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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Nothing to do with the fact you were shit during the World Cup (in addition to having been shit for Arsenal for the past two seasons) or appear to support an intolerant, wannabe facist dictator, then...

    I for one, couldn't care less, if he is Muslim or Hindu, or if he sings the anthem.

    It's a football- match, not the Eurovision!


    He makes this about everything and everyone is at fault...just not him, having his photo taken with Erdogan at an official press- appointment (some claim, this photo was a private thing!!!), where Erdogan was actually rallying for his "election"!


    That and ONLY THAT should be at the center and front of this affair! 

  2. 3 hours ago, peterb17 said:

    Oh Dear


    So many negative and cynical  comments today- and so many commenting from a Western perspective.


    Sometimes I really do wonder if anyone on ThaiVisa actually lives in Thailand , or if they make any attempt to understand the culture. 

    Like it or not the great religions have shaped the world we live in , who can not stand in awe in one of the great medieval cathedrals in Europe or be moved in my favourite temple Wat Pho.

    Many Thai young men will become a novice, and if you live here - you will probably have been to a ceremony - it’s a joyous occasion. 

    Buddhism is a thread of beliefs that runs through everything.


    The kids are going to become novices for a few days - and if it helps them to stay somewhere quiet and out of the limelight for a while - excellent . 

    Oh, please spare me!

    Yeah, I live in Thailand and yeah, I had a look at their "religion" and it is the same crap than anywhere else in the world!

    I don't have to like everything Thais do, just because I live here!

    It's not "entering Thailand and hang up your brain in the entry hall"!


    • Thanks 2
  3. All of the BS this guy is spouting is not even worth an answer!

    But let me just state one point:


    5 An alcohol-dependent person should forge a bonding with family, friends, neighbours, clubs/foundations who could get him/her overcome the habit.


    Hey Einstein! If you look at alcoholics, you will find that their alcohol- dependency actually estranged them from families, friends, neighbours etc.

    Mostly, they are not able to lead a "normal" social life!

    That is the PROBLEM, you dimwit!

  4. 18 hours ago, TKDfella said:

    I think you have missed the point. We all know it happens elsewhere. Religion has always had its perverts but when they are caught the authorities don't come out with a lack or refusal of responsibilities. The case here is the lack of enthusiasm to deal with the problems. In general, parents in the western countries come out to form outspoken organisations or take to streets in protest. That won't and can't happen in Thailand.,,yet at any rate.

    I really don't understand, why this stupid whataboutism is granted any response!

    You are not allowed to stay in Thailand, if you don't acknowledge that bad things are happening elsewhere?

    What a POS- comment!

    But of course, the defenders of all things Thai, have to be out, to deflect from the problem(s) at hand!


  5. 16 hours ago, Torrens54 said:

    Can’t believe...or maybe I CAN, the “Mean SPIRITED” attitudes expressed by some people !


    This has been an Uplifting story around the world and many millions of readers and viewers are enjoying the follow-up material. No one is holding a gun at your head, forcing you to read it.


    As for those who have nothing to contribute, aside from Snide Remarks, if you choose to live in THAILAND it would behove you to exhibit a midicum of “Good Grace,” if not “Good Breeding” (but lack of the latter, is perhaps obvious)  and RESPECT the beliefs of OUR HOSTS.  

    Ever heard of freedom of expression?

    Just because I live here, doesn't mean I have to "respect" anything!

    I can acknowledge it...but that is it!

    They have the freedom to believe in little fairies and I have the freedom, to think it is nuts!

    Get over it!

    ...and yourself!

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