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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. I’ve had a jolly good laugh at seeing your facile comment eviscerated by Richard Smith and which saved me the job of compiling a similar reply. " If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ,it probably is a duck "
  2. I’ve had a jolly good laugh at seeing your facile comment eviscerated by Richard Smith and which saved me the job of compiling a similar reply. " If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ,it probably is a duck "
  3. Perhaps you should ask yourself where those Pfizer vaccinations came (were donated from) and why the Thai embassy in USA couldn’t be bothered to simply fill in paperwork to accept even further donations! As regards your point,most countries (including UK ) took responsibility for vaccinating ANYONE residing there AND at no charge. The reason for that is because they understood vaccinating everyone they could was for the good of the country. I too got 4 Pfizers,but for the first two had to scratch around multiple sites trying to find them ,eventually having to make 2 round trips of over 600 kilometres each to attend Bumrungad Bangkok. In the UK ,even if Thai, you were treated equally and urged to get your free vaccinations locally. perhaps do a little more research in future to inform those opinions better…
  4. If you can post something coherent illustrating whatever point you're trying to make then I could respond
  5. Ah,so you only agree with those articles which might support your narrative. In any case they’re not opinion piece articles but quoted government sources. Your final sentence is incoherent.
  6. 3 weeks….? in terms of Thai planning this represents long term thinking beyond the realms of practical understanding! ????‍♂️
  7. Quite so on refusing a test,but also if there’s a delay in providing a test they can do a back calculation indicating what the alcohol level was at the time
  8. The general principle is that insurers do pay up for third party damage/injuries no matter what the state of their insured driver,but may well exclude paying for their insured’s damage.
  9. Also unlike her in that she had an astute and functional brain and had to win 3 elections in a proper democracy.
  10. Anyone living here quickly learns the language of ‘stupidity'. They’re immersed in it daily ! ????
  11. Ah,like the CCP Chinese strategy that you’ll also be praising! How has that worked out…?
  12. Perhaps you are lacking in the observational skills of the rest of us living here…?
  13. I would be very surprised if that cover didn’t also come with conditions relating to motorcycle cover as with other insurers. Mainly,you must have a licence from your own country to drive a motorcycle and you must be wearing a helmet and are not intoxicated.
  14. That many? I’ve told you a million times before not to exaggerate!
  15. I'm sure when posting that made sense to you,but for the rest of us....????
  16. I saw a BBC news item featuring a USA professor who indeed did say the current boosters are efficacious re the new variant,so yes,do get one. I stumbled across a walk in clinic set up in my local Lotus offering Pfizer last week. No queue and had me processed in 5 minutes.????
  17. How did westerners stop that? In most,dangerous dogs attacking people are euthanised immediately. It's Thai culture behind allowing strays and diseased dogs free rein.
  18. At this point in the conversation I’m throwing in the towel.. ????
  19. Oh,there’s a guy…?! My eyes hadn’t focussed from beyond 2/3rds from the left .. ????
  20. Never tried snorkeling off Krabi,although Ao Nang is the coastal resort area of it. Again, won’t be good snorkeling off the mainland but there are long tail boats to the nearby national park,but on top of the boat hire there’ll be (400 baht?) admission charge to the park . Ao Nang has more going on there but not really my scene,but yes you could get to phi phi. Again for decent snorkeling you need the speedboat to take you to various diving spots. Ko Lanta is a good base for those trips (I’d recommend Opal tours,I’ve used on several occasions) but whether there’s enough nightlife etc for your tastes ??
  21. It appears you are unable to comprehend the nature of what you quoted. Indeed if you wanted to know the nationalities of say those convicted of crimes or the proportion of the prison population by nationality, that is indeed deemed in the national interest,that’s why it is available and frequently published in MSM. IT is certainly not detrimental to national security,nor deemed sensitive (as per the other principle you quoted) or to contravene Data Protection laws . If you’re going to quote acts or principles you should first check if they’re relevant to subject matter discussed. Finally ,you may further wish to look up 'hypocrisy' when complaining about unpleasantness while simultaneously resorting to lame playground name calling. If you desire civilised ,intelligent debate you would be well advised to apply that to your own submissions.
  22. Errr…here! "The Official Information Act 1997 (Thai: พระราชบัญญัติข้อมูลข่าวสารของราชการ พ. ศ. ๒๕๔๐) is a Thai act which guarantees the people's right to have full access to government information." Clearly,wilful ignorance to an embarrassing degree is your preferred status,especially if you need explaining to you the benefits of knowledge and information. Perhaps using them to inform your opinions may result in making less embarrassing faux pas in future..?
  23. It’s called being in a society where freedom of information is a central tenet. In fact it has a name "Freedom of information act" which applies in democracies the likes of USA and UK etc. Perhaps if you you took the trouble to better inform yourself of its philosophy and understood the benefits of living in an informed society you might have fewer "bad nights" yourself… "say what" (sic) ???
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