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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Ang Thong police superintendent Colonel Chutrakool Yosmadee said he would review the report from social workers before drawing a conclusion on charging and prosecuting the boy.

    What the hell does a social worker have to do with charging someone who rapes an eight year old child? The charges or lack thereof will probably rely on the usual money factor.

    Because the fact is that both parties involved are children.

    I believe that many kids are picking up this type of behaviour from online influences considering that hard core pornography and porn sites can be easily accessed by children. It is the parents responsibility to control and take interest in what their children are viewing online.

    Yes, Grandpa...before internet- porn, no Thai- girl ever got raped and no teenager ever got pregnant!


  2. Take a look at a picture

    Put forward 2 possibilities for what you see, one of them has be an outragous and extremely unlikely or even stupid claim!

    Go for that possibility aaaaaaaaaaall the way!

    That is why people see iguanas in rock on Mars!

  3. So...let me get that straight: the woman was undressing to clean herself in a public women's- "bathroom"....and that is a problem, because.....?!

    I took flights from Phuket to Bangkok, freshening myself up in the men's room...and yes, I took of my shirt for that and put on a new one!

    ...and believe you me: my body is not nice to look at!

    But let me get another thing straight: Thai- authorities are making videos for other people...on good behavior?

    The same people, who sit in offices and burp like cows?

    Pick their noses, wherever they like?

    Slam the door in other peoples faces?

    Never behave like gentlemen to ladies?

    Yeah...got it!

  4. Having done some research on this topic I found

    1. 2014-05-15 "Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan Punches a Protester in Soma"

    2. 2009-12-13 "Protestor punches Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi"

    3. 2008-12-25 "Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili lost his cool, throwing punches — and a telephone — at his prime minister, Russia’s news media reported Thursday."

    4. 2001-05-16 "Dept. PM John Prescott punches protester at an election meeting in North Wales"

    Of course Australians know there's nothing to it rolleyes.gif

    "punch the Prime Minister" - Australian slang for going to the bathroom

    So, first of all: who cares?

    Second: what are you trying to show? That there are idiots out there, who can not settle a dispute like intelligent human beings?

    Third: as I see it, none of these spats has the quality of what we are seeing in Thailand.

    A journalist's job is to ask questions and the things the lovely PM said, are just threatening someone, who is doing, what he should be doing!

    But then again: your darling general already told the press, not to bother him with (difficult) questions.

  5. I really can't bother to wade through heaps of "It is so because the RTP has teldt me so" or "No it is not...because...brain...!".

    Fact is: everybody who still thinks/ ever thought/ is thinking, this will be a fair trial, is dangerously insane.

    No matter who gave what to whom and who said what!

    We can hope for a fair trial can't we? You concluding that it won't is just as bad as people saying outright they are guilty. How do you know the future? In case you hadn't noticed Thailand is under a new government with new ideas. Anything can happen. Nobody knows and that includes you. Now who's insane?


    Little reality check for you, here!

    The "new government" already praised the complete flawed case by the RTP as exceptional work...or something like that!

    We have already seen so many flaws, so many contradictions- and still you "believe" there will be a fair trial?

    I find it easier to believe in unicorns and witches!

    It already is NO fair trial, up to this point!

  6. Isn't this the second "attack" already, with nobody hurt (luckily!)?

    In one case, it is a "bomb" in a place where many should get hurt (BTS/Shopping Mall) but no one is and there is plenty of CCTV- material and even a taxi-driver, who can clearly identify the bomber, but...hey...nothing happened so far!

    Here, no one get's hurt, but the bombers are easily caught...

    I have big difficulties, to take all of that serious!

    I onlt hope that-whoever plays this dangerous game- they will stop before someone get's hurt!

    • Like 1
  7. Absolutely shameless, isn't it? The temerity of the guy is something else entirely!


    Return to democracy, oppose banning of politicians, but of course ban the NLA members from seeking political office in elections?

    Yes, shameless.

    Almost as shameless as installing your sister as PM. then instructing an amnesty bill to whitewash your criminal conviction, outstanding criminal charges and all those charges, past present and future, against your family and mates.

    Totally shameless.

    Let's see, if we can spot the difference, shall we?!

    Exhibit A: bad person makes sister top- partycandidate for following election, which she wins handsomely (I know...she didn't get the majority blah blah) and becomes PM. Foreseeable? Yep! Illegal? Nope! Shameless? Kind of...

    Exhibit B: bad person comes to power in an illegal coup and gives attractive and well paid posts to family members and friends.

    Foreseeable? Yep! Illegal? From the start! Shameless? Absolutely!

    ...hmmmmmm....that will make some brains hurt!

    At least YS had to go through an electoral process (yeeeees...I also know: bought votes blah blah blah...).

    The current guys just hand out jobs, totally unopposed!


    There is a difference!

    • Like 2
  8. Regrettably not restricted to Thailand. There was a big case in Bavaria last year were several members of the state parliament had hired relatives at amazing salaries and benefits. And plenty of US Senators that employ relatives, too.

    Despicable in any case and even more so in Thailand where the Army took over to clean up.

    We could also mention the recent resignation of Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber due to hiring his new squeeze/fiancée. And yes, most members of the US Congress would be out of a job if hiring family members was to be made a crime. But relative to corruption in Thailand, this case is not really worth noting.

    It is also not worth noting, because this is not the OregonVisa- Forum!

  9. I like it the way it is now. No demonstrations, no killings, no roadblocks. Corruption is being stopped, Thailand is being improved and cleaned from streetvendors....

    There's still much more work to do, Bangkok has to become a real Metropole with good public transport, civilised people and also rules which have to be maintained.


    Good one!

    You had me at "Corrupition is being stopped"!

    Too damn funny!

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