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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. At little to no interest. If you could see the return I got on £20k invested in my SIPP and ISA which I would otherwise have forfeited (and especially with current inflation) that’s a very expensive £20k lying idle.
  2. It was a very good Public boarding school…where they instilled an appreciation of irony too. But I appreciate not everyone has that potential.. eh,Steven ?
  3. £15000. That would buy you a retirement visa extension! …..almost
  4. Firstly,you cannot sell an organ in UK ,it’s illegal. And I’ll go out on a limb and predict the family don’t own a car with that sort of value nor a house with equity that could be released. I’m betting rental.. Basically , he’s switched to 'holiday brain" mode which suddenly disregards all sensible precautions and thoughts of consequences .
  5. Do the 'silent answer'. Eventually they speak which usually gives the game away and you hang up.
  6. If the demand isn’t there how are they able to get those prices? -otherwise their hotel would be empty. You may want to inform yourself of the many more Russians (1 million reported fleeing the country ) widely reported filling major Thai (and other) tourist resorts- it’s not difficult. I’m afraid the only bull ???? is your economic understanding.
  7. Responding to supply and demand is not 'gouging'. It is really how it works almost everywhere and in most markets. That’s why your energy costs are multiples of what they were during the pandemic. What do you call it when it works in your favour-are you gouging the hotel? Exactly at this time last year I booked great accommodation in Phuket that was half what you’d normally pay and plenty of availability.This year the price is double and I struggled to get my dates. This is because it’s full of Russians stoking demand ,why should the hotel sell at less than what they can get ? It works both ways.
  8. Ah....I see my error. I've been calling it a Hendrix for years. Crossed wires. Call it "Morrison" from now on. That’s a Door you don’t wanna open…. ????
  9. Nah,you just need to change the search settings! Can I recommend… ????
  10. I think you may want to examine the company you keep ! ????
  11. Don’t tell me …. The CD was Chris Rea's "Road to hell"….?
  12. Couldn’t you have put a plastic bag over his head (Ferrari Joe like) to test his Thai ambivalence towards self preservation…? ????
  13. The wisdom shared would be wasted ….
  14. Pick any planet,along with other comments you read they’re all going over your head. Have you managed to count to 7 yet….?
  15. Laying a hand on someone is classed as assault. How about someone pokes your female companion.I assume you are talking from the seventh planet ..?
  16. Whatever caused you to invent so many more assumptions than you accuse another of ..? ????‍♂️
  17. So you’re ok with being slapped around a bit and handcuffed by an unauthorized (non police officer)? If you let me have your address ….? I promise not to leave any marks… ????
  18. There are no other countries in the western hemisphere with 'America' incorporated in their name ,only the USA. So everyone understands an 'American' is USA citizen. Nor is he being accused of theft but the guard is certainly guilty of assault (even by Thai laws) which does not get excused in any situation.
  19. Being charged isn’t the same as guilty and beforehand still presumed innocent. Charged with Very serious crimes the CPS can apply for the subject to be remanded in custody or if a flight risk to surrender passport ,but the court has to agree this. Furthermore as a uk citizen you are not stamped out by immigration.
  20. How does that sit with the central tenet of innocent until proven guilty? Whilst that doesn’t apply in this case (awaiting sentencing) your suggestion is before even being charged !
  21. Well there’d be the 'benefit' of significantly reducing the number of scousers on holiday here I suppose…? ????
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