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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Is that what you said when vaccines were developed by these companies from scratch in record time at a time when the world was in turmoil and they came in at about €20 per shot and 100s of millions were produced under huge logistical pressures?
  2. Aston Martin,kind of in the Ferrari range. Do they really have to stop....?
  3. It still does—stunning women, quiet lifestyle, lower cost of living. And coastal areas only a few hours away. Quite a lot of hours away ,to be accurate- not exactly a day trip . And if wanting the more attractive Andaman coast getting on for 2 days drive. Hotter too… ????
  4. We’re they equally ambivalent when you slammed it into their face… ?
  5. Especially if that God awful Lipton's ???? ! ???? Yorkshire tea only! ????
  6. Tommy Cooper once famously stuffed something into a taxi driver's top pocket winking ”have a drink on me.” Later on checking the cabbie retrieved a tea bag.. ????
  7. it takes two to tango So if unprovoked someone walks up to you in the street punching you in the face,do you reply ”ooh,are you asking me to dance and shall I lead...?"
  8. The investigating officer remarked that he’d never previously seen an accident on this scale .
  9. DIY with blunt,rusty scissors,comforting yourself that the difference between a good and a bad haircut is 10 days…
  10. Your statement is incorrect on every level and I assume that you must have meant "so many" levels, yes? Give me one that shows that my tongue in cheek post saying "masseuses aren't barbers" is generally incorrect. I farted in a crowded lift once…which was wrong on so many levels…
  11. And that’s the negotiating start point. See you’ve got this sussed ! ????
  12. Now look up "Poe’s law" ????‍♂️
  13. Except other quotes here are indicating very significant increases in rental yields for well documented reasons , especially the Russian factor. Now,if they have borrowed at reasonable rates then the equation has tilted further in their favour. That's without even accounting for the capital appreciation of the asset they will also have enjoyed resulting from increased demand. I'm not sure you understand the economic equation and perhaps are more concerned with railing against those simply benefiting from market forces.
  14. The fleeing Russians will throw their arms up in horror exclaiming " Is it me ,or have I just got the worst luck in the world!!" ????
  15. If that’s a rate they can achieve that’s what they get in the end….not nothing as you enviously hope, It’s simply reflecting supply and demand.
  16. That there are retirement, marriage and other visas is exactly that,an invitation.
  17. He’ll survive- this is just some relatively good natured ribbing…and a story to recount to his mates.
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