scheme. Your understanding is on a par ,or even below, that of 'supply and demand'…
  3. Well when I saw that depicted in a certain "internet site " it looked altogether different..and more painful! ????
  4. Unless 'their' personal pronoun is 'there'. ???? I don’t know wear you’re going with this… ????
  5. If you’re going to use quotation marks you have to use the actual quotation- which was 'willful ignorance' (yes there IS a difference) not reword it to suit your narrative. I haven’t "called you" anything,simply recognized your choice to continue to adopt that position . "I’ll leave you to [ it]. " And what does "End of subject" (which you’ve concluded with twice)actually mean?
  6. No,the biggest killers are the morons riding them ,followed by similar morons driving things which plough into them … ????‍♂️
  7. Which is indeed part of supply and demand. If you reduce prices significantly you will sell more - which is fine in a manufacturing scenario and you have been able to maintain margins by reduced costs and can simply increase production . (The shift of manufacturing to low labour cost China is a perfect illustration). But if there is a limited/finite supply of product ,such as in property then your objective is to maximize the price you can achieve while still achieving a sale. id suggest a Google search to inform yourself more widely of the workings
  8. I’ve also tried to explain these basics of supply and demand to the same poster …. to no avail . He prefers not to understand,nor answer the questions I put to him,preferring an entrenched narrative of 'gouging'. This is of course simply willful ignorance which I said I’d leave him to . Now he’s upset ! ????
  9. I haven’t insulted you,I’ve simply pointed out the lack of understanding of the established facts in your comments relating to the workings of supply and demand and your continued wish not to address those shortcomings,for which the correct term is indeed 'willful ignorance'. And I’ve accepted your position by leaving you to it. You say that I need to 'take it easy' ? I’m calm enough not to insert 5 exclamation marks at the end of my comment …
  10. I don’t think you’ve grasped quite how supply and demand work. There’s a balancing mechanism,usually in the form of pricing. It’s reasonable to assume that as demand picks up (due to ending of Covid restrictions and more Russian buyers ) then prices will have recovered from the lows during the depths of the pandemic . It’s really not that difficult…
  11. His young slinky local companion was quoted as saying she was prepared for the wurst…
  12. If they don’t sell then there’s effectively no price fixing because nothing is sold ! Market prices is what property sells at ! And your scenario simply doesn’t happen in the real world. The developers would go bust without sales. ????‍♂️
  13. I notice you are repeatedly unable to answer the question about what you would do. I cannot help with your complete lack of understanding of supply and demand.
  14. So they ARE selling at market rates then? If there's a price boom in neighborhood I take it your answer to the question is YES when asked if you'd sell at below what you could achieve? It's not a question in what I (or you) believe,it's simply someone selling at the price that another is prepared to pay. You sell at below market rates then?
  15. Whatever your take on the reasons the fact remains that if they're overpricing and there are plenty of other similar properties available then they won't sell will they? If they do in fact sell at the price they're asking (noone is forcing anyone to buy) then that means they've priced correctly
  16. There you go with the ill informed 'gouging' argument again. You can rarely 'gouge ' a market when it’s subject to the rules of supply and demand,as here. If you ask a price beyond what the market dictates you simply won’t sell your property. If you owned one of these ,or any property that increased in value , would you sell it at below what people would pay to avoid being accused of 'gouging'?
  17. When ever someone uses this in a sentence, it shows that they are a racist. Whenever someone responds with this tired old trope it shows the best argument then can usually muster is the lame playground " No,YOU are !"
  18. You bet Jurassican ! Seems you’re a Saur loser though.. What dinosaur will you be hanging out the back of later ?
  19. If it lasts the full 24 hours you’ll really get the hump ? Any way,it’s still vague by not clarifying whether dromedary or bactrian .
  20. Raaaaaacist ! … Just thought I’d join in with indiscriminately throwing around that slur…. ????
  21. Well I suppose if the alternative was being conscripted as cannon fodder in a Russian winter ????…. or worse still ,staying in Isaan.. ????
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