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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. I sincerely hope it doesn’t interfere with your Lakorn viewing habits…
  2. So is that all "just a game" activities not of any purpose? No enjoyment (thus quality of life) to be gained from being entertained by football, the Olympics, Muay Thai contests etc etc.? Gamblers will stop gambling because WC is not on the telly ? Strange logic there…
  3. Isn’t a bad idea. I was thinking in Andaman sea, but I will take a look in Ban Krut ???? Edited 15 hours ago by Tarteso It’s a nice peaceful relaxing kind of place but possibly a little too isolated and quiet for many - many retired people ambling around. Maybe just for a few days depending on your priorities ,I’d say own transport to explore surrounding areas essential and no major towns nearby. For swimming/snorkeling Andaman better too.
  4. I prefer not to believe in something for which not a shred of evidence exists . Now before you think of positing that I can’t prove god/hell DOESNT exist,I’ll refer you to "Russel's teapot".
  5. Only when there’s low demand,otherwise the price increases. Do you think viewing demand for the worlds biggest sporting event is low..? ????‍♂️
  6. Agree 100% - why should football be 'free to view' when other sports e.g. F1 you have to pay for Because any free to air productions still cost to produce. Many countries regard the World cup ,globally the most popular and widely watched event and of such great interest to a significant proportion of the Thai population that the many that cannot afford subscription channel charges should not be precluded from watching such an event. The Thai government covering the cost of screening the event on free to air channels divided by the number that would watch is very small . It’s a service covered by general taxation
  7. They already have a severely damaged tourist industry. Are you suggesting they make travel even more difficult for the vast majority of tourists who will eschew travel here and exacerbate the problem?
  8. Summed up by recognizing there’s a tacit agreement between Thais and the authorities in that they want to behave irresponsibly on the roads and the authorities,as it doesn’t impact them,leave them to it. It’s not simply fear of penalties in U.K. that stop drunk driving,it’s socially unacceptable.
  9. He’s still complaining bitterly that the Norwegian wouldn’t turn on the meter despite repeated requests and is adamant he won’t pay! ????
  10. To avoid unwelcome Trick or treaters callers I simply stuck a life size head shot photo of Jimmy Savile leering in his creepy way on the front window next to the front door… ????
  11. Yet no mention of the fundamental requirement of education improvement ,in which the PISA educational tables show Thailand is seriously lacking in ?
  12. Murder has to involve a direct intention to kill ,not just risk the possibility ,so no it can’t be murder,but certainly manslaughter and at the higher end given choosing to drink then drive is a known risk. In U.K. causing death by dangerous driving attracts a 14 year sentence so effectively close to the penalty for murder.
  13. Interesting,although that’s not so much greed,as stupidity…which also seems to be in the dna ???? !
  14. The reality is Thailand sees its interests in simply mimicking the Chinese stance and there are few Thais with the global political awareness to challenge the government’s position.
  15. I’m also offering to sell you a bridge over the river Thames,but I expect all you’ll do is moan… ????‍♂️
  16. The PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES show how poorly the system here performs ,which married to the social conditioning is a toxic mix. In retrospect I’ve never been more relieved that I took my 9 year old stepdaughter to U.K.,putting her in the state school system there (although in a very good area where I lived) . A levels in English and Maths and a first in business economics at a decent university led to a good job in E commerce. She has flourished ,though it is clear she’s considerably more intelligent than the average Thai . I shudder to think of what a waste it would have been had she remained here and wonder how many other bright kids have been blighted by the system. ????
  17. Don’t know why showing a Ferrari,when it’s pickups and scooters 95% of the problem. It’s a strange/simple minded mentality when so many Heavy goods vehicles which can have no pretensions of performance are adorned with an array of comically oversized exhausts which are simply welded onto the end of the exhaust system. ????‍♂️
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