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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Uuuuuuiii...the courageous men shoot a Binturong!

    I bet the 3 meter large animal with it's long fangs and claws, was charging at them at high speed, certain to make a kill, so they just had to defend themselves...manly as they are!


    (Binturongs are omnivorous, feeding on small mammals, birds, fish, earthworms, insects and fruits.[7] Captive binturongs are particularly fond of plantains, but would also eat fowls' heads and eggs.[5] They also prey on rodents.[15] Fish and earthworms are likely unimportant items in their diet, as they are neither aquatic nor fossorial, coming across such prey only when opportunities present themselves. Since they do not have the attributes of a predatory mammal, most of the binturong's diet is probably of vegetable matter.[3] Figs are a major component of their diet.[18][24][29]) 


    What a bunch of #$@%^&* morons and insecure idiots!


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  2. 4 hours ago, iroc4life said:

    Just like when the Ice Caps were gong to gone by 2014-15 hahaha. All govt of the world want more control of anything and everything, they will stop at nothing to get it either. If the masses will not fall in line the militaries will move in sooner or later and force it.  

    Yeah...hahahaha...so funny!

    Like the glaciers that have already disappeared and the fact, that the Greenland ice- shelf is the smallest in...like...forever!

    But I guess, it doesn't get hot under your tin- foil hat, so you don't care!

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  3. 14 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

    I agree. I first had to deal with the problem of rising sea levels in the early 80s when the rise would be with us in 2015. They just keep pushing the time frame out to suit their agenda.

    It may not affect you and therefor you don't care, but rising sea- levels already HAVE taken land and mind you: land,that people used to live on!


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  4. 1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

    No because I see Merrick Garland as having nothing to do with the issue at hand. Im sad because you dont realize that.


    1. Its called irony.

    2. If you dont understand why I mentioned Harry Reid, then you shouldnt have raised procedural issues

    So as per usual, you a) didn't bother to read, what I was answering to and hinting at or b ) you are hiding the fact, that you don't understand it, behind big words and flowery sentences! 

    Nothing new here! 

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  5. So...even older people don't recall any Tsunami, apart from the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004...

    And that proves...$#%@ all!

    Just in case, somebody might have missed it: a Tsunami is not only, exclusively and always identified by a giant wave, that washes away thousands of lives!

    It is kind of likely, that there have been many Tsunamis, they just weren't as ginormous as the famous one or the one that hit Fukujima.


  6. 1 hour ago, bandito said:

    Come off it.

    What was your behaviour at age 17?

    Going to church and being a choirboy?

    Shouting " praise the Lord" and all that?

    Or were you drinking beer and chasing girls?

    The whole shebang reminds me of the McCarthy era witch hunt.

    I am an atheist, so #@$% church!

    I did some drinking, but never so much, that I suffered memory- loss until two yeras later, for the first time!

    And no...I never even came close to sexually assaulting girls!

    But then again: I am not a priviliged white boy in 'Murica!

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  7. 2 hours ago, Jimbo1964 said:

    I wonder if a Christian room or a Muslim room full of their pictures and trinkets would attract so much criticism.


    When you think about it, far more people have been brutally murdered using religion and Gods name for centuries. And it's still happening today! But try to talk about it and the left go crazy and brand you as a Nazi, Fascist, Racist or Bigot.

    The number of people torchered and killed in Gods name is monumental. Kinda makes the number of people murdered in WW2 seem very small in comparison. But because its classified as religion, it gets overlooked and whitewashed. 

    I think, what you are overlooking is the industrialized killing of about 6 million Jews, Homosexuals, communists, mentally and physically handicapped...

    I missed the part of the Spanish Inquisition, where that happened!


    As much as I am with you, on how bad, evil and often deadly religion is, I am quiet a bit tired of these whataboutisms and the excuses, made up to defend Hitler!

    "Yeah...he was not that good...but look over here...Mao..!" is really not a good argument!

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  8. 3 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

    so based on the facts that the people she swore said were there say under penalty of perjury it did not happen, you can still say it did.....nice one, and remarkably biased

    Oh...if that is the game we are playing: how about a bunch of Republicans, voting for a guy who was obviously lying under oath?

    Who presented an unstable personality and not even shied away from lunatic conspiracy- theories?

    And a guy who still MIGHT be a sexual predator?


    We are (maybe) biased on a #$%^&*! forum on the internet!

    They are biased on the subject of a guy, who might shape 'Muricans lives and politics for decades!

    Whine about that, for a change!

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