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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. You were already embarrassingly called out on that "pregnancy " false equivalence and were dumbfounded when presented with the comparison of Road traffic fatalities. But keep on digging,Lou …
  2. One guy has a cold ,another has advanced terminal cancer. But in "Liverpool’s " world they are both unwell,so the same…? ????‍♂️
  3. At least he’d be understood at parties without mangled grammar and syntax!
  4. My ‘crystal ball' is the widely publicised RTA statistics pertaining to both countries ! You say you rely on ‘empirical evidence and rationalised logic' but don’t seem to understand in practice what they mean (there is such evidence on levels of corruption by country on transparency.org which I’ve already pointed out. As YOU similarly also don’t understand "anecdotal evidence " which isn’t "without evidence " (sic) but refers to evidence gleaned from personal experiences/accounts. Hence the term " anecdotal evidence ". Here is the actual definition for your education. "of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research." Any further education I’m obliged to provide will from henceforth be chargeable..
  5. I was vociferously shouted at by someone hollering " One way!" as I proceeded down a one way street,to which I retorted " I’m only going one way !!" ????
  6. The pregnancy correlation argument is specious- it’s binary. And no they aren’t as susceptible,otherwise there would be similar levels of corruption. Transparency.org will educate/inform you better of levels of corruption by country. I notice you pointedly didn’t answer my question about trying to bribe a roadside cop… telling…
  7. Do you understand the concept of 'degree' ? If you offered a bribe to a roadside police officer here or in the USA which do you think is more likely going to end up with you being arrested? ????‍♂️
  8. Far from Thai style, and worldwide. A best friend of 58 yrs, was killed by a hit & run driver, and today still hasn't come forward or been arrested: https://www.delcotimes.com/2014/03/11/2000-reward-offered-in-collingdale-hit-and-run/ The point is that it is far more commonplace (fleeing the scene)here than likes of UK / USA. Furthermore, the additional very serious charges from such irresponsible action in those countries help ensure the number of incidents is kept to a minimum (despite your own experience) and the authorities will vigorously pursue discovering the perpetrators identity and acting on it ,as this Thai woman is deservedly about to find out . She will now likely be on the end of a custodial sentence which may well not have been the case if it was a simple accident without aggravating features.
  9. While they are inclined not to pay out where possible,this is a slam dunk for them given all policies I’m aware of expressly exclude motorcycle cover ,naming it and others as a dangerous activity. It’s not really "small print" either as some say,it’s very often in the key points of the policy. Many are too lazy to read and understand a vital aspect of their holiday conditions.
  10. Before I switched to Wise (to Kasikorn)I would frequently also get a charge deducted en route by an intermediary bank using SWIFT . That never happens with Wise and never had a payment delayed by more than 2/3 hours. Also you can print off the transfer documents from their App to prove the payment is international transfer to immigration. There’s also an option on Wise to be redirected to your bank app to approve the payment immediately which afterwards returns you to the Wise app. There’s then no delay matching any manual payment you make from your bank. Seamless and 95% of the time the transfer is in seconds.
  11. I’m just sipping on that same brand of whisky I bought yesterday for a bargain price,but now my new Patek Phillipe saying time for bed,so just slip off my air Jordan’s and up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire… Anyone seen my sunglasses….? ????
  12. That you’ve enabled the dog to elevate its perceived standing by allowing it to sit on the furniture as an equal to humans illustrates a lack of understanding in a fundamental of dog training. Does it share your bed too? ????‍♂️
  13. Although tragic ,there’s still a frisson of Schadenfreude that an owner who negligently enabled the previous biting of 10 people without effective counter measures has now had a taste of his own (fatal) medicine. There's no such thing as Karma,but were there to be….
  14. It sure is a changed place since I popped out of the Womb. And mostly, not for the better. Think you’ll find atrocities of such nature (and worse) have been going on since human evolution- the animal kingdom too is pretty raw in tooth and claw - . Global communications mean that you get to hear more of it and much sooner to. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be,eh ..?
  15. and they'll play a sad song on a violin for him Don’t harp on about it or you’ll be called a lyre ..
  16. You do understand what the major role of the IMF is ,beyond forecasting (the clue is in the name) ? So in that crucial,fundamental major role of IMF discerning who gets loans and other payments Lagarde was so deficient that she was found guilty of negligence (not simply poor judgement) by a French court ,which in itself can carry criminal censure. Now if you don’t think such a major shortfall in her fundamental role as head of the organization doesn’t call into question her judgement,then you are setting the bar extremely low.
  17. Ah,so my mentioning a significant change to corporation tax ,with all the implications that has,is ‘deflection' while Brexit ,which you simply randomly threw in without any quantification simply as a sound byte. The topic is the economic forecast of IMF,and you only imply corporation tax is ‘deflection' because I suggest you were likely unaware of the details and understanding of its implications. You also just keep falling back on ‘personal attacks' accusation simply because I’m exposing flaws in your wider understanding evidenced by the shallowness of nothing more than a simple and unsubstantiated repetition of such accusation.
  18. So how might one get a conviction for "being a bad economist" ? But being found guilty of making inappropriate payments (on more than one occasion) to a third party rather calls into question one’s judgement (at the very least!) wouldn’t you agree? But I’m interested in your views of what Sunak's forthcoming increase from 19 to 25% corporation tax will have on FDI and consequently UK productivity if you have any interesting thoughts to spare..?
  19. So presumably this officer considers nicotine patches as cigarettes…? Not really the brightest,are they ? ????‍♂️
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