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Posts posted by DM07

  1. So...the autopsy rules out "assault",,,and that is it!

    Still no idea about what caused the death, still no clue about the "medicine" or "drugs"...

    ...and by the way: "murder" is not = assault!

    It doesn't take a hoe necessarily, to murder a person.

    and IF - I said IF- it is true, that she was brought out of the room and that room was cleaned and rented out again after 15 minutes...or even an hour: great work, once again, in examining the crime scene!

    Top Job by the RTP!

    edit: the scene of death!

    • Like 1
  2. First of all: RIP Christina and condolences to her family.

    Some things -and I am purely speculating here, of course- seem a bit odd.

    - Koh Tao...of course!

    - room in a guesthouse of a well known family

    - tweet about the bar fight

    - young, attractive foreign woman

    But let me ask some questions:

    - JTJ, Svizzdude etc: shouldn't you decide? Was it natural causes or a drug overdose? It can not be both, so...

    - I don't know, what antibiotics cost on Koh Tao, but here in Bangkok, THB 3000 for antibiotics...would take you a loooooong way!

    Unless: you see a doctor and get prescribed medicine...in which case, you might get some advise of NOT using alcohol and antibiotics together. As far as I know, the problem with alcohol and antibiotics is not, that it's very harmful (expect for liver problems) but alcohol makes the AB useless. Also: as a doctor, you should ask for allergies and a 20+ year old person should know about eventual allergies.

    - even IF you are young and a bit stupid, you know, that pain-killers and alcohol don't mix well! We all have been taken some paracetamol with a hangover (lots of alc still in the blood), some of us may have even used pain- killers with a lot of alcohol and lived very well to tell the tale! You dont take 1 valium and an alco-pop and then you just drop dead!

    - who actually said, the death was because of "natural courses"? Officer Somchai Watchingporn, after having a quick look at the naked body? Or an actual doctor, examining the corpse? Because for a thorough diagnosis, I bet, it would take an experienced forensic expert and not just some island- quack saying "Yep...that looks quiet natural! Cased closed"!

  3. Use limosine service. No arguing. Nice clean cars. No problem.


    Or buy your own car...or better: a helicopter!

    You understand what a Taxi-service is and what it is there for, don't you?!

    If the taxis get their own way and a luggage tax (?) is introduced, the price of airport limos WILL go up, no doubt about it. They wont what to miss out on the extra pickings.

    And DM07, don't be so quick to defecate on those who use the limo service. There are very legitimate reasons why some people do. I for instance use them if I'm travelling to and from Thailand (yes, my home), with my wife who has had a spinal cord operation. She prefers the comfort of a new car, and we avoid the pot-luck of getting a bone cruncher taxi.

    For all I care, everybody should use the service they wish.

    But just telling people to take a limo, does not really address the issue here, don't you agree?

    "Let them eat cake" comes to mind!

  4. Just so I get that right: friends come over to Thailand, want to buy a SIM at 7eleven and will have to register for the time of a -let's say- 10 day holiday!?

    Hey that's what you have to do when you visit malaysia/singapore and maybe even australia too.

    Been to KL and Singapore 4 times in the last 3 years.

    I never had to do that!

    So you bought a new SIM every trip?

    ...am I in some kind of trouble, if the answer is "yes"?! sad.png

  5. Do it in Singapore !

    and be sure its more than 2.000,- THB,

    Take your legal visas and you will be fine !!

    after Junta, slowly order comes in this country !!

    very much appreciated !!

    I think also good for correct living expats !

    others, please there are many other places to go !

    please go !!

    Yes..please go and do it in Singapore!

    In Singapore, where there are warning- signs everywhere, accompanying the hundreds of trash- cans!

    Where Singaporians and visitors alike get fined and not only the walking ATM's from outside country!

    After Junta...what?

    Sure: none so blind as the ones, who don't want to see!

    ...and finishing off with the ever so popular "if you don't like it here"!


  6. What a bunch of cry- babies!


    This country get's dumber by the minute!

    ...and proud of it, they are!

    Funny you draw this conclusion as the driver was fined 1000 baht and banned from picking up fares at the airport; and the one taxi related official, the head of some driver association, disapproved of the action. But continue on...I'm sorry I had to interrupt with some facts your Thai-bashing rant.

    Oh...1000 Baht and some official said "no,no" and he is not allowed at the airport anymore!

    You ARE new to Thailand, right!?

  7. Another reason added to the long long list of reasons not to visit Bangkok or live there, I still do not understand why people choose to live there when there is an entire wonderful country outside of the dirty, chaotic and Westernized mess that is called the city of angels. In a couple of decades it will be under water anyway because sea levels are rising (if you want to say we are at fault or not doesn't matter, they are rising is the important thing), and Bangkok is low lying land, and gets flooded annually as it is, so in the near future it will essentially be F#*!ed.

    The Thai police need more $$$ or baht whatever due to the reform and scraping out some of the corruption thanks to the Junta, so these traffic cops and low ranking officers will resort to things such as random stop and searches on foreigners, I would even suggest that some may plant something if desperate enough for money for their double life, but that will be a rarity, however it has been done before and so it shall be done again.

    Bangkok, I only ever see you when I need to go to the airport and that is too much for me. It is too big, too busy, too dirty, too expensive, too shabby and now the police are too hands on. Sounds like a great place to settle down, better invest in a boat though.. cheesy.gif

    You still don't understand, why people choose to live in Bangkok?

    Let me help you: 3 letters...people do it, so they have money to make a living...starts with a J...

    Well that goes for mainly Thais yes, around 1/4 of the entire Thai populous lives in Bangkok mainly for work. I was referring to (and should have mentioned) why do farang choose to live there... It is beyond my personal comprehension, there are a zillion better places to live in this country, Pattaya and Patong Beach are not on my list by the way.

    Again: 3 letters, starts with a J...

    a bit thick, are you?

    So only Thais work in Bangkok?

    Hush, hush...back under your bridge!

  8. Another reason added to the long long list of reasons not to visit Bangkok or live there, I still do not understand why people choose to live there when there is an entire wonderful country outside of the dirty, chaotic and Westernized mess that is called the city of angels. In a couple of decades it will be under water anyway because sea levels are rising (if you want to say we are at fault or not doesn't matter, they are rising is the important thing), and Bangkok is low lying land, and gets flooded annually as it is, so in the near future it will essentially be F#*!ed.

    The Thai police need more $$$ or baht whatever due to the reform and scraping out some of the corruption thanks to the Junta, so these traffic cops and low ranking officers will resort to things such as random stop and searches on foreigners, I would even suggest that some may plant something if desperate enough for money for their double life, but that will be a rarity, however it has been done before and so it shall be done again.

    Bangkok, I only ever see you when I need to go to the airport and that is too much for me. It is too big, too busy, too dirty, too expensive, too shabby and now the police are too hands on. Sounds like a great place to settle down, better invest in a boat though.. cheesy.gif

    You still don't understand, why people choose to live in Bangkok?

    Let me help you: 3 letters...people do it, so they have money to make a living...starts with a J...

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