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Posts posted by DM07

  1. One may be excused to wonder why a previous Prime Minister who was really into equal right for women and dignity for women, didn't notice this issue.

    Probably to many other things to do rolleyes.gif

    Indeed. She was far too busy fighting human trafficking and bringing those responsible to justice; and ensuring the quality of life for the poor rose significantly thanks to her brilliant self funding, perhaps even profitable, rice pledging scheme. Chairing all these meetings must be time consuming.

    All that had to be fitted in around those hard working foreign trips, doing the family shopping at Tesco, and helping little Johnnie boy with his Harrow homework.

    She did instigate a reality program too you know. Specially for nice Thai young ladies who wanted to be like her.

    She also noted she championed female equality and rights.

    What a woman - even managed to write her FB page to all her devoted fans before retiring, and still looked pristine at every appearance.

    ...and most importantly: the OP is F- all about her!


  2. And in which way exactly does it benefit the victim, if you strip the criminals of basic human rights, please!?

    Perhaps I could ask, "By giving criminals their basic human rights, how have you helped the victim"?? coffee1.gif

    Yeah, you could!

    Only... I am not looking to "help" the victims- I would be looking for the truth!

    And I am quiet sure, I don't get there easier, if I strip an alleged criminal of his human rights!

    And even more: what if, the allegations were found to be not true!

    Would it help the victim, if you torture innocent people?

    Let me guess: you are an American and you still believe, Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11...after which a whole country was bombed to bits, on the base of false and trumped up allegations!

    Helped the victims a whole lot, didn't it!coffee1.gif

    Of course you're not looking to help the victims! You are about "protecting the rights" of the criminals!

    Despite what you claim, the truth is, that victims need help! Get your priorities right.

    Criminals have rights - to shelter, food and medical assistance, nothing more nothing less.

    NO, I am not American (U.S.A. I guess you mean?) - stop clouding the issues with other speculative comments. I think you need a handkerchief applied to your chin.

    Here endeth the lesson.

    Oh great Master...you didn't answer my question: how does stripping anyone of his human rights, does help the victims?

    I have nothing against helping the victims at all.

    Again: how does torturing the criminals, help the victims!

  3. And in which way exactly does it benefit the victim, if you strip the criminals of basic human rights, please!?

    Perhaps I could ask, "By giving criminals their basic human rights, how have you helped the victim"?? coffee1.gif

    Yeah, you could!

    Only... I am not looking to "help" the victims- I would be looking for the truth!

    And I am quiet sure, I don't get there easier, if I strip an alleged criminal of his human rights!

    And even more: what if, the allegations were found to be not true!

    Would it help the victim, if you torture innocent people?

    Let me guess: you are an American and you still believe, Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11...after which a whole country was bombed to bits, on the base of false and trumped up allegations!

    Helped the victims a whole lot, didn't it!coffee1.gif

    Tjeez man, are you really comparing Saddam with Thaksin? That's a bit radical. Even not being in favour of Thaksin, I would not go as far as making such comparison.

    Anyway, claims and photos have emerged, but the time line seems unclear. Did the accused still look fine when turned over to the police? When did claims emerge? when did photos emerge? when did legal representatives have access to their clients. Things like that.

    I am doing nothing of that sort!

    Where did you get that from?

  4. And in which way exactly does it benefit the victim, if you strip the criminals of basic human rights, please!?

    Perhaps I could ask, "By giving criminals their basic human rights, how have you helped the victim"?? coffee1.gif

    Yeah, you could!

    Only... I am not looking to "help" the victims- I would be looking for the truth!

    And I am quiet sure, I don't get there easier, if I strip an alleged criminal of his human rights!

    And even more: what if, the allegations were found to be not true!

    Would it help the victim, if you torture innocent people?

    Let me guess: you are an American and you still believe, Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11...after which a whole country was bombed to bits, on the base of false and trumped up allegations!

    Helped the victims a whole lot, didn't it!coffee1.gif

  5. What many of you seem to be missing, forgetting or haven't learned yet, is that different countries and cultures have different standards of morals and ethics.

    If you have not or will not accept Thai morals or ethics,

    you need to change,

    or change your location.

    Thailand will not and should not change just to please you.

    I don't think that that is true, all human beings have a genetically built in basic sense of morality,it is that which helped us survive the ice age and beyond,there are of course social nuances which are different but we all have the same feeling for right and wrong. What is different about Thai morals or ethics that is different from our own ? name me one.

    Only one? here are five big ones.


    Thais believe it is their responsibility to take care of their parents and the elderly.

    In the west, they are usually locked away in a "rest home" where they are not a bother.


    If your wife has lost interest and you can afford it, in Thailand it is acceptable to take on second wife or a "mia noi".

    In the west your options are abstinence or divorce.


    Although not actually legal, prostitution is accepted in Thailand and nice girls are available for those who have the need.

    In the west the girls are sleazy criminals probably strung out on drugs.


    In Thailand it is considered a very bad thing to lose your temper, get upset or insult someone.

    In the west these are all ways of life that people thrive on.


    In Thailand it is accepted, expected, and dealt with openly.

    In the west it is rampant but denied and covered up.

    There are many more, but why waste time telling you what you should already know.

    I love most of the differences in Thailand from where I come from.

    Maybe you disagree with Thai morals on these issues, but this is Thailand.

    You need to respect the morals and culture or find a place that better matches your needs.


    Nice theory!

    • Like 1
  6. these people conspired to engage in terrorism. imho, they have no rights.

    awwwwwwww, they were beaten, electrocuted gee, too bad

    look at some footage of the victims of the boston bombings, closer to home victims of bkk bombings,

    the victims around yala. those fortunate enough to survive, scared for life, crippled, mained, blinded.

    thai's killing women, children, on and on

    give me a break, the perps were actively engaged in terrorism, throwing grenades, fabricating IED's.

    their rights trump your rights to a peaceful life???

    And even IF they are the real terrorists- they still have their human rights, like it or not!

    Bulls hit! They gave up those "rights" by criminally depriving others of theirs!

    Sounds like you work for the U.N. or are in Cloud Cuckoo Land?

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

    Oh...a political scientist, by the way of arguing! coffee1.gif

  7. The sad thing is that the choice in Thailand seems to be a military dictatorship or a kleptomaniac version of democrcy by the Shinawatra Dynasty. Both seem to be roads to ruin. Where are the new, integer and well educated youngster that will lead Thailand in the future?

    Bit simplistic, are we?

    There are many choices except these two...and chances are, 99% of them are a chip of the same block!

  8. these people conspired to engage in terrorism. imho, they have no rights.

    awwwwwwww, they were beaten, electrocuted gee, too bad

    look at some footage of the victims of the boston bombings, closer to home victims of bkk bombings,

    the victims around yala. those fortunate enough to survive, scared for life, crippled, mained, blinded.

    thai's killing women, children, on and on

    give me a break, the perps were actively engaged in terrorism, throwing grenades, fabricating IED's.

    their rights trump your rights to a peaceful life???

    You are a special kind of thick, aren't you?!

    These alleged terrorists and bombers, they have not been found guilty as we speak!

    Just imagine, they are not guilty. Maybe it was a false flag operation, maybe it was other people, who did this!

    "Bohooo...they were totally innocent and still tortured..."

    And even IF they are the real terrorists- they still have their human rights, like it or not!

  9. he is not an activist but an agent of influence of foreign forces who wish to topple sovereign Thai government and replace it with there puppets again. they proclaim democracy as there goal because it's much easier to manipulate and buy ignorant electors than an independent government serving national interests.

    International bankers think Thailand borrows not enough of freshly printed green paper. this should be fixed

    cheesy.gif ...oh, man...w00t.gif

    • Like 2
  10. Yep...destroy every kind of fun and disguise it as "keeping up morals"!

    I am quiet sure that those who want to grope, will do so, with or without powder, with or without alcohol.

    Maybe...just maybe...teaching Thai- men, that women are not 2nd class human beings, just here for the pleasure of and on disposal for the great male of Thailand, might do the trick?!

    Oh...education...silly, silly me...

    • Like 1
  11. As usual I have to go against the grain.

    I totally agree with the minister. These days they can't get away with just putting pretty girls up on the stand, there has to be more to it, the game has changed.

    The car shows are put on to sell cars and promote business. They have to give the products the semblance of having class, i.e. including the models, also they are not taking into consideration that probably women are are taking an equal interest in these shows as the men, perhaps more.

    Oh look...grandpa just got out of bed!coffee1.gif

    Yes, looks like Gramps will spend another evening trying to mend his broken tea spout. poor boy, I remember when he had a pulse (and knew what to do with it)

    DM07 ... i actually laughed out loud, thanks ... I needed that.


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