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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Only ever had relatively minor incidents and always at a government hospital,very cheap ,just a few hundred baht . Worst thing was a cracked metatarsal in Khanom where doctor consultation ,X ray and a cast was 1300 baht and all done in a couple of hours. I paid and got out quickly before in my mind they realised they’d undercharged! Only other experience was a much more complex operation for the missus by a very experienced surgeon at Yanee private hospital Bangkok involving 3 nights in a nice private room and follow up consultations. 80k baht . Again I thought that perfectly reasonable vs UK . Never really experienced any inordinate waiting times as I might in A & E in UK. So pretty satisfied in all ????
  2. …and don’t forget the handy compensation also.. ????
  3. Yes,I’ll be very relieved to get that back ! ????‍????
  4. "Moped" was derived from old legislation in U.K. where it was a low capacity engine (50cc ?)motorcycle but had to have pedals too,enabling 16 years olds to have transport.They were only cosmetically functional but complied with legislation. Mo = motorcycle, Ped = pedals
  5. Generally a lot more than those high on cannabis. And do you reckon this guy hadn't drunk any alcohol?
  6. That’s why I was surprised that my full face helmet actually fitted (with a bit of pushing down on the Click's seat to get it to lock) . The reviews say it doesn’t! It’s an easy fit in the Wave along with the gloves. With an expensive helmet it’s a must it’s secure,as you say
  7. Interesting. We have an 8 year old 125 Wave in great condition but considering passing it on to the family. I am tempted by the newer technology ,cvt transmission and bigger engine of the Honda click 160 although missus favours another 125 Wave which has barely changed. We don’t use it beyond short journeys often filling the spacious under seat with shopping,or my full face Arai helmet (which also actually just squeezes under the click seat. Any suggestions /tips?
  8. "Baht"? Just for a moment I was wondering what you were about to say .! ????‍????
  9. Yes,it looks bad,but seatbelts will always help. You can’t defy the law of physics but It may have been the difference between death and bad injury ?
  10. These are a low rolling resistance tyre (supposed to aid fuel economy) but there’s always a trade off with tyre technology,which may be ride comfort? I don’t think the Yaris (great little car it is) is high on ride comfort anyway so perhaps a more conventional tyre (like the Turanza mentioned by previous poster) might help in that respect. My daughters Yaris in U.K. now has Bridgestone Turanzas which they’re very happy with.
  11. Global Energy prices always in the end are reflected in utility bills .notwithstanding any governmental subsidies (like France ) or taxes distorting that. And It isn’t just LNG prices ,which Europe for example imported very little of given their reliance on Nordstream pipelines pumping actual gas from Russia supplying nearly all of their needs.
  12. What about all the innocent people dying? Isn't that bad? It is,but not in a way that has many practical negatives for the rest of us. There are quite a few not innocent people dying too…
  13. Wow! Lights AND music! /j Are you calling him a lyre…?
  14. It tells me that it is very significantly lower than in my U.K. and the rest of Europe.
  15. What were you saying during the pandemic when at one stage the oil price went negative and the energy companies lost billions? The same with airlines.You appear not to understand the economics of a volatile commodity industry where profitable times balance out the troughs of losses. Well yes it very much is the effects of the war which is behind the significant inflation "and stuff". You also have to explain how the preceding decade(s) of low inflation and interest rates fit into your theory….? ????
  16. Well I’d much rather be paying my energy bills here than on my house back in the U.K. (which I rent out) . The council tax alone is 12000 baht per month and the utility bills will be that again (plus 50%) ! ???? My tenants pay that…
  17. One thing to be mindful of is if doing your report circa 15 days before due date (assuming approved within 2 days) your next 90 day report is due from that date ,not 90 days from the original due date . Given the online reporting has worked seamlessly for me since the new website this effectively doesn’t matter so I always report the full 15 days beforehand to cover eventualities, so"loosing" 15 days each time.
  18. Yup,those are the ones I always use. Best price/quality combination. Made in Netherlands if I recall?
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