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Posts posted by DM07

  1. You're absurd. All foreigners are supposed to carry their passports with them at all times, and all Thais are supposed to carry their ID cards or another acceptable form of identification at all times. So there's nothing absurd about requiring them to be shown, since everyone is already supposed to be carrying an appropriate ID. Also, not every nationality would have a different fee imposed. Perhaps only 20 out of the total number of possible nationalities would have a different fee imposed, many others would just be levied the same fee i.e. Samoa, French Polynesia, Vanuatu, etc. basically only the bigger nationalities would likely have a different fee imposed, besides, what are the chances of someone from say Papua New Guinea ever visiting a national park in Thailand anyway? And why should the fees need to be "updated"? They could just be kept static until an order declares they should be changed once a year or perhaps only once every 5 years.

    Hey as I already said, Italy DID this. I didn't make it up, they DID this. So if they were able to do it, it doesn't mean Thailand or other countries couldn't. It's not rocket science either.

    At border checkpoints the officers also have a manual printed list of nationalities detailing their visa, visa-free, VOA entitlements etc. so I don't see any reason why park officials couldn't implement a similar system. And oh, in case you forgot, there are these things called computers now where at the click of a mouse you could see what someone's entitlements are, rather than having to look through a printed list, like as if we were still living in 1965 as you might still be. What did you use to write your message then, huh?

    As I've maintained before and most other people have stated, being fair and not discriminating against anyone, entitling everyone to pay the same price would be best. BUT, a system where different people are charged different amounts depending on their nationalities, while still in a way a form of discrimination would be more reasonable than the current system and as I've stated before it has precedence. It's been done before, it's nothing radical. So stop blasting this relatively simple to implement idea and learn how to use Google.

    What Italy did in the past from what i can see is no longer true. One price fits all these days.

    "One price fits all these days"

    Far from it... Children and elderly get different prices - discrimination by age you could claim. Lower prices for disabled - why should they pay any less than able bodied people - isn't that discrimination against able bodied people? How about different rates for larger groups? Why should the individuals in a group of say 10 or more, pay less per person than those individuals in a large family group of 9? And of course Thailand, like some other SE Asian countries, also chooses to charge more to non-resident tourists, who it is reasonable to assume have much more disposable income than the 70 plus percentage (approx 48 million) of Thais who are classed as living below the poverty line. So one price doesn't 'fit all' these days.

    Special prices for children, the elderly or handicapped people are the same as special prices by nationality?

    Got it!

    ...you are clutching at straws!

  2. chief Kamol Rodklai said there was no need for such machines and there must be more appropriate measures. Youngsters, he said, "don't [think] that much about it [sex]".

    BUT added to that.......

    While Thailand's birth rate is in decline, teen pregnancies have increased by 43 per cent over the past decade. A teenager gives birth every four minutes. According to the United Nations Population Fund, there were 2.4 million mothers aged 15-19 in Thailand in 2012.

    A 43% increase and the teens do not think about sex much. Then where has the 43% increase come from? The Stork? Ghosts in the bed?

    It is about time Thailand was brought into the 21st century and not languishing in the dark, distant past.

    I would be happy, if at least on some points, they would enter the 20th century first...

  3. Just discovered this guy- more people should...

    I've been listening to Matthew Ryan since I left for LOS in 2000... and still do. Some of his output has been a bit too poppy for my liking,

    but the rest of it is phenomenal, strange story-like songwriting.

    His musicianship isn't spectacular, but his presence is fairly powerful.

    Some of his I'd recommend are Happy Hour (very slow and quiet, end of night song)




    I must love leaving

    Hi Wiki Entry seems pretty complete with links to info on each album. He didn't have a wiki last time I looked a few years back.

    I "stumbled" onto him, because I just luuuuuuuuuuurve The Gaslight Anthem and there is a video on youtube, of him and TGA's Brian Fallon. The acoustic version of "I can't steal you"! It send shivers down my spine!

    This one:

  4. I am neither red nor yellow...just stick with the truth, please!

    The coroner's report showed her to be killed by the RDX in the old Chinese made military teargas. (not as you claim, by explosives she carried)

    The disingenuous "I am neither red nor yellow" is a bad joke.

    yeah...you don't know me, you have no idea about me, so please ...shut up!

    By the way: the point I referred to, was the one of "yellow" demonstrators are mere angels.

    She may have been killed by something fired at her.


    My question again: carrying an explosive device or not?

    And if so: why?

    Edit: and by the way: teargas is used the world over in demonstrations and no one get's killed, because tear gas does not tend to explode.

    If it did, in this case, it was an accident with marginal equipment.

    Not a direct effort to kill someone.

    Unfortunately ...it most likely did!

  5. Just curious, are there more rapes on Valentines Day in the west?

    Anyone know?

    No, see above. It is not that there are more rapes on Valentines in the West, it is that in the West Valentines day has become a day of remembrance for rape victims and a day of raising awareness of rape and violence towards women.


    That totally went past me, I guess.

    Not trying to take a p!$$ here- I honestly wasn't aware.

    I wasn't either until today but do I suspect this has had a play in the Ministriies rape crackdown plans.

    I honestly suspect they don't have a clue either and that this is not about rape or anything...and it will not even be enforced.

    It is about tea- money, the RTP can get from some club - or hotel - owners...and that's it!

    Otherwise, maybe they should try sex- ed and promote that fact, that women are not 2nd - class citizens.

    • Like 2
  6. Just curious, are there more rapes on Valentines Day in the west?

    Anyone know?

    No, see above. It is not that there are more rapes on Valentines in the West, it is that in the West Valentines day has become a day of remembrance for rape victims and a day of raising awareness of rape and violence towards women.


    That totally went past me, I guess.

    Not trying to take a p!$$ here- I honestly wasn't aware.

  7. I can not be arsed to find the respective articles, but you might have not been in Thailand at that time, when the Government House was vandalized by the yellows (or better: their paid pawns), when thousands were held hostage by an airport- blockade and when at least one "yellow" "protester" was allegedly blown to bits by a self-constructed device, she hid under her jacket?!

    A device that was surely built to spread the love, she was feeling for the opposite side, right!?

    No weapons, no violence my behind!

    I am neither red nor yellow...just stick with the truth, please!

    You are repeating a piece of discredited BS which was tried as an excuse to cover butt. Military grade tear gas grenades were used which explode on impact, killing this woman and tearing limbs from others. Trying to paint the victim as a bomber (with a bomb in her bra yet) is either pretty low or abysmal ignorance.

    BTW one male protester was killed when (apparently) a box of ping pong bombs exploded in his car.

    The "victim" was in possession of a self- constructed explosive device, yes or no?

    Did she take that to the demonstration, yes or no?

    Is that an expression of pecaefullness, yes or no?

    Just asking...

    And it was discreditted by whom?

    The opposite side?

    Yeah...must be true then!

    My point btw was NOT if she got blown to bits by her own bomb or somebody else's.

    My point was that she HAD a "bomb" with her, which is usually used for.....what again?

  8. I confess ive never known a country with so many.... well cant call it anything but masses of sexually confused people i guess.

    Each to their own, live and let live n all that but boy theres a huge proportion in Thailand compared to anywhere else ive lived or been, open or otherwise.

    Have no problem with there being a 3rd gender simply because it really does seem sometimes its 1 in 3 anyway. In fact it wouldnt surprise me if there were more transsexuals than gay in Thailand, least thats how it seems on the surface.

    Id love to know the scientific reason for this. ( if there is one )

    My theory, for what it's worth, is that in most cases it is more a financial reason than a scientific reason.

    Thai men are a lot more feminine in appearance compared to western men, so it is easier to "make the change", but the main reason they do it is because as a ladyboy they can make a lot more money than they can washing dishes or working on a building site.

    To some the lifestyle is attractive and they see it as a way to become financially independent.

    I am sure there are some who just want to be ladies and don't end up working in bars. A lot of them work in the floral, clothing and wedding businesses.

    When we were married in Chiang Mai the person who looked after our photos and wedding clothes was a ladyboy and she did a great job for us. My wife and I have been friends with her ever since.

    Do you REALLY believe this bovine excrement you are writing?

    They see it as a financial opportunity?

    If you would engage some more brain cells, you might ask yourself, how good a financial opportunity has to be, in order to go through hormonal- therapy, with all the side- effects or multiple operations, to turn from a man into a woman (or the other way round).

    How much money, has to be in there, to take the abuse and the discrimination, which also happens here in Thailand!

    • Like 2
  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    wow another piece of 'non-discrimination'?

    No, the time for justice has come for some politicians that avoided the law for years.

    like the ones who played a hand in the Murder of 90 Demonstrators in 2010 oh no they've been acquitted

    Im puzzled at you attitude towards the Junta , do you have Thai kids here? would you like them growing up in a non democratic , Military run country with no freedom of speech and "Attitude adjustment" for those who don't tow the line ?

    1 tiny little difference - none of the yellow shirts demonstrations wa violent, none on the demonstrating people had weapons wereas the red demonstrations were always violent. You might not remember or might have not been in Thailand at the time, but when the reds were cleared off in 2010, many many buildings in BKK - mostly shopping malls and shops - were burned down to the ground, and few government places around Thailand as well.

    I can not be arsed to find the respective articles, but you might have not been in Thailand at that time, when the Government House was vandalized by the yellows (or better: their paid pawns), when thousands were held hostage by an airport- blockade and when at least one "yellow" "protester" was allegedly blown to bits by a self-constructed device, she hid under her jacket?!

    A device that was surely built to spread the love, she was feeling for the opposite side, right!?

    No weapons, no violence my behind!

    I am neither red nor yellow...just stick with the truth, please!

    • Like 1
  10. I guess this is yet another push to Thailand into China's arms. The USA is acting like a child with their self serving interests.

    Thais are brought up to believe Thailand and its people are above other people and above other countries. Thats what they are taught in school. The truth is the US is a vast, powerful and successful economy. Granted, its been through an economic crisis recently, but all evidence suggests it is fast recovering, growing and creating jobs and its currency has been the worlds strongest for the past year. Thailand by comparison is a tiny economy, it is a century or so behind the US in its development, especially in terms of education and human rights, and is militarily insignificant. So i really see no reason for the US to march to Thailand's orders, and i see no reason why the US should not express opinions or stick to their principles. It is clear to me at least that Thailand is the flea and the US is the dog. If the flea wants to jump onto China then so be it, it wont really matter. The sooner Thailand wakes up to reality the better for Thailand and Thai people because its never healthy to suffer delusions of grandeur. Then they might stop acting like a spoiled, self entitled brat throwing tantrums and thinking the world revolves around them.

    Thailand is advance of the USA in human rights 100 years, not behind....see all the shootings and abuses by the US police. All the started wars of the last years (yes that is human right issue), torture, hunting down Assange, supporting regimes like Saudi Arabia, Thailand related: the support of Pol Pot.

    In compare Thailand is the hub of human rights....

    Yeah....right! blink.png

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