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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Other police states are available to live in should you wish to live in one of those closed dictatorships…. ????‍♂️
  2. Yes,in a cunning ploy to get around this new directive they will instead be pointing at the National Flag of the perpetrator ..with masks of course obscuring the sniggers ????
  3. As a former diver and keen snorkeller there’s nothing really off the main islands now,and worst of all Samui and in the Gulf. The Andaman side is a better bet anyway (Phuket ,Ko Lanta) but even there… ????. Now really for anything decentish you have to go on the speedboat tours to the likes of the Similans (quite a long trip) or Phi phi. Then Ko Roc/Ko Ha (off Lanta) . In summary, poor off the main islands and obviously more expensive (1500 - 2000 baht +) for a speedboat day trip .
  4. Your reading and comprehension difficulties leave you unable to understand a perfectly logical answer. You could ask another to help you with it ?
  5. I realise this has been a bruising encounter for you, Bluespunk. Reading and comprehension difficulties too,I notice. You’re showing classic symptoms of the Dunning- Kruger effect and is clearly discomfiting for you when a cogent argument exposes that shortcoming.
  6. And there,predictably it is - as the argument crumbles the desperate resort to the ad hominem. But now ,transparently ,coupled also with the projection of your own damaged self esteem onto another . The self contradiction is additionally quite risible. You initially state you’re disagreeing with me (twice) but then go on to say youre you’re not disagreeing with me. ..You seem terribly confused ! As I’ve only stated the facts ,which explain why your wishful thinking for his fate (repeated ad nauseam) cannot be manifested,and include no other opinion ,then by definition you can only be disagreeing with the facts … which you’re also claiming NOT to disagree with …??Make up your mind ????‍♂️. You keep saying what you want to happen to him ,but cannot offer any reasoned explanation as to how this might come about. As I said,that constitutes no more than empty wishful thinking . If you can construct a cogent argument which includes some realistic proposals as to how those suggestions of yours could be realised (bearing in mind he’s a citizen of a country with significant welfare support and protections ) then just maybe you may have something to offer other than fulminating. He’s apparently in urgent need of heart surgery ,so what are you suggesting the French health service do about that - perhaps step out of their remit and say he can’t have it because he’s an unsavory character? Much for you to ponder here. Please think a little more deeply before responding…
  7. The facts remain the same ,as I have simply pointed out,no matter who were the victims.
  8. What exactly is your point - other than the continuing ranting and frothing about him? What facts that I have raised are you disagreeing with/contesting?.. Other than what you would like to happen to him which I have simply pointed out cannot legally take place. You’re entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.
  9. But no matter how much you rant and rave that’s not what’s happening is it? He’s a free man,deemed to have served his time ,legally beyond Thai extradition (statute of limitations) and thus also free to earn a living even if that is selling his story. His rights won’t be much different from any other released long term offender. But cheer up,he’ll also be entitled to heart surgery as a French citizen! ????
  10. Inwardly you’re laughing aren’t you?…just like the rest of us ???? ????
  11. While having no sympathy for his crimes ,he’s officially now served his sentence and likely has no funds or other means to support himself so is taking the only realistic alternative.
  12. And as if to prove my point I now just discovered the article about a bus crash while drivers tried to swap without stopping the bus ! ????‍♂️. The next one will have to feature IQs !
  13. On another earlier featured thread regarding Cannabis/alcohol and driving I posted that the more dangerous combination was "Thais and driving ". I rest my case - QED ! ????‍♂️
  14. While the mantra elsewhere is "Drink/drugs and driving don’t mix",the mantra proven here is "Thais and driving don’t mix" . Notwithstanding any exacerbation by the former additives!
  15. 36k not outlandish?.! You’re a very significant portion of the way towards buying a whole new lower end scooter for that ! Just for some suspension tweaks..? ????
  16. I was just looking at the Honda ADV (200K for the 350 or 120k for the 160) . Guess very similar? But I’m naturally inclined towards the Honda brand. Maybe I should just stick with the 8 year old 125 Wave which just seems ,with regular servicing,to perform like new !
  17. Structurally far better anyway in any circumstance and absolutely way better protection in a face plant type accident. Especially if you’ve bought a properly approved helmet. Mine cost several hundred £ UK . Cheap helmets are for cheap heads .
  18. Exactly,mine is Arai ,a proper CE approved branded full face helmet too which I wear with protective motorcycle gloves even for a 1 kilometer trip to the local shop. It takes less than 30 seconds to put it all on properly . Tourists simply don’t understand their travel insurance doesn’t cover them.
  19. The idea isn’t to STOP all price rises but alleviate. You may be able to reduce your costs by altering your shopping habits but much more difficult on your home energy. Thailand is very much cheaper on energy costs than most of Europe.And we don’t have the winter there like now ????
  20. "They haven’t killed anyone else before" "Anyway,I’ll pay the funeral expenses " "Jeepers,I’ve gone the extra mile with all that - why are you all still having a go at me? It’s so unfair…." ????‍♂️
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