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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Yeah, right!

    These guys were just merely walking out onto the tollway, by themselves...as it happens so many times, with tourists, with full luggage and a bay in tow!

    This is a bit, like with the UFO- believers and the latest Mars- pics.

    You see an object, that vaguely resembles something, for example : a lizard!

    Now there are 2 options:

    a) it is an actual lizard...on Mars!

    b )it is a rock and the light and shadows make it look like a lizard.

    Of course...you opt for a) because ....that makes absolutely no ' sense!

    Here we have a couple of tourists, with luggage and a baby:

    Did they

    a) walk into traffic onto the tollway?


    b )get kicked out by the taxi-driver (for whatever reason) in the middle of said tollway?

    Really hard to decide!

    • Like 2
  2. I love how the local lynch squad has crucified the taxi driver based on a single photo.

    It could represent any of the following...

    1.The male farang noticed they were going the wrong way...got upset and demanded to be let out.

    2. The farangs noticed the fare was getting a bit higher than their low class hippie budget allowed for and asked to be let out.,

    3. They declared to the driver they had no money ... the driver kicked them out. (Fair enough)

    Or ... the current opinion...

    4. The driver was an insane nutter...lost face missing the turn off, didn't care about lost money....kicked farangs out.


    I'm putting my money on number 2.


    It's quite strange that no one have spotted the VERY expensive backpack the man is carrying, not to mention the kids strap seat on the womans back, also pretty expensive.

    Just for the heck off it, lets pretend we know something about them, they are going relive their youth by doing some island hopping and that you DON'T do with a suitcase or two.

    The guy brought his very expensive guitar so the family could relive what they did 10-15 years ago, sitting on the beach playing guitar in the sunset.

    When doing some island hopping, you DON'T wear a suit, that's kinda impractical, at least I wouldn't, in fact my wardrobe looks pretty much like the man in the picture, shorts, a t-shirt and light shoes. And that's how I dress everyday, even when I go to meetings with them customers wearing suits. Ok, that must mean I'm poor and a low life, don't you agree?

    income and net worth have absolutely nothing to do with how your dressed, with the exception of quality footwear or formal events where your trying to impress.

    the whole thai appearance things sounds good in throry, but its flawed.

    Do not appear to angry for someone who has just been turfed out of a cab onto a busy motorway. But as none of us were there, we are all only guessing.

    If you would have read any of the posts before, you would understand, that the yellow car in the righthand corner, is a new taxi, that is picking them up.

    Funny, they seemed to be calm, picking up their luggage and getting into that cab, without swearing and flipping the bird, huh?!

    ...some people...

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  3. And if the case were non-non-transparent how would you know any more of what they didn't not do than what they did didn't do?

    Maybe the defence does have the 'clearance' assertion, but as the RTP did not, and have not, released the names of those cleared, it's a matter of trying to prove it. And equally, why didn't the RTP release the names of those who were cleared if the B2 were NOT on that list?

    This case has been more about what the RTP did not do, than what they did. No wonder there has been challenges as to the non-transparency of this investigation.

    Put it this way. One example. The verification of Nomsod's whereabouts in BKK.

    A transparent report would detail a statement like this: we forensically analysed the content of the CCTV evidence in its entirety and found it to be factual. We interviewed several teachers and students of the school and they all confirmed his attendance at the classes on Monday. Etc, etc. All recorded evidence and witness statements are on our files (and available on request, subject to that request coming from legal representatives of concerned persons).

    But they didn't do that, or confirm that they did that. Or investigate further into the false testimony provided by his cousin? who said she was with him in BKK when she was proven to be in Pattaya. That is non-transparency. And the investigation is littered with such examples.

    But you know that, and so I'm grooving now...

    Contrary to what you think, there's a right to privacy. Proving to the investigation that he wasn't on the island is enough. It doesn't have to be proven to the amateur sleuths on social media.

    ...and like in the "human rights"- issue (you know: giving DNA-samples can be stopped, because...human rights!) this "privacy" only goes for one party in this case, which is the one, that is Thai...and they could not do such a thing anyways.

    Since it is okay for the RTP, the Roti-vendor and everybody with a big mouth, to spout all kind of (made up and flawed) details and evidence about the B2...our darling- family of island- leaders, of course, has the right to privacy in all matters!

    • Like 2
  4. I highly recommend to anyone coming to Bangkok more than once to learn Thai taxi. It's fun, it's easy. Learn how to count in Thai. Learn about 6-8 main roads in BKK. LEARN STRAIT AHEAD, left turn, right turn, stop here, 4 way intersection, 3 way intersection , go to the correct side of a street to start your ride, don't use TEN WORD sentences to say where you want to go in English, and only open the back door of a HAILED taxi when telling them in simple Thai where you want to go. Please don't forget to say khrap or ka after your little sentence. I succeed 99.5 % of the time and find taxi's in BKK are great.

    Great idea!

    Now do the same in Turkish, if you are in Istanbul, in German for being in Munich, Indian for Bombay...for it is really the fault of the passenger, if thy don't get appropriate service.

    And also, thanks to all of you, who still don't understand, that if you take up a profession, you should be willing to do, what goes with it.

    If you are a taxi driver, take people where they want to go- even if it is not your favorite place!

    If you are a waiter, serve people beer or food, which may not be your favorite!

    If you are a life- guard, give mouth-to-mouth to people with bad breath!

    You choose the job- now DO IT!

    If this story is the way, it is told, this particular tax-driver is a deluxe a- hole and deserves punishment and not a bunch of whiny apollogists, who like to blame the victims, for not being "Thai" enough, to deserve transportation by glorious Bangkok taxi- drivers!


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  5. Martial law means the "Government" can do anything they damn well want. No repercussions, no oversight, no consequences after they leave governance.

    Absolutely right. And don't stop there : why did this situation arise ?.

    Because the red-shirts were using terrorism to murder protestors, fully backed by Pheu-Thai and their bent police (who did not make one single arrest despite daylight attacks and clear CCTV footage).

    It's funny how any red-shirt talk about 2010 does not include events before the crackdown just as talk about the coup never accepts any responsibility why it happened.

    I would say people generally get what they deserve, but a LOT more red-shirts would be in jail if that were true. You are lucky to have just had a peaceful coup. Now live with the consequences of your actions.

    The situation arose because elements of the judiciary, the military and others within the establishment made damn sure that the constitutionally called election in February last failed (and lets not forget it was called by Royal Decree), the same group made sure that the police were hamstrung, and the military declined to ensure order on the streets. Elements of the military assisted those creating disorder. A vocal well funded minority was allowed to disrupt the capital, and the conditions for a coup were carefully created over a period of months. Their carefully laid plans worked, they are now in power. Power they (and everyone else) know they could never have gained through democratic or constitutional means. That is why this situation arose.

    That is why...among others....

  6. Tho i can survive without under boobs..

    But must know about side boobs

    Can we have those?


    Think this is no problem, coz is not a selfie.

    The theme insecure many.

    Today I got sent from my conversation partner in my social network this selfie.

    I must now return this pic, or i must refuse to accept?

    Apparently by sharing this pic with us you may be facing 5 years imprisonment.

    ...but for doing that, I will visit him once a week at least!

    Thank you wai.gif

  7. Sorry AyG, If the monks cannot give it fresh water, fruit & nuts & a bit of exercise in the sun everyday, then they are more

    animals than the poor bear.

    And do not start arguing about cost. They have PLENTY or do you not read?

    I don't know about this particular temple, but most temples in Thailand are very poor. The monks are dependent upon donations. Just look at the run down condition of so many temples. In many temples long-term monks suffer from scurvy because of the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in their diet. I suspect (but am not certain) that they are also not permitted to eat nuts, so nuts won't be donated. So where do they get the fruit and nuts to feed a bear? Don't judge all temples by the few that hit the headlines because of their fabulous wealth.

    Incidentally, their natural diet isn't one of fruits and nuts. They primarily eat bees, bee larvae, honeycomb, termites, ants and beetle larvae. I don't believe they eat nuts. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_bear I don't recall many devotees offering monks bee larvae.

    So let me get this straight- they HAD that bear, but they were so <deleted>' poor and they had no <deleted> clue how to feed it and what to do with it...but still, they HAD it!

    And because of all that, I need to feel more empathy with the poor and overworked monks than I should have with the bear, they basically tortured to death!

    Boooo- <deleted> hooooo!

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