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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Up until last year I’d forsaken Phuket in favour of Ko Lanta. However with Covid still prominent I figured Lanta would be completely dead this time last year and went to Phuket which proved wise (cheap and un crowded). I reckoned Lanta would still be lacking this year so plumped for Phuket one more time… If anyone has recent reports of Lanta I’d be interested to hear although too late for me to change now given I leave for Phuket tomorrow .
  2. Indeed, haven’t they suffered enough already… ????
  3. Thai officials don’t really understand numbers. Look up Dyscalculia..
  4. Can he arrange for them to hold off until after the first week of April to avoid ruining my Phuket trip …? ????
  5. "Yellow " cards ?? Raaaaacist ! ????
  6. It happens quite suddenly as the glue breaks down. Mine was good for 3+ years but You’re approaching that point …
  7. The only thing I’d say about roofing with that incorporated insulation from our experience is that the heat eventually breaks down the glue and the insulation falls messily off. Also birds pick at any breakdown to make nests. Subsequently we just used good non insulated roofing and specified WHITE to ensure heat/sun reflection.
  8. There’s an arrest warrant issued by ICC against Putin for war crimes . Given I’ve had to pay double for my accommodation in Phuket next week vs last year he should be made to appear at The Hague for that alone ! ????
  9. The one pictured looks like she’d be way more capable on the front line than most of the Russians pictured ! ????
  10. So she wasn’t naked ? What a con! ????
  11. At the bottom of the blurred picture ,just below waist height is a very large dark patch. It couldn’t be,could it…? ????
  12. EVERYONE who could get there wanted to be involved !
  13. That’s me. I’m a Russian front line soldier and very happy/relieved to be working on line from Soi Bangla! ????
  14. Just add "brake failure " and they’d fit right in !
  15. OK. "What have the Russians ever done for us..?" ????
  16. Ironically,an action enabling them to more likely become a 'phee' ???? themselves - one without a ????! ????
  17. I wonder if she too subsequently noticed the gun in your pocket..? ???? ????
  18. They are so dim (their ???? that is) they reason as long as they can see in front of them then they too can be seen without lights. ????‍♂️
  19. I can only conclude the essential safety feature of the tail light is deliberately removed rather than just negligently not replaced . My 8 year old Honda scooter hasn’t had a single bulb failure but I see many newer ones without that light. ????‍♂️
  20. It’s the entire cultural acceptance of this risk ,not just these parents - they lost the bet this time. Next…
  21. It I’m sure they’ll have been wearing helmets..as also legally required .. ????‍♂️
  22. Yes,I was having difficulty picturing the typical Frenchman - the one with the stripey T shirt ,riding an old bicycle with a bunch of onions around his neck, a Gitanes casually hanging from his lips while mumbingly incoherently entertaining thoughts of terrorizing Bangla Road . So in the end I just gave a casual Gallic shrug and without further concern headed to the cafe for a Pernod 51to think no more about it. "Zut alors!"
  23. Cash ISAs are a mugs game. Mine are invested in a broad range of global investments trusts. It’s been MUCH , Much more than 1% .. and I’ve escaped tax liabilities..
  24. Ah bless! Do you actually live here ? You do understand it’s already the law to wear a helmet .. that’s EVERYONE! And even if he’d had insurance his actions would have invalidated the cover on several counts.
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