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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Are there laws against racism in Thailand? Probably not according to the behaviour of many Thai citizens.

    Lucky for us there are no racist foreigners living in Thailand !

    Can you imagine what this forum would be like if it was riddled with racist comments attacking say, the Thai people ? whistling.gif

    Says the guy, who just moments before that comment made some extremely negative comments about farang.

    Get of your high- horse and pretend to be Thai'er than Thai, will ya'?

  2. Where are you Costas?

    Come on justify this?

    I'm here......never far away......

    I do agree that satire is a good variation of humour and I always enjoyed a good satire.

    BUT, mocking is NOT acceptable.

    What they are trying to do is to mock the current government.

    For what?

    For stopping the killings of students?

    For uncovering the corruption of the previous government?

    For reforming the corrupt police?

    For at last doing something about human trafficking?


    Get over your grief all of you.........this government is to stay, for the good of Thailand.


    ...blink.png ...wait...since your darling- general forbid satire and you would surely follow...that means...you are serious????

    • Like 1
  3. For those jumping on the back of the red shirts, Thaksin etc, ask yourself, who has been on the ropes recently and whose position and "moral" standpoint would most benefit from the bombings? Also, is it not strange that the authorites know so much about the suspects?

    Didn't you read?

    They met Thailand's worst and only super- hero: Captain Supercabbie, the taxi- driver with the megamind!

    Ask Baerboxer: he knows him , too!

    Sarcasm - the lowest form of wit.

    But, witnesses wouldn't suit your agenda, so let's pretend no one could remember such things.

    Guess you believe Jautapon - he's reliable, knows who it was and wasn't even their. But he heard voices, or was it Skype?

    Pity Chalerm's quiet - he could tell us the initials.

    Oh thank you!

    I really don't care, how you rate my "wit" and sure as the sun rises in the east, I don't give a hoot about Jattuporn.


    If I remember correctly, there were numerous witnesses standing by, as the two "terrorists" planted the bombs and no one cared or remembered!

    But that taxi- driver remembers hight, approx. age and if one of the guys looked tired ...like he traveled a long way (those pesky Burmese, again...).

    You may believe the lying machine, that is the RTP and the government- I stick with Mr. Occam!

  4. @shadychris

    Yeah, Slim- Shady

    ....now you are just making up excrement.

    By that measure, a backpacker in flip- flops will pay an intermediate price?

    Because he clearly is not rich...but a tourist!

    And you know, that this is not the fact, this decission is based on!

    He is WHITE, he is farang!

    And that is the only reason he pays more!

    It is NOT about who is rich and who is not...and you know that quiet well!

    Yes I do know that this is not about who is rich and who is not.

    It is about NP's currently charging 200BHT raising their prices to match the others who currently charge 400BHT, as reported in the usual sensationalist manner to instil outrageous indignation and generate clicks.

    The reality of this is that non-resident visitors regardless of whether their skin is white, black, yellow or green will have to cough up another 200BHT at some of these NP's - big deal... Those who can prove 'residency' ie have a residency permit\blue book\red book, again regardless of skin colour will be able to gain admission at the lower rate.

    By your deluded version of the reason this decision is based on, albino Thais would also have to pay the upper rate because their skin is white too..

    ...as would 3- legged aliens from Planet Zorph...

    I make it simple for you:

    a Fhilipino/ Vietnamese- tourist etc. is travelling with a bunch of Thais and wants to enter a NP...

    a German/ Dutch- tourist etc. is travelling with a bunch of Thais and wants to enter a NP...

    Which tourist will be asked to present a birth-certificate, stool- sample, red book, work- permit, before he is allowed to enter at the "residence" - fare?

    I know, that it actually SHOULD be both, right?!

    But let's follow me to the reality for a second...

    Edit: sorry...I don't want to create a whole here, for you to slip through: a WHITE German/ Dutch- tourist etc....because we both know, that there are Asian- looking people in both these countries...which by the way, hits my point even harder, because THEY would not be asked, although the are tourists, right?!

  5. @shadychris

    Yeah, Slim- Shady

    ....now you are just making up excrement.

    By that measure, a backpacker in flip- flops will pay an intermediate price?

    Because he clearly is not rich...but a tourist!

    And you know, that this is not the fact, this decission is based on!

    He is WHITE, he is farang!

    And that is the only reason he pays more!

    It is NOT about who is rich and who is not...and you know that quiet well!

    Edit: By the way....wouldn't that bike- deal be a private enterprise?

  6. But your examples don't prove your point, Siam Ocean World does not discriminate based on nationality but residency, expats get the local rate, so it is quite a different case and clearly nothing to do with what you claim, farangs = more money, or they would also charge the expats more.

    Okay, I'll bite: define Expat, please.

    And while you are on it: what am I and why did I pay the farang price- 5 times by now?

    And friends, who I have and who live here for even longer than me.

    Farang= money= higher price, is not what I claim!

    It is people like you, saying "oh clearly...the Thais live here it is their heritage (nature is not anyone's heritage exclusively, might I ad!) so of course, it is okay to charge visitors from abroad more...because they are richer and they are...well...from abroad!"

    An expat is an immigrant who does not intend to stay permanently. I use the term loosely in this case as that is the term that Siam Ocean World also use.

    I guess the reason you paid more is because you have not visited so recently to benefit from the new expat discount.

    And that is not my quote. I have never given that reasoning and I have never referred to heritage in any of my arguments. My opinion is that locals are given a further discount from an already heavily subsidized fee, that tourists can pay more without any real inconvenience to them and that residents here, regardless of nationality, should pay the same as Thai's. Why are you putting words into my mouth and even having the audacity to put them in quotation marks?

    "It is people like you"...not "it is you, who I exactly quote..."

    Audacity? Overreacting, much?!

    And by the way: when you argue, it is okay for tourists to pay more, without any real inconvenience (quote!)...how is that different, from saying "it is okay to charge more, because they are rich"?

    The almost non- existing "inconvenience" (as you call it) is ...what exactly?

    I lived in Germany some time.

    If one case would be known, where anything in Germany would state: "Entrance for Germans 5 Euro/ Entrance for non- Germans 20 Euro", the internet would explode with comments like "Ah...there you have it! Germans! They never liked foreigners", followed by some WW2 (+1) references and some Nazi- comparison.

    No one would give a digestive end-product about "inconvenience" or anything.

    People would simply call it, what it is!

    Starts with an R...ends with an ism!

  7. The point is not if a tourist can AFFORD 10x the price that a Thai can.

    Going by that logic, a tourist also can afford THB 350 instead of 35 for a Khao Pad Gai or THB 1.300 for THB 130 taxi- ride.

    Why not take that further: a Thai pays 7 Baht for a bottle of drinking water at the 7eleven, so charge a tourist 70!

    Get your heads out of you behinds for a second, will ya'?!

    You confusing the financing of a governmental department which has very little chance to make any money with privately owned businesses which have every chance to make a profit , so actually you are not going by that logic at all as they are completely different cases. Dual pricing of a privately owned attraction would offend me and would fit with the logic you imagined.

    Nope, I am not confusing that!

    I named a private enterprise, that is doing exactly that: Siam Ocean World!

    Go and check it out!

    I am critizing the LOGIC: farang = more money = higher price!

    If you follow that kind of logic, all kinds of ridiculous concepts may pop up.

    This is not a question of have's vs have not's - it is also not an issue of taxpayer vs non-taxpayer.

    I have lived here for 8 years and in that time, paid more taxes than many, many Thais.

    And -true- I might get a price reduction, if I wave my work-permit in the face of a Nationalpark"ranger"...or I might not!

    And tourists?

    They pay taxes in Thailand as well!

    Guess what it is, that you pay on top of a bill in a restaurant!

    Guess what you pay with every beer, every bottle of water, every sandwich you buy, every hotel room you rent!

    IF this would be no issue...why are Nationalparks have signs for the Thai- price in Thai- language and farang- prices in English?

    Just because Somchai Watchingporn is not able to figure out the entrance price for himself, if written in English?

    Get real, please!

    But your examples don't prove your point, Siam Ocean World does not discriminate based on nationality but residency, expats get the local rate, so it is quite a different case and clearly nothing to do with what you claim, farangs = more money, or they would also charge the expats more.

    Okay, I'll bite: define Expat, please.

    And while you are on it: what am I and why did I pay the farang price- 5 times by now?

    And friends, who I have and who live here for even longer than me.

    Farang= money= higher price, is not what I claim!

    It is people like you, saying "oh clearly...the Thais live here it is their heritage (nature is not anyone's heritage exclusively, might I ad!) so of course, it is okay to charge visitors from abroad more...because they are richer and they are...well...from abroad!"

  8. The point is not if a tourist can AFFORD 10x the price that a Thai can.

    Going by that logic, a tourist also can afford THB 350 instead of 35 for a Khao Pad Gai or THB 1.300 for THB 130 taxi- ride.

    Why not take that further: a Thai pays 7 Baht for a bottle of drinking water at the 7eleven, so charge a tourist 70!

    Get your heads out of you behinds for a second, will ya'?!

    You confusing the financing of a governmental department which has very little chance to make any money with privately owned businesses which have every chance to make a profit , so actually you are not going by that logic at all as they are completely different cases. Dual pricing of a privately owned attraction would offend me and would fit with the logic you imagined.

    Nope, I am not confusing that!

    I named a private enterprise, that is doing exactly that: Siam Ocean World!

    Go and check it out!

    I am critizing the LOGIC: farang = more money = higher price!

    If you follow that kind of logic, all kinds of ridiculous concepts may pop up.

    This is not a question of have's vs have not's - it is also not an issue of taxpayer vs non-taxpayer.

    I have lived here for 8 years and in that time, paid more taxes than many, many Thais.

    And -true- I might get a price reduction, if I wave my work-permit in the face of a Nationalpark"ranger"...or I might not!

    And tourists?

    They pay taxes in Thailand as well!

    Guess what it is, that you pay on top of a bill in a restaurant!

    Guess what you pay with every beer, every bottle of water, every sandwich you buy, every hotel room you rent!

    IF this would be no issue...why are Nationalparks have signs for the Thai- price in Thai- language and farang- prices in English?

    Just because Somchai Watchingporn is not able to figure out the entrance price for himself, if written in English?

    Get real, please!

  9. For those jumping on the back of the red shirts, Thaksin etc, ask yourself, who has been on the ropes recently and whose position and "moral" standpoint would most benefit from the bombings? Also, is it not strange that the authorites know so much about the suspects?

    Didn't you read?

    They met Thailand's worst and only super- hero: Captain Supercabbie, the taxi- driver with the megamind!

    Ask Baerboxer: he knows him , too!

  10. The point is not if a tourist can AFFORD 10x the price that a Thai can.

    Going by that logic, a tourist also can afford THB 350 instead of 35 for a Khao Pad Gai or THB 1.300 for THB 130 taxi- ride.

    Why not take that further: a Thai pays 7 Baht for a bottle of drinking water at the 7eleven, so charge a tourist 70!

    Get your heads out of you behinds for a second, will ya'?!

    I think the increased price is a fair price for the visit, its only fair that Thai's get a reduced price, its their country and heritage the money goes to the upkeep, the increased money for food as you suggest would only make the trader more money, not the national park,

    so my head is out my asre

    Siam Ocean World- private company. Thais and farang pat different!

    I have just been to Krabi, visited to "National Parks"...what "upkeep" are you talking about?

    The 'upkeep" of the stalls, selling water and food for a ridiculous prices? (which ...in all fairness...happens everywhere)

    Because it was sure not the "upkeep" of the park!

    We were there early and there was trash all over the goddamn place...

  11. Excellent memory, the taxi- driver has there.

    At least for learning all the "facts" that were handed to him and tell them to the right person at the right time and in the right order...coffee1.gif

    In your opinion that is of course. No proof - nah, just a good imagination.

    Maybe he's a CIA or Chinese Intelligence plant; or was it Chalerm in one of his disguises? whistling.gif

    Yes- in my opinion.

    Unless these guys were assembling the bomb in the taxi and bragging about it...tell me, if you could remember such detail about 2 specific customers out of...50, let's say...you had during a day, just by being shown a grainy picture!

    I, for sure, could not!

    But as we all know: Thai- taxi drivers might not find the shortest way from Silom to Sukhumvit, but they sure as hell have excellent memory!


  12. The point is not if a tourist can AFFORD 10x the price that a Thai can.

    Going by that logic, a tourist also can afford THB 350 instead of 35 for a Khao Pad Gai or THB 1.300 for THB 130 taxi- ride.

    Why not take that further: a Thai pays 7 Baht for a bottle of drinking water at the 7eleven, so charge a tourist 70!

    Get your heads out of you behinds for a second, will ya'?!

  13. Police work quite efficiently when they aren't being obstructed by their political paymasters...Let the TV reds (and the real ones howl). Most things are better now than they were under YL. As for martial law - I haven't felt any one of my "rights" being restricted yet. Let me know when that happens, so I can notice.

    I guess, you have not heard of the Koh Tao- double- murder- case, have you?!

    • Like 1
  14. Now that the exploited tigers are off their sedatives, a scene from 'gladiators' comes to mind. Watch those robed guys run !

    Throw them a few sticks to defend themselves with.

    They wouldn't need sticks!

    For years they tamed 1 ton of muscles, fangs and claws just by being nice and respectful!


    • Like 1
  15. Most Farang tourists wouldn't have a clue, so what is all this whining going to achieve? Just don't go if you're too tight to pay 400 baht or are on a budget. Just stay home, get drunk and spill tears over the keyboard while you type your complaint and sit there contemplating the good old days, none of which we will see again.

    Yeah...if it only was that easy!

    Tourist companies nowadays fight tooth and nail for every dollar!

    F.e. negotiate about a raise of transfer - fares (Suvarnabhumi to Hotel on Sukhumvit) of THB 20!


    20 Baht!

    That is too much!

    So imagine an increase in Nationalpark- fares from ...let's say 200 to 400 THB!

    How do I know?

    I work for a tourism- company!

    We have some 70 employees and THIS affects us!


    Very much!

    So take your pathetic "Just stay home, get drunk"- crap and understand, that this creates problems in THE REAL WORLD!

    Something you have clearly lost all contact with!


  16. Since I'm not sure I'm allowed to post a link to The Phuket News on here, this may give an answer to some :-

    Google "Tax-paying foreigners not entitled to local price at National Parks" - Whilst mentioned in the above it applies nationally according to the spokesman.

    (PS. Siam Paragon's Aquarium charged 900Baht for me (the foreigner) and about 400Baht for the Thai woman I was with. If anything the Thai price was about all it was worth to see.)

    I liked the Aquarium- but that's another story!

    Here is my problem with it: I can -if I am very drunk, half asleep and not paying attention- understand the strange logic behind some of the arguments for a higher farang- price at NP's. (Although I paid more taxes in my 8 year here, than many Thais).

    But Siam Ocean World is a PRIVATE organisation, <deleted>!

    Why can they charge differently for locals and foreigners?

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