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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. If it had been a Hawaiian you would’ve been charged with desecration of pizza with unlawful placement of pineapple ????! ????
  2. Where did he blame the victim? If you have to make up something to support an argument then you don’t have one. It’s indeed very unlikely that kidney and liver damage would be the symptoms of too many sit-ups.But I see your balanced and realistic suggestions as to the remedy indicate the level of overall thinking you employed.. ????‍♂️
  3. It always amazes me when people spend several times the effort penning such a question when all I do is hold my finger over the word ,select look up and hey presto ,in 2 seconds I know ! ????‍♂️
  4. He was a Dive Instructor,so it’s clear he died from decompression sickness ( the Bends) ,nothing to see here - Ko Tao authorities …
  5. Exactly - that’s why (contrary to your claim) an autopsy is required ! So you think that because there’s no obvious sign of violence to an untrained eye there can be no foul play involved? How would administration of poison /drugs manifest itself in outward signs of violence? In an outwardly healthy 48 year old (fit enough to be a diving instructor) a death is an unexplained event requiring an autopsy.
  6. I don’t disagree with any of that (i come from UK - a drink drive conviction is not only costly in terms of fines and loss of licence (you’ll go to jail if you drive disqualified!) but try getting insurance thereafter ! ) . So broadly I think we agree with each other! ????
  7. They are simply a symptom/manifestation of the fundamental problem. The main blame lies with the drivers themselves who take no personal responsibility for theirs,their families or other road users lives. I do not need a police presence to drive sensibly and safely- if only through an act of self preservation- . The government themselves too who don’t really care what Thai drivers inflict on themselves. It’s an effective tacit agreement between the public and government - they don’t care about themselves and government isn’t going to enforce rules to make them. A Faustian pact.
  8. I don't really have problems with a standard full face helmet plus it fits with gloves under the seat of my Wave,a great security benefit. Looks like an Enduro style might have issues with that without any practical benefits for me anyway
  9. I have an old Arai full face which I brought from uk ,but it’s 10 years old - although still way better than any new Thai helmet I guess. Although not doing much riding on my 125 wave I still consider this level of helmet essential here - it’s only ever got to work once to be worth it ( Cheap helmet for cheap head!) But I do want to replace it now given the age and am prepared to pay accordingly. I’m going back to uk in June ,so will I get better prices there for this standard of helmet rather than buying here. I did a long time ago look cursorily in one shop in Bangkok and 25k baht seemed to be the rate ,but don’t know if that’s typical. Any suggestions (full face a must) ?
  10. "driving skills are good".???! They’re absolutely apalling. Drive with no anticipation,poor judgement of distances - I’ve seen them race up the inside of traffic when clearly no chance of getting back in,having to drop back to where they were when they meet the slow vehicle in front. Braking unnecessarily for a minor bend in the road. That’s before mentioning recklessness,inappropriate speed,discourtesy and all the other aspects which make for good "driving skills ". I’ve done a great many track days in UK in a high performance car and can tell you they’ve actually no skills whatsoever when it comes to driving fast. They’re largely incapable as attested to by Thailand’s dreadful RTA figures.
  11. What else could he say? "Best to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" might’ve been a useful mantra for him to observe…
  12. About 4 weeks ago I found a small set up in Lotus Pak Chong offering free Pfizer which I took . Filled in form ,Showed my passport and previous vaccination record certificate indicating my 3 prior shots ( 2 brumrungrad and 1 in Central,Korat). This one didn’t issue any paperwork/updated certificates but they said it would be on my Mor prom app in 2 weeks .Just checked and it’s not updated on there. I don’t have details of who did the last one,so is there any way of getting my record updated on the app ?
  13. You do understand that VAG (Volkswagen) owns both Bentley and Bugatti (look up Bugatti Chiron !). Are they too "clapped out VWs?"
  14. Well then ,are you saying Thai is not a race ??? Because that’s the only criteria applied for the cheaper price. ????
  15. Of course it’s greed and corruption- but based on racial discrimination, otherwise I entirely agree with you,especially your last point
  16. Locals (as in those living and proving so in the locality) getting a dispensation is one thing ,but effectively,as here ,simply being judged by the colour of your face at the kiosk (even if a farang living locally) is altogether quite different. If you simply look like a Thai ,even if living abroad, like my stepdaughter , and enjoying the discount is really nothing short of racism.
  17. Are you equally advocating that if it turns out the Thais were the instigators /aggressors that then they too should go to BKK Hilton ? If not,perhaps you should rephrase your comment to appear less partial. How about an alternative along the lines of " Thais who think they can get away with attacking guests because they think they should be immune because it’s in their country " ??
  18. Well done to you. Incidentally,in most countries (that don’t have such appalling road deaths as Thailand )any car that runs into the back of you is defined by default as being to blame . The rationale being 'you should always drive at a distance from the car in front that you should be able to stop in time '. This includes even if the car braked heavily,as well it might in an emergency. More 'Thai logic' if even your insurers initially agreed liability on your behalf? ????‍♂️
  19. Richard explained so comprehensively - yes indeed eviscerating your argument- that you've only been able to repeat your already failed argument and can only respond to mine with the effective ” No,you are" lame playground response. Must try harder,Lou!
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