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Posts posted by DM07

  1. As one US politician said; "not all muslims are terrorists,but right now all terrorists are muslims . About sums it up.! Lets face it,they hate us,no matter how many sympathetic words they utter 'after the event'

    The only fact, that this drivel sums up, is the fact, that the world in the meantime is turning a blind eye to all other kinds of terror.

    As long as it is Muslims, it is terror!

    If it is not a Muslim, it is just some deranged lunatic.

    But I think, you made it clear, when you said "one US politician"- my expectations tumbled to a new low!

    • Like 1
  2. Of course it would be nice, if all the powerful Muslim- heads of state etc. would be out in droves, condemning the Paris- massacre.

    But do they really have to?

    When it turned out, that a certain Anders Breivik, who killed more than 70 young people in Norway, was a right wing fringe, Catholic religious nut...did anyone ask the Pope to issue a statement on behalf of all Christians?

    Or any pastor or priest in any church all over Europe, to preach about this despicable act on the following Sunday and denounce Breivik as a Christian?

    Some did, some didn't...but strangely enough, everybody (rightfully) concentrated on his obvious madness.

    But here, it's Muslims...so every Muslim in the world has to come forth and issue a personal note, reading "I, Yussuf Lam Kebab, hereby declare, that I ....".

    Bit two- tongued, isn't it?!

  3. Here is my 2 Satang:

    I find it very difficult to only call it an act of terror, done by some misguided lunatics and find no "connection" to the religious aspect.

    The did it as Muslims, in the name of Islam and in the name of the Prophet Mohammed and in the name of their imaginary friend in the sky!

    No one can discuss this fact away!

    Did they do it in the name of all Muslims?


    As Christopher Hitchens once said: Religion poisons everything!

    And the ones who are now ranting on about how bad Islam as a total is and how all Muslims er potential killers...I can make a safe bet, that right now, as I am writing this, somewhere a fanatic Christian is planing to kill a gay- person or an abortion- doctor in the name of Jesus!

    In Myanmar a Buddhist monk is beating up a Rohinga!

    Someone, with a very religious backrgound, is planing an "ethnic- cleansing"!

    In Germany, extreme right-wingers and Neo- Nazis have their head exploding, because they don't know, if they should celebrate 4 dead members of the "left wing lying press" or have a field day, because Muslim- terror acts are water on their mills.

    Extremism - religious, political...- is always bad!

    • Like 2
  4. How about more quality tourists meaning no sex tourists, no alcoholics, no dirty backpackers, no more Full Moon Party. That would not work because that makes up for 99.999 % of the expats and tourists. ok never mind. bad idea

    Correct, your Royal Highness, King of all Farang, Thaier Than Thai, enlightened by Thainess.

    Jim Yung Un- who has no testicles, never consumes alcohol unless it mixed with the nectar of the Gods (of Thainess)

    But since you are so much better than the rest of us mere mortals: pray tell...what are these "12 new ways" of discovering Thainess, for my eyes fail to read anything about it (and my brain and stomache refuse to...)

    • Like 2
  5. It’s Official Dimitri Povse’s Death on Koh Tao Deemed a Suicide


    There was hand written note on his bed that said, in French, “Iris, I love you. Suicide seems easy but it is actually difficult.”

    Somsak added that since Povse’s hands were only loosely tied, he may have inserted his hands into the rope just before committing suicide

    It is also official that the B2 are the main suspect to have killed Hannah and David!

    Although absolutely nothing matches up.


  6. Yes, they are failing!


    Because all they are, are brainless "let's ban alcohol on festival"- ideas!

    And it is so easy: you don't wear a helmet- you pay!

    Drunk driving- you pay!

    You get caught again within 6 months- you pay and loose your license for 30 days!

    You get caught again or without license - you pay and loose the license for 6 months.

    Get caught again- jail- time!

    Learning by burning!

    But then again: TIT! coffee1.gif

  7. What's the point? People refuse to just understand that wearing a helmet is not to prevent a fine by the plod. It is to save your life.

    There is no concept of danger here. Nothing is dangerous until something bad happens.

    Mai pen raaaaiii. Is ok. Have a another for the road.

    Has anyone noticed that perhaps 80-90% of the "helmets" in use would be of little to no help in an accident. I went looking for a full face helmet recently and ran into a post from a farang that he had found one for B300. Someone answered and asked if he really wanted to stick his head in a B300 helmet.

    Where I come from, most of these "helmets' couldn't hold a decent pasta- salad!

  8. I really cannot see a problem.

    Why not just negotiate and agree the fare with the driver prior to setting off on the journey? This is how it was done before meter taxis were introduced and how deals have always been conducted in Thailand dating back to the Jurassic period.

    ...and before there where laws, we just hit each other with stones and sticks!

    I really don't understand anyone going "She should have gotten the AL" or "not a big deal, it is a lot more expensive somewhere else" or that BS about negotiating, because that is , what our forefathers did!

    You call a TAXI with a METER and that is exactly what you should get and then you should pay, according to the fares and the meter!


    It is not my problem, that this guy is driving a big taxi- that is his to deal with!

    I made this comparrison before: you don't go to a pizzeria and order salami- pizza, that is on the menu for 300 Baht and when the check bin comes, you pay 500 because the waiter tells you, there was more tomato- paste on the pizza!

    Or the waiter tells you, you can not have salami, because he doesn't like it and he will bring you mushrooms!

    What the f@#$ is wrong with you?

    • Like 1
  9. send them back or it will be hundreds next time

    They are persecuted there,and will be mistreated and abused wherever they

    end up,

    regards worgeordie

    Then they should go to Pakistan or another Muslim country like Malaysia where I am sure they would be more welcome. Personally I don't buy the persecution excuse.

    Or me, there is always a place for them with ISIS, who are looking for stupid uneducated Muslims, to do their work and to convert to their Muslim way of life,

    Wow! This thread could be a new low in ignorance, hatred, misinformation and and lack of empathy!


  10. @jacky54 (or should that read 45?)

    Ho,ho the voice of the paranoid nationalist, borderline fascist, growing up in the safety of a rich developed country in the west, with relative freedom of ...everything basically, who doesn't care for anything but his own well- being.

    I am "such an expert", but you are obviously not.

    So google it yourself and make an effort for once in your life, to understand and feel empathy, for people, not as well off as you are!

  11. Thai get offended by a company in the Netherlands, printing Buddhas on the OUTSIDE of portable loos!

    Thais are offended by a Japanese punkrocker, wearing a saffron robe!

    Thais are offended by this, Thais are offended by that!

    Tell a Thai that you are offended by something they did and they are offended by that, too!

    Time to grow up and grow a pair!

    If you are offended, by what these guys did (Yoga...outside of the temple...) go and TELL them.

    Otherwise, I stick with Stephen Fry:

    "'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so <deleted> what?'

    All Buddhists would find that offensive

    Look at the outrage from some idiot foreigners when a few schoolkids dressed up as Hitler. The Israeli Embassy even got involved I think.

    .I've gone up to two Thai people and told them that I was offended as they were wearing the sex pistols "God save the Queen"t-shirt. One didn't give a toss but the middle aged woman was very embarrassed. Another young guy who was wearing an anarchy sign was shocked when I told him what an anarchist believes.

    a) all Buddhists find what offensive? The toilets ( I spoke to some, who couldn't care less)? The Punk (dito!)? Or the Yoga?

    b ) Oh boy...here we go again: surely there is no difference between a psychotic mass murderer, who brought new meaning to the term "industrialized killing" and 2 hippies doing yoga on a lawn, somewhere near a temple, right?! Do the words :"content matters" mean anything to you?

    c) You were offended by a Sex Pistols- shirt? Yeah...I point you back at Stephen Fry! Especially the "well, so <deleted< what?" - part

  12. Thai get offended by a company in the Netherlands, printing Buddhas on the OUTSIDE of portable loos!

    Thais are offended by a Japanese punkrocker, wearing a saffron robe!

    Thais are offended by this, Thais are offended by that!

    Tell a Thai that you are offended by something they did and they are offended by that, too!

    Time to grow up and grow a pair!

    If you are offended, by what these guys did (Yoga...outside of the temple...) go and TELL them.

    Otherwise, I stick with Stephen Fry:

    "'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so <deleted> what?'

    You appear very offended by what some other people (Thais) feel and express online. Maybe you should go and tell them instead of whining online .... which is an action that seems to offend you ... or take your own advise.

    And you know for certain, that I don't do that- many times, actually?

  13. Thai get offended by a company in the Netherlands, printing Buddhas on the OUTSIDE of portable loos!

    Thais are offended by a Japanese punkrocker, wearing a saffron robe!

    Thais are offended by this, Thais are offended by that!

    Tell a Thai that you are offended by something they did and they are offended by that, too!

    Time to grow up and grow a pair!

    If you are offended, by what these guys did (Yoga...outside of the temple...) go and TELL them.

    Otherwise, I stick with Stephen Fry:

    "'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so &lt;deleted&gt; what?'

    • Like 1
  14. send them back or it will be hundreds next time

    They are persecuted there,and will be mistreated and abused wherever they

    end up,

    regards worgeordie

    Then they should go to Pakistan or another Muslim country like Malaysia where I am sure they would be more welcome. Personally I don't buy the persecution excuse.

    I honestly don't give a flying f#$% what you "buy" or not!

    Maybe inform yourself about the situation in Myanmar, before you are posting your inhumane, non- emphatic BS!

    Thank you!

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