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Posts posted by DM07

  1. As usual I have to go against the grain.

    I totally agree with the minister. These days they can't get away with just putting pretty girls up on the stand, there has to be more to it, the game has changed.

    The car shows are put on to sell cars and promote business. They have to give the products the semblance of having class, i.e. including the models, also they are not taking into consideration that probably women are are taking an equal interest in these shows as the men, perhaps more.

    Oh look...grandpa just got out of bed!coffee1.gif

  2. Netizens warned against sharing improper images of pretties in social media


    BANGKOK: -- Netizens have been told by the Ministry of Culture not to share the images of scantily-dressed motor show pretties in the social media warning that they may face legal actions.

    Mrs Yupa Thaveewattanakitborn, director of culture monitoring office, said today that the images posted on the social media of models with their bodies painted and scantily dressed at the Bangkok International Motor Show held at Muang Thong Thani were indecent and construed as a violation of the Criminal Code.

    She said that the models in question could face a fine of 5,000 baht for indecent act whereas those who posted or shared the images in the media would be liable to charges under the computer law.

    Meanwhile, Culture Minister Veera Rojpojanarat said he would ask car companies participating in the motor show to ensure that the models are dressed more properly.

    (Photo : Thai PBS File)

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/netizens-warned-against-sharing-improper-images-of-pretties-in-social-media


    -- Thai PBS 2015-03-25

    smile.pngbiggrin.pnglaugh.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gifw00t.gif ...wait....they are serious?! facepalm.gif

  3. The father of the perpetrator attended the victims funeral!!!!!!....... Only in Thailand.

    ...and that is wrong, because....?!

    He came to apologize for what his son did, which to me seems like manning up for the horrible crime and begging forgiveness.

    If it was heartfelt -which I tend to believe- it is a great gesture!

    I don't think the issue is the attempted apology from the father, it is the attendance of the funeral which some find strange. To my mind, those who attend funerals should be those who loved the deceased who wish to say their goodbyes.

    One thing is for sure, were it my son's funeral, invitees would not include my son's murderer nor the murderer's family. You must be kidding.

    No, I must not be kidding!

    Where does it say, he was invited?

    He showed up, to plead forgiveness (and maybe -as it happens in this weird country- pay some money to the family) and I find this to be some kind of honorable.

    I am not Thai and it is not my son, so I can not tell you, how I would feel about something like that.

    But the father didn't do anything bad at all.

  4. This is the 4th version of the story, that I am reading.

    They were dumped...they left the van on a toilet break...they demanded to get off...

    This time, they deceived the driver into thinking, they wanted a break and then walked off, just like that!

    What is it, guys?

    Oh, I see...here we have a van-driver, who is telling it, like it is!

    Yep...never heard of a better witness!

    The Thai'er-than-Thai-fraction is having a field day, but excuse me for still not buying the story!

    This has written FACE SAVING all over it!
  5. I find it rather peculiar, who in this country get's bail...and who doesn't.

    2 examples come to mind, that were way clearer and way beyond "alleged".

    a) the Red Bull heir

    B) that couple, that tortured the poor Laotian girl with boiling water and kept her in a cage.

    Both allowed bail...and how well that worked out!

    On the other hand: the alleged Koh Tao- killer and an alleged terrorist!

    No bail, of course!

    Anyone care to explain this to me?

  6. whistling.gif Update on this story ........

    It now appears according to today's newspaper that it may have been the tourists who left the taxi because they didn't like the way the driver was driving........ they were not kicked out of the taxi by the driver.... they left the taxi voluntarily because they thought his driving was unsafe.

    Aha....this is 3rd or 4th version, now!

    I recall these 3:

    - they got kicked out by a taxi-driver

    - they requested to walk on foot, after a van stopped at the tollway for a toilet- break

    - they were getting out of the taxi by themselves, because they didn't like the driving

    But whatever you do, people...beware, because someone might sue you for defamation, so better shut it!

    Oh...and according to the Transport Minister or someone with a big wig, it could not have been the taxi- driver's fault (I guess, a Thai would never do such a thing)!


  7. Define civil societies please!!

    Doesn't matter who the civil societies are, even without knowing you will be able to sleep tonight.

    The main point on this article is that the government is asking all Thai people to help fight corruption.

    And this is what this government stands for.

    Elimination of corruption, reform of the police force and prepare this country for better days to come.

    Thailand and it's people had enough of the previous corrupt politicians and their practices.

    You can rest assured that this government is doing a good job.

    You can start worrying when the old clowns are back into politics.

    cheesy.gif you kill me, man!!!

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  8. You don't live in a rural farming community that's for sure !!

    Well well well, I have seen drastic changes in this Udon heartland (that was) red. Very small pockets remain, most people who were slow to get info of Yinglucks wrongs are now aware, hence the move from the Shins.

    Some very remote villages you will never change--but what has changed is the younger elements shift from PTP thinking many older ones still do not grasp the situ.

    Suppose it depends on the wife's thinking, and her parents as many have to tow the line because house in her name ???? ha ha ha.

    As it happens I am very familiar with Udon.None of my information accords with yours and in particular your summary of younger voters current views is diametrically opposite to what evidence I have seen.We shall see who is closer to the pulse after the results of the next election are in.

    ...in twentyneverever?

  9. As usual there is an article in the BP that gives an explanation of what happened. No taxi involved. They decided to leave a van en-route to KSR after it made a rest stop on the tollway, then make their own way to Sukhumvit 71. End of story.

    It made a rest stop on the tollway and they wanted to take little stroll from there, with all their luggage, the guitar, the baby...aha....sound legit!


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