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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Yes,oh wait…what was Christine Lagarde convicted of…?
  2. In keeping with the article,most here have accurately assessed this is a symptom of a far deeper /wider issue and these are the sacrificial lambs. No,they don’t deserve sympathy,but more so than those pulling the strings who remain immune. There is a small victory in that all will be a little less comfortable knowing that social media can provide an illuminating spotlight and damage the country’s tourist industry. It might just be a very small step on a journey out of the morass of endemic corruption,although many ,many more will be required to make a difference. So maybe a small celebration of this is in order,with certain parties now aware they cannot be quite so complacent that they are untouchable.
  3. For which I’m eternally grateful! ???? ????
  4. Yes,it’s good and if you simply hold the camera over the Text with app open it overlays the Thai with English. No need for screenshot and can move the lens about all over the document
  5. Because you have failed to see/understand the argument running through the thread it is rather the shortcoming in your comment,not mine.
  6. Exactly,I think Chomper's view is very one dimensional,seeing only the aspect through the prism of the stale political left wing narrative he is obsessed with .
  7. "You’ll always find me in the kitchen at parties" ????
  8. And I’ve never been killed in a road accident in all the years I’ve been in Thailand. Ergo it can’t have happened to the 25,000 killed on the roads here every year ..? You do understand the problem with relying on anecdotal evidence..? ????‍♂️
  9. Economists were invented to make astrologists look good ! ????
  10. Indeed IMF has a poor record - and was previously headed up by the criminal Christine Lagarde! It’s acronym attracted the banner "Institute for Moronic Forecasting " ????
  11. I didn’t see that but wonder if your statistics may be skewed,in that I venture that by far the greater % of the population here is traveling on motorcycles (where I believe 80% ? Of deaths occur). Conversely, in USA a far greater % are traveling in 4 wheel vehicles in which case a simple "death rate per total population " calculation comparison is misleading. What you would need is a calculation of the numbers killed as a % of those traveling in a particular mode. Given the everyday appalling driving we witness here I might suggest you are still more likely to die in a 4 wheel vehicle here that USA?
  12. Social media,much as we rightly criticise ,is a double edge sword,serving as here to turn the spotlight on unaccountable bodies and practices that can get away with egregious practices based on their control. Often this uncomfortable focus is the only way to influence modification of such poor behaviour . To this end this incident has already done its job serving to dish up embarrassment and concern where it really hurts - damage to the tourist industry. It encourages others to come forward with their own experiences serving to contribute evidence where it has been engineered (forced deletion of footage) away. Concurrent with the police escort scandal this lady has already won, leaving RTP and government to squirm around in a damage limitation exercise and make them realise that there are consequences to their actions and eventually hopefully bring about beneficial change. There will be no other motivation otherwise.
  13. I would not consider a helmet (full face minimum) under £500 (20k baht) . It’s only ever got to work once for it to have paid for itself many times over . And if it never has to work… we’ll that’s an even better result ! I only drive a Honda Wave . I’ll replace my Arai helmet (several years old) when I go to uk in June . If I have to pay £700 I will. I can’t afford not to … Cheap helmets are for cheap heads.
  14. He was mindful of the advice "Best to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt ". But now he’s just confirmed the second part of that saying…. ????‍♂️
  15. meaning what exactly ? I think it’s something to do with "whelks" if you learn to Google it…. ????
  16. She wasn’t impressed with the "hardware " even before fitting helmet cam…. ????
  17. deleted recordings can often be recovered if done within a day or two . On my device there’s a 'recently deleted" section. Unless the police are aware and make them permanently delete from within that section ..?
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