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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Hey, Fat Haggis, they must have read your comment in the children/motorcycle thread. Parents around the world need to be reminded of the dangers of even a pail with water as children are top-heavy and if they bend over the pail to look inside, they may fall in, head first, and drown before they can react. It takes only a teaspoon of water in the lungs to drown. It happens everywhere and not just Thailand. I can never understand the anti-Thai bitterness on this forum. Why the negativity at anything that is done to improve the quality of life here? I'm referring to your posts on this thread: Fiddlesticks, DM07, LuckyLew, and jaywalker.

    ...and by doing that, you clearly must be joking!

    "Improve the quality of life here" by telling parents "Hey...don't let your kids drown! It's not good for them!"

    What a brilliant way to improve life!

    Let me ad some more:"Hey, folks! Don't put that loaded gun in your mouth and pull the trigger!"

    "Don't put that blindfold on grandma and let here walk into traffic!"

    Glad, I could help to improve life!

  2. chrissables...I ask you to join a simple experiment: I will wear a helmet and run into a wall -head first- from 10 meters.

    You do the same without a helmet and we see, who is better of afterwards, okay?!
    Let me guess: you are an American and the 2nd amendment is your gospel?! coffee1.gif

    Well i am British 100%. And you?

    I have no intention of running or riding into a wall or anything else.

    I understand your point, but mine is to stop the cause of accidents, (as i have just done by refusing your kind offer to run into a wall!)

    If a car or truck pulls in front of me you feel i should wear protection due to their inability to drive carefully?

    Surely they should be punished to such a degree people will start to drive / ride with care!

    But the "nanny" state tries to put the responsibility on the victim. It needs people to stand up and argue their point.

    "If a car or truck pulls in front of me you feel i should wear protection due to their inability to drive carefully?"

    No, you should wear a helmet to (better ) protect yourself!

    There are actually laws -even in this place- which would -if followed and enforced- punish those with little, less or inadequat driving abilities.

    Drunk drivers, drivers who speed...you name it!

    The "nanny state" is punishing them.

    And they punish you, for putting yourself at risk and others from having to pay for your medical- care, when you drool all over yourself, while expensive machines keep you fed and breathing!

    Well obviously the nanny state has got to you!

    I live in Thailand, this is not a nanny state.

    I will get no free medical care. If in the UK yes, BUT we pay for it ahead of time, so in fact it is not "free".

    You argue your point with such stupidity, if you think a person should be forced (by law) to protect themselves from other people's (law breaking) activities!

    A government should educate and PREVENT the causes of accidents.

    I might argue with stupidity, but at least I can read...something that you are obviously not able to do.

    Anyways: live free and easy, don't wear a helmet and also don't make your children wear one!

    • Like 1
  3. For those who are asking how the US or Australia are not real democracies. Both countries have two main parties that differ only on populist domestic issues. No matter who you vote for they all work for the same corrupt banking oligarchs, they all support Zionism (regardless of your position on that issue you can't fail to see the support is one sided), they all cooperate in genocidal wars for profit, they all use fear campaigns such as 'terrorism' and use the media to influence people. How can you have a democracy when voting for either side is a vote for the same agenda. The difference between the two parties in these countries is simply marketing.

    I'd take the choice between two flawed alternatives over NO CHOICE AT ALL any given day!

    • Like 1
  4. chrissables...I ask you to join a simple experiment: I will wear a helmet and run into a wall -head first- from 10 meters.

    You do the same without a helmet and we see, who is better of afterwards, okay?!
    Let me guess: you are an American and the 2nd amendment is your gospel?! coffee1.gif

    Well i am British 100%. And you?

    I have no intention of running or riding into a wall or anything else.

    I understand your point, but mine is to stop the cause of accidents, (as i have just done by refusing your kind offer to run into a wall!)

    If a car or truck pulls in front of me you feel i should wear protection due to their inability to drive carefully?

    Surely they should be punished to such a degree people will start to drive / ride with care!

    But the "nanny" state tries to put the responsibility on the victim. It needs people to stand up and argue their point.

    "If a car or truck pulls in front of me you feel i should wear protection due to their inability to drive carefully?"

    No, you should wear a helmet to (better ) protect yourself!

    There are actually laws -even in this place- which would -if followed and enforced- punish those with little, less or inadequat driving abilities.

    Drunk drivers, drivers who speed...you name it!

    The "nanny state" is punishing them.

    And they punish you, for putting yourself at risk and others from having to pay for your medical- care, when you drool all over yourself, while expensive machines keep you fed and breathing!

  5. I've been rejected by taxis many times, I think it's their right to do so. Yes it can be annoying, but why should they be forced to take people against their own discretion? After all it may be a public access service but it is provided by a private party.

    No, it's not their right, it's against the law. Simple as that.

    Then the law is dumb.

    A taxi should have the right to refuse a passenger in many circumstances, but not for refusal to use the meter. eg the passenger wants to go from Pattaya to Bangkok when he only has 30 minutes of his shift left, the passenger is drunk, smelly or obnoxious etc etc

    I wonder if the same people complaining would be happy to have a law that would force them to take work at a loss (on top of being a low paying job to begin with), or that would endanger them, or work extra time on demand, etc, etc...

    What a bunch of BS!

    Don't become a prt of the SERVICE industry, if you are not willing to SERVE!

  6. Songkran is nearly on us again, some of the people screaming about personal freedom please revisit this topic again after the statistics for the holiday have been released.

    It doesn't bother them!

    At all!

    But hear them cry, when their child is crippled by another "freedom enjoyer", who took the freedom to drink himself senseless and to mow down a their son or daughter!

    Brainless twa@ts!

    • Like 1
  7. In many parts of the country there is no other way for parents to get their kids anywhere, school, doctor wherever other than to use their only form of transport their motorbike. There are no school buses or public transport in many places so there is no alternative other than walking long distances.

    Rather than a ban make helmets for kids easily available and cheap, even free in some poor areas to poor parents.

    How many children are killed on bikes when with their parents ? I would suspect few as parents would be more careful with kids aboard.

    Most of the deaths and injuries on bikes would be from those who race around, no helmets, no license.

    More and better policing rather than bans and stickers.

    Enforcing mandatory helmet laws and drink driving laws would save a lot of tragedy.

    It has never been proved helmets save lives, never.

    They certainly never prevent accidents.

    Stop the cause of accidents is the only way to go.

    ...and guns don't kill people....

    • Like 1
  8. Seems Australia is "Racist and Cruel" when they do not accept refugees. But when Thailand makes it clear they don't give a rats about anyone except themselves, then that's fine apparently.

    You have to first define 'Refugees'. Did they set out on their journey to flee persecution, or for greener pasture?
    It is completely irrelevant, given that Thailand will not take them in either way.

    USA should. They need more people to share the debt load.

    How old are you? Five?

    • Like 1
  9. I actually visited the homepage! They have an English- version...that is almost 10% in English...

    And here is some of the English part:

    moral promotion center is a Central Place of knowledge and innovation in of moral. The Empower Network to create a of moral society.
    1. establish an Development and dissemination of moral knowledge management process variations.
    2. Organized General Assembly virtue. Both at the local and national levels.
    3. support network of partners involved in promoting virtue. And combining the power of social networks. To develop the virtue of choice for Society of Thailand."
    Says it all, really!
    I guess, we know now, where Comical Ali went, after the Iraq War (The Original)!
  10. I don't get it why some individuals (probably Americans?) think it's their duty to tip taxi drivers because they feel sorry for their low wages. Like the guy who gives twice the meter fare to every taxi he gets into.

    Good for him, if he's that rich, but at the end of the day he's doing us a disservice because then the taxi drivers he has encountered expects the same from every other foreigner they encounter in future. That just sets the stage for more scams and possible extortion.

    That's not how it's supposed to work. Taxi fares here are too cheap, but it's not up to the individual to make the decision to make up the shortfall - either the taxi unions (if they exist) should be able to bargain for higher fares or the government or whoever the regulator is should push for higher fares.

    However, tipping taxi drivers is NOT the culture here in Thailand. Maybe in America, but almost nowhere else. Hell even in Australia nobody tips taxi drivers; at most minor rounding up is performed.

    It is quiet common in Europe!

  11. Great article, and I actually agree with it. Again for you

    mass of people who have never or will never, support this PM.

    Did all of you support the last PM, while she and her bunch botched

    a lot of stuff while she was in power. Did all of you support her brother

    when he was in his power and glory days!

    Did any of you get paid to give him or his sister your vote, because

    that is not a true and real democracy, but only one that was bought and

    paid for. Did you all support Mr. Thaksin , knowing full well that

    he did not show much respect at all for the Royal family, but you are all

    growling at the present PM who has the utmost respect, and is not afraid to

    show that he does. I just do not get you people who seem to think that

    Ms. Yingluck was some sort of a savior of Thailand, and that the

    present PM is not.

    I guess that really shows where you all stand, all right.

    Maybe it is all that hot weather in Thailand that affects the

    thinking process! Just my humble opinion.

    I never stood with YS or Thaksin, although at least they were elected by some kind of democratic vote- process.

    Which is tons more, than you could say about the current government!

    I never did support the blatant nepotism and the corruption, the human rights issues etc.etc. of the Shin- governments, but sure as the sun rises in the East, I will never support the blatant nepotism, the corruption, the human rights issues etc.etc. of the reigning military junta as well.

    It quiet obviously shows, where I stand, yes!

    And all that you just wrote clearly shows where you stand...and I hope, that is very far away from me!

    Thank you very much!

  12. Should we just take a step further and name the political group behind the bombing?

    What a cowardly act! These people resort to violence whenever they don't get their way, and their cowardly acts have me seeing "red" (pun intended?)

    Yeah, I don't like coup-makers either...

    What a great comment. No, really - well done.

    My 6 year old nephew could not have done better. Mind you, he is a bit slow for his age.

    ...and why is he writing in your name?

  13. Would these human rights twits agree that beating their skulls in with rocks and hoes was an abuse of the human rights of the two innocent Britons?

    Sorry to say but deceased people have no human rights. That is from EHRC. Have problem pasting link here but Google and ask "human rights deceased" it's a site what....com. Should be easy to difficult to find. Only took me couple minutes.

    Murder is a human rights violation. So, yes, when Hannah and David were murdered their rights were violated.

    Some people seem willing to gloss over that very basic fact.

    No one is glossing it over..except the people that have orgasm- like- feelings, when it comes to executing probably innocent Burmese.

    There has been a horrible crime and yes, 2 people were brutally murdered.

    That is tragic, horrific and disgusting.

    And most of us here, have the feeling that there might be 2 more horrific, tragic and disgusting killings of 2 more innocent people on the way!

    The fact, that two innocent Brittons have been murdered, should not make people close their eyes on what comes next!

    And it justifies -by no means- that 2 more people die, who might very well be innocent, too- just to quench the thirst for revenge of a few!

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